Friday, January 26, 2024

Non Horse Special Run Revealed, Crystal Horse Reveal, Chosen for Reykjavík, & Best of Breyerfest!!

 The Non-Horse Special Run has been revealed!!

Meet I Will Survive!!

The loss of a species can be a blow to the Earth's ecosystem, no matter how big or small. Due to the colonization and over hunting in South Africa the Quagga went into extinction in the late 19th century.

There is some hope that the Quagga will return as they have been discovered to be a sub-species of plains zebra rather than being a distinct species. Scientists have been planning and trying to bring the equid back since 1987. the German Naturalist Reinhold Rau has pioneered the Quagga Project in South Africa through selective breeding of plains zebras for the distinct minimal striping coat of the Quagga. Unfortunately, these Quaggas will not be true Quagga's genetically, but it will be the closest to bringing the exact equid back.  I Will Survive is named after the popular song by Gloria Gaynor and is done on the Zebra mold by Kristina Lucas Francis. Of course he sports the equids coat color/pattern, that is of the extinct one and not the one above which is the result of the Quagga Project. 

I do really like this one and want to get it, so so far I am either gonna have to debate which ones to get or not get, though so far my tentative may be a no go. Or I am gonna have to decide to buy another ticket this year. Not only do I have enough Breyerfest savings from last year, but I have made quite a few sales on duplicate models, plus with me being more officially full time at my job and the fact they gave every full time employees a raise, I shouldn't have to worry too much for financials this year despite student loans coming out. Though there is the matter pf space in both my current apartment and back home which is my permanent address. I don't fully know right now, hopefully when I plan with my Breyerfest party I can make a decision. I still have some time to do so.

Next up...

Meet Fortitude!!

The crystal horse been revealed!! Named for the mantra of "patience and fortitude" for when you've got challenges ahead of you and obstacles to overcome. Patience is the tolerance and acceptance to face delay, troubles, &/or suffering without anger. Fortitude is for strength of to enable one to encounter danger or adversity with courage. Fortitude is a shrunken crystal version of the Fighting Stallion by Chris Hess. He will cost $50.00 and will be limited to 1,750 pieces.

I do like him and will be getting him. Though it is my mom who mostly really loves them and gets them every year we attend Breyerfest. So regardless if I liked him or not, he would be finding his way home to the rets of my collection and sit with some of my porcelains and my mom and I have combined curio cabinets due to space for our breakables. I do not believe this guy is named after a song, at least not that I've seen or heard yet.

I was chosen for Reykjavík!!! Glad to be starting off the year good and be able to start and collect a new series!! I also can't wait to get him in hand to see his color in person!

The next "Best of Breyerfest series" is here!!
Meet Bulletproof, Dance The Night, Flowers, New Rules, & Wannabe!!

Bulletproof is a mini version of Woodford, he was a raffle model for Breyerfest 2018. He is done on the new shrunken stablemate version of the traditional scale Clydesdale Stallion mold. Woodford was done on the Shannondel, loose mane and tail version, mold. He is named after the song by La Roux.

Dance the Night:
Dance the Night is a mini version of Kick Up Your Heels, a raffle model from 2014. Dang the night is done on the shrunken stablemate version of the traditional scale Fighting Stallion mold. Kick Up You rHeels was done on the mold mentioned before in the last sentence. Dance the Night is named after the song Dance the Night Away by Dua Lipa form the new Barbie movie.

Flowers is the mini version of Bonheur, a raffle model form 2021. Flowers is done on the Loping Quarter Horse stablemate mold. Bonheur was done on the Roxy traditional scale mold. Flowers is named for the new song by Miley Cyrus.

New Rules:
New Rules is the miniature version of the 2011 raffle model, King Arthur. New Rules is done on the Irish Cob, aka Corbin, stablemate mold. King Arthur was originally done on the Cleveland Bay traditional scale mold. New Rules is named after the song by Dua Lipa.

Wannabe is a mini version of Tacoma, the raffle model form 2007. Wannabe is done on the Valegro stablemate mold, Tacoma was done on the Keltic Salinero/Salinero traditional scale mold. Wannabe is named after the popular song by The Spice Girls.

The Best of Breyerfest series 5 will cost $60.00 and will be limited to 2,100 pieces. 

I do like them. The one thing I will say is I am surprised, and a tiny bit disappointed, to see the clydesdale stallion and fighting stallion molds being used for this set. The new clydesdale stallion mold is being used a lot already, in fact the bobbed mane and tail version are being used for the collector event this year as that event's stablemate. Then the fighting stallion is already being used for the crystal horse and Breyer rarely uses the same mold twice, especially not for the same event. I get that it works as the model it's based off of is on the traditional scale mold and this helps make it more of a mini me, but it's also almost being overused at this point. Valegro works as a mini Slainero, who is being used for this years special run line ups so it does tie in nicely. The Loping Quarter Horse one, I am not sure if the shirts that Roxy may or may not be the surprise. Sh his one of my initial guesses and I am kinda really hoping she does end up being it this year. Irish Cob/Corbin is starting to be slightly overused, especially for Breyerfest but I do like him in that coat color so he gets a pass. I will say I am only a fan of three of these songs/artists they used as inspiration for the names. I like La Roux, especially Bulletproof, listened to it not too long ago by coincidence. Dance the Night Away is so far the only Dua Lipa song I like thanks to the new Barbie movie which has a great soundtrack. Then of course I'm am a "Wannabe" by the Spice Girls fan as its the oldest song in this lineup and has been heard/played everywhere. So all in all, in the end I will be getting them so I can have a complete set as I have the first set leading up to now.

(photos and info come from the official Breyerfest blog)

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Sneak Peak Revealed, Breyerfest Deco classic, & New Web Special/Web Special Series!!!

 The sneak peak has been revealed and it is the Mare & Foal set!!

Meet Fighter & Survivor!!

"Fighter" is the strong mamma who works hard to keep an eye on her filly. She is on the new Rhiannon/Gypsy Vanner Mare mold sporting a rich dark bay minimal Sabino with four high stockings. "Survivor" is a sweet filly who works hard at doing her best. She is done on the new Rhemi/Gypsy Vanner Foal mold done in a beautiful black Sabino coat with two different eye colors! I am pretty sure they were named after the Reba McEntire song "Survivor" which was also used as the them for her TV show. Breyer didn't fully specify but the descriptions of the horses seemed to make sense with that song. Fighter & Survivor will cost $85.00 and will be limited to 2,500 pieces.

I really love the look of these two!! They are absolutely beautiful! I absolutely also love the look of the foal! I think they will be going on my must get list for the year. I will admit I wasn't too sure if we would get a mare & foal set special run, usually on anniversary type years they don't, maybe for a raffle, but overall not really. Though it does make sense for this year to have one as Breyer is mostly treating this year's theme as more or less girl power and female oriented to a point rather than clearly seeing why it's "Against All Odds".


Meet Just Like Fire!!!

The mythical immortal bird, the phoenix, can be reborn again form the ashes. The ancient idea of the creatures exact origins is up for debate by scholars, both the ancient Greeks and ancient Egyptians show they are the creator. The phoenix is often depicted as a large bird with gold, orange, and red plumage and is the symbol of rebirth. Just Like Fire is done on the Arabian Stallion mold, aka Malik, by Sarah Minkiewicz-Breunig sporting a vibrant and stunning pearlescent, flame inspired gradient with golden phoenix pinto pattern and glittering eyes. He is named after the song fo the same name by artist P!NK. He will cost $30.00 and be limited to 2,000 pieces. 

I do really like the color fo this guy, and while I like the mold I do think it is starting to get over used, especially for decorators. While I do plan to get them I was still hoping for a different mold like harper or appendix mare as they are a bit underused. I like that the yellow specks look like flying embers/sparks of fire, though I do somewhat wish he looked more like a phoenix, like more feathery. Despite this, it doesn't make me dislike him enough to not get him so he'll have to come home with me. 

First Web Special of the year is here!!

Meet Reykjavík!!

Reykjavik - Collector Club Model

Reykjavík is named after the capitol of Iceland. It means "Bay of Smoke", it have vents that release steam form deep within the earth. So with this location being form Iceland, naturally this release would be on the Icelandic mold. Reykjavík sports a a silver grulla coat which was designed by Sommer Prosser and is smokey-hued and reminiscent of the stormy winter sky. Reykjavík also sports a blaze with tall white stockings on all four legs. He has blue eyes and glowing icy shade like the glaciers of the surrounding landscape. He also has the silver dapple gene which gives his mane and tail there pale highlights. Reykjavík is limited to 600 pieces and will cost $185.00 if selected. He will also have his name and the year 2024 stamped on his belly.

Reykjavik facing rightReykjavik facing left

I really love the look of this guy. I am a sucker for grullos so he was an automatic for entry for me. I am also glad Breyer is doing a destination related series again. I was hoping they'd finish the "America the Beautiful" series at some point, it is nice to see other countries added too. I am really hoping to be picked for him, or other members of my family as my a[rents have account, mainly for Breyerfest tickets and other things.  I pretty much entered for him right away, at least the same day he was revealed and entries started. 

(Note: Photos and Info from Breyerfest blog and Breyer website)

Thursday, January 18, 2024

Update on Prices & Quantities for Surprise Model & Edge of Glory, Plus Sneak Peak & More Announcements/Reveals!!

 Breyer has finally updated the Exclusive models page to list the quantities and prices for the surprise horse and "Edge of Glory".

Surprise! Girls Run The World! is listed at: $85.00 with 7,800 pieces made.

Edge of Glory is listed at: $65.00 with 2,400 pieces made.

Next up...

The last Store Special/Limited Edition Portrait model has been revealed!!

Meet Gascon the Great!!

This Paso Fino gelding is from the "Tales of Triumph" story about an equine who broke breed standards. Gascon the Great became a jumping prodigy through the devotion and care of his owner. The grey Paso Fino has pushed his breeds boundaries and is excelling in the show ring! Back in October of 2018, Gascon was rescued form a seizure case along with 50 other horses and made his way to Horses Without Humans Rescue. He was untrusting, fearful, and neglected and was soon found by now owner Jennifer Cefalu. Though he was bred for traditional Paso Fino classes, Gascon has shown the world just how versatile he is and his breed are. Gascon has gone from a neglected young untrained horse to a top versatile show horse! Gascon's model will cost $75.00 and limited to 2,500 pieces.

Gascon is done one the new Cancion/Paso Fino Stallion mold and features his near white grey coat and pink nose! So far, from the promo pics, the mold has not yet been adapted to be a gelding like the real horse. That may change and we'll have to see by Breyerfest. It would be nice for the mold to also have a gelding adaptation not only for this release, but future releases and be helpful for hobbyists who show and role play their models. I honestly at first didn't;t think they would use this mold for this year as it was used last year for a raffle model and usually Breyer doesn't reuse the models twice in a row for breyerfest and events. Though I do find this fellow to be very cute! I think I will definitely be getting him, I could use more Spanish breeds, especially in grey/white grey as most of mine are bay followed by chestnut. 

We got one sneak peak that will more Ethan likely be fully revealed tomorrow. Many so far have speculated it will be a stablemate. So far I can only see it being the new brio mold if it is a stablemate. Im hoping they bring back the usually stablemate (like the deco) that was always at Breyerfest before the addition of the best of Breyerfest series and online only one. Last year was the first one where they only had the two sets vs the 3 introduced a couple of years ago. Though based off the detail my guess was going too be the classic or getting to the last of the special runs before revealing the last of the limited edition/store special models as prize models are always shown last. If traditional scale, hoping for forever Saige/mustang mare/hwin. It does almost remind fo Silver but he's been used a lot for Breyerfest in the past and most of the models have been mares so Forever Saige fits best. Or we could be getting a mare & foal set and this is the new Gyspy Vanner mare & foal set, this could be Rhiannon's/mare's eye.

Change in Breyerfest tickets has been announced!! Breyer has announced that this year all Breyerfest ticket swill become digital, menaing nothing physical will be mailed out and there will also not be doing wristbands either. The tickets will be in the form of a QR that will be received by participants via email through a partner Breyer has teamed up with. Breyer said that the emails and QR's codes should be sent out a few weeks prior to Breyerfest. Breyer did state, as well as others, that the codes can be printed out if one wishes and may be best due to the cell service at the horse park being very spotty, especially once there's a whole bunch of people there and wifi is pretty much non existent. It was also noted to better refrain form trading codes due to not knowing if they had been scanned yet or not, the only way I can see trading them is being very well organized and aware of which codes are which and what has or has not been scanned. I am a bit sad there will be no wristbands as they are a nice little keepsake and go well in my scrapbook. Before they used to do buttons and those were nice keepsakes with the commemorative pin too. Oh well, maybe there will be something else going on and handed out and hoping for something nice in the VIP Swag Bag.

Though Breyer did say there will be one code that will be scanned multiple times and that would will be referred to as the Master QR Code. It will be scanned multiple times at multiple places. It is mostly for checking in at the main gets and checking in to pick up event models. More can be read about tit on the official Breyerfest blog here:

One last reveal for the day!!

Meet Blue Zues!!

A second chance. He was also from one of the "Tales of Triumph" stories. This blue roan mustang stallion had once roamed the Red Desert of Wyoming. "Zues" now resides at Sky Dog Ranch & Sanctuary where he can again live free for the rest of his days. Sky Dog's founder Clare Staples knew she had to keep this stallion and his family together and free when she first saw him and his herd in the wild. In October of 2020, Clare received the dreaded news of Zues being rounded up and being put in a holding facility in Colorado.

Due to the pandemic, the BLM put adoption of mustangs on hold. This did not deter Clare, she called, emailed, and badgered anyone at the facility she could to allow her to adopt the stallion before he could be moved to another facility for holding, fearing he may never be seen again. The facility finally decided to allow a small number of people in and Clare immediately spotted Zeus. She bid and unmatched $25 and trailered him to take him home to the 9,000 acre sanctuary in Oregon. Now with Zeus safe, Clare went back a few months later to locate the rest of his family, knowing he was missing them. She only had 4 hours took look over 2,000 horses but finally found 3 mares that had been apart of Zeus' herd. After the paperwork was done the mares & their foals were on their way to reunite with Zeus after nearly 11 months. The family now roams the sanctuary with Blue Zeus leading them giving them a second chance at freedom. More about him at Sky Dog here:

Blue Zeus is on the Fireheart/Mustang Stallion mold. It sports his spotted blue roan coat, with his tall stockings, and one white patch on his neck. He will be the online traditional scale model for this year's Breyerfest. Menaing he will available to purchase online only, but all ticket types will be allowed access to purchase him online. Note: does mean he will be included with the VIP ticket ability to preorder in advance. This will be the first time the online traditional model is a portrait model, the past ones have been a breed or a horse with a name relating to the theme. Blue Zeus will cost $75.00 and be limited to 3,000 pieces.

Back when the "Tales of Triumph" series stories were coming out, this guy was one of the immediate guesses when his story was shared. I sadly do not know who he is prior, I really need to follow more mustang stories than just the pryor mountain mustangs. I do really love the look of this guy so I am really hoping to get him and be able to do it when I am not at the horse park. I'll admit I thought that Fireheart was also not gonna be a repeat mold as he was also used last year with Cancion for the raffle models. But I am not going to repeat myself from above again. Though of course every release on the Fireheart mold so far has been one I don't want to miss and am trying to conga the mold.

That'll be it for now, post more on Monday as Breyer had three different announcements/reveals today and I was also covering one from a day prior so that was a lot to cove run one post.

(all info and photos from the official breyerfest blog)

Monday, January 15, 2024

More Breyerfest Reveals!! & My "first" Model Horse Blog Post From Project/Final in College!

Fourth Special Run!!

Meet "This Is My Fight Song"!


Breyer sadly didn't write much about this in his reveal post. This time they didn't try to intertwine the song he's named after while giving him a personality and describing him. It was very short and very generic and pretty much uneventful for such a spectacular looking release. So because of that I will cover what song they are referencing here just in case anyone doesn't know it or is having a hard time placing it. "This is my Fight Song" may also be referred to the following line after this line/verse of "take back my life song." It is performed by Rachel Platten and came out in 2014, like the previous song and release "sorry, not sorry" this was played everywhere at one point or another and sometimes still is depending on the station. Rachel apparently wrote the song to help convince herself not to quit the music industry and is regarded as a pop/indie pop anthem. Now onto this handsome hunk whom I can see why they chose to fit this song name model horse combo.

"This Is My Fight Song" is done on the rad new Adonis/Rearing Lipizzan Stallion/Lipizzaner Stallion mold sculpted by Heather Puleo. He sports a liver chestnut frame overo pinto coat. He will be limited to 2,500 pieces and will cost $75.00. I really love this guy, so he is definitely going on my must get list. Adonis was made to go with Selene and Carina models released in 2017 for the premier club as the new Lipizzaner mare & foal molds set, an dit's because of this I cannot help but feel this guy will suit very well as the sire/stallion for Julep & Pim on those same mare & foal molds who were released back in 2018 for Breyerfest that year. Sure it may not perfectly work genetically, this guy is a liver chestnut pinto while the mare is a grullo overo pinto while the foal is a black overo. Mostly the problem is overo to overo cross risking overo lethal white syndrome (olw syndrome) and how the mare we do not may be E/E or E/e with dun dilute to man the foal black which is E/E or E/e and the mare may or may not be a double dun diluted but is more than likely a single dilute. It was just a thought in terms of potential role play and outside photography like mustangs and what not.

Next up we have...

The Surprise horse reveal (well the name anyway)!!

"Surprise! Girls Run The World!" Clearly named after one of Beyonce's hit songs. Though I think I would've named it "Girls Run The World Surprise" as that seems to fit fit better grammatically and rolls off the tongue better. Based off the name and the blog (as well as the over-all theme and they way Breyer's gone about the theme this year), it's definitely/more than likely going to be a mare mold hit year. Question is not only which one, but could this be the year they really switch to up and do a mare & foal set for the surprise. I'm somewhat what doubtful they would ever do mare & foal for the surprise, but my top guesses so far are Bluegrass Bandit, Ruffian, Lipizzaner Mare, Wixom, Roxy, Marabella, & Connemara Mare. Possibly even Make a Wish, Rain for a stretch, and Adalusian Mare. I did have Bobby Jo on my original list of guesses for potential molds to be used this year, but when she was revealed as the event model for the collector even Spokes & Spurs, I had to tick her off my list as Breyer won't use the same mold for two events in the same year. Kinda hoping for Bluegrass bandit at this point, Ruffian and Roxy would be a close second. Connemara Mare would be nice, but at the same time I'd say wait till another year. Make a Wish is one of my fav molds, but then I would really want all variations so Bluegrass bandit I wouldn't;t mind so I could start off with one or two variations and then get the rest later. I'm still trying to get the rest of the Esprit Samba Surprise models from my first Breyerfest back in 2016. Anyway, as always I get the surprise just to have one and see what I'll get. So far in all my Breyerfests, I've only gotten one glossy model, and that was last year! Now I'm on to pull another one or get a deco in my pull. Quick note: price and quantity for this release haven't been announced yet, I will give an update on that once Breyer gives out that info.

This photo was also in the post about the surprise model, and all their shorts say "Girls Run The World" like the name of the surprise, but I wonder if this will be part of the official fan march fo this year's Breyerfest or if it was just for this photo. Kind hoping its part of the fan march as this would be a good sneak peak for it and they don't look like too bad of shirts anyways.

Because this wasn't a full reveal, to not leave us hanging, we have also gotten the reveal of...

"Edge of Glory"!!

Breyer stated they wanted to "brush the dangerous": with this reveal. "Edge of Glory" is done on the Ashquar mold by Brigitte Eberl and done in a soft dapple grey with a glossy finish. He looks to have both normal dapples and resist dapples. It actually looks quite nice as I've seen some horses grey out like this, it varies depending on the horse and their genetics but it's always interesting and cool to see there coats change colors over the years. This guy is named after one of Lady Gaga’s hit songs, and was referenced in the initial post header "going gaga!".

I absolutely love this guy! I am somewhat of a sucker for grey horses, especially Arabians! So he is definitely going on my list o must gets for this year. I am also a huge fan of Lady Gaga and went through a strong phase of listening to all her music in middle school, "Edge of Glory" is also one of my all time favorite songs of hers amongst others like: "Born This Way", "Marry the Night", "Judas", "You & I", "Hair", "Boys Boys Boys", "Poker Face", "Just Dance", "Telephone ft. Beyonce", "Venus", "Applause", "Million Reasons", & "Perfect Illusion" to name a few. I also love Robin Skouteris's remixes/mashups of her songs, they pair really well with Michael Jackson songs and Madonna songs. Anyway, to quick note, price and quantities have also not been released by Breyer yet either. I will give an update on that once Breyer gives out that info.

(Info and pictures came from Breyer via the Breyerfest blog)


I would like to discuss the importance of the Breyer model horse hobby. I would include other company/brands in this such as Schleich, Copperfox, Peter Stone, etc., but I am not as active in those communities as I am with the Breyer one. Though that is not to say those other companies aren’t important and I don’t know anybody in them nor have models that I like from them, it’s just that Breyer has touched me in a way, that I can find myself more active in their community and more likely to purchase their models. It may be due to the fact they had a fairly large presence in my life starting with my early childhood.

The model shown above is a photo of the exact same type of model I played with quite a bit as a child. This one I called Applesauce the appaloosa growing up. This particular model is part of Breyer’s classic scale line, which are their “medium size” horses which are easy to play with for smaller children while having a decent size for a doll to ride on it, and small enough for collectors to not worry about much shelf space being taken up on. I mainly pretended that Applesauce was a mustang, mainly because I knew mustangs could have complex colors and patterns whereas most other don’t quite unless specifically bred for it. Though I didn’t quite know that then, I thought only mustangs could come in pretty colors and patterns. Though this guy helped spark my imagination, and as I've gotten older I see that is still quite the case with many regardless of age, gender, etc.

Through this hobby, mainly through the help of social media, I've been able to meet other horse lovers and those who have had Breyers since they were small children and used to play with before they became something much more. I learned that all of us hobbyist have a love and passion for horses so strong, we seem not to be able to part with our once beloved toy horses, that we have saved them and they have since become models where we safely place them on shelves to be admired after we’ve given some of them a rough past. Though we have found some that were once loved and retired them to a shelf life to help them become loved once again and continue to last, we also have some we have decided to keep brand new. For most it is due to different types of shows and events hosted within the community.

Across the country, and even across the world in some areas, there are different shows to be hosted to show off the models. Not showing off their condition or someone’s overall amazing collection per say, but to show them off in breed classes, diorama contests, photo shows, realistic scene setups, etc and show off what horses in general can do. Many do this as they have a strong artistic streak and want to showcase it, as well as have fun in the process by seeing others' creations and meeting the people who are just as artistic inclined as another.

(P.C. Original owner)

The photo above is a great example of the artisticness seen in the hobby. Many will choose a model they like, which in turn is usually based off a breed and/or discipline they are interested in. Some breeds can be put in for others as many breeds can be related to each other, and a model horse being not a real horse can easily pass for an entirely different breed than what it was originally modeled after, especially in portrait models which are models based off real life horses. If one likes Warmblood, they can easily take a Thoroughbred model and use it in a Warmblood place as they are both athletic and many Warmbloods have Thoroughbred influence. To which they can set up their scene and then showcase it for others to see, not just how good of an artist they are, but also their passion for what they want the craft to represent. This can then inspire others whether they choose to do showing and show off their artistic skills in an area they like in the horse world, or inspire them to learn more about a specific breed and/or discipline they may not know much about.

I know I’ve been inspired by seeing these artistic works. Some I have met in real life, and others I’ve become good friends even if its just online. I get to see how others are involved in the horse world and how they view it and what part they are really passionate about and enjoy most in it. Some even have horses in real life and do very much what they want their art to depict, others may not and their art is how they get close to what it is like to own a horse and even part take in riding when they are unable to. This hobby has also inspired me to learn new things about each breed and discipline as I love learning about horses and would like to partake in anything and everything horse related. To me, that is very important as there are so many different things to learn and explore in the horse world, and this hobby has helped me do that and has lead me to believe it is important, and I would like to see others know of its importance too.

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

More Breyerfest Reveals, Updates, & Peter Stone & Copper Fox News!!

 The second store special/limited edition for Breyerfest has been revealed!!

Meet Alan A Day's Work, aka "Alan"!!

Alan was born in 2008 and stands at 13.3 hands at the withers. In the early years, Alan and his owner Whitney Barnard have dabbled in many disciplines, though it quickly became clear that Alan loved to jump! Whitney wanted to show how talented he was and give him the chance to compete. As a mule in the horse world, it was hard to find acceptance but one day finally a local horse show association welcomed them and let Alan shine. However mules were not permitted to participate in any national recognized jumping disciplines. Whitney sought to change this and advocate for a rule change to allow mules to equally compete along side horses in the show ring. After many years USEF and USHJA finally changed their rules to allow mules to compete in all levels of jumping competitions in 2022. In 2023 Whitney and Alan became the first mule & rider duo to compete in all recognized jumper competitions making their goal complete! 

Alan A Day's Work is done on the vintage Brown Sunshine mold and captures his vanish appaloosa coat. Alan will coast $75.00 and will be limited to 2,100 pieces. I find this guy really cute, it's nice to se another mule release. I think this guy is technically the first official full Breyefest release, the rest have been auction models or very limited prize and/or raffle models. Never one as a special run or a guest equine unless it was a regular run release during the year, but not a guest relating to the theme. I will definitely be getting home as I don't really have any mules, maybe one but I think that's a stablemate. With this guys reveal, it will be interesting to what the non-horse/non-equine special run will be. Most of the time they go with bovine, but goats, elk/deer, dogs, elephant, and bear have been used before. I know it won't be donkey as they used bright last year though I doubt they'll do another mule this year or use the vintage balking mule/Molly mold this year either. Guess we'll just hav etc wait and see.

Next up...

Meet "Sorry, Not Sorry"!!!

He is our next special run reveal!

I'm just gonna cite what Breyer wrote as how they introduce him and reference the song he is named after is, well, quite interesting compared to the others. "This next handsome reveal is out here, looking like revenge. This model walks the walk and talks the talk, and we know you won’t be able to resist adding him to your collection. All we have to say about that is Sorry, Not Sorry." The header for his introduction is "Feeling Like a 10." They pretty much took the lyrics and tried to add him in there somewhere and this time no hint to the artist if you didn't know who it was you would have to look it up. I didn't really recognize the song so I had to look it up, it pretty much came up right away, and usually when you don't know the artist it brings up the most popular one and this one is popular. It's by Demi Lavato, when I listened to it I somewhat recognized it, but not fully as I recall in the past I had to tune it out as it was played everywhere at one point or another when it came out. Though the lyrics used in the description are pretty much the start of the song and that's what I played on my story highlight. "Sorry, Not Sorry" is done on the Salinero/Keltic Salinero mold by Brigitte Eberl and sports a glossy leopard appaloosa coat.

Well I guess that means it's another year where Salinero will not be the surprise horse. Maybe on year, but not now. I can only hope, dream, and wish as I and others have been waiting a long time for him to appear as the surprise. I do like this guy, he is different firm other releases on the mold, but currently not liking him enough to say he is a must get. I will hav not wait and see what the other releases will be to see if he ends up making the final cut.

(All information and photos come from the breyerfest blog)

I heard from a newsletter from Triple Mountain that it is indeed confirmed that there will be no Flagship model this year an dealers have not been sent any forms regarding the terms an Duse of selling a flagship model as well as an order form for any. Eleda of Triple Mountain has also stated that it is unclear if Breyer is not only doing away with the flagship model, but flagship store overall, at least in terms of the title of flagship dealer. She did note there is still the flagship store locator on the map on Breyers official site, but will not know if that feature will disappear at any point in the future. Eleda also mentioned she will try to accost etc the best of her abilities the elemental series models as not only do they ship randomly form Breyer when you order form Breyer but this could also mean the same could happen to dealers and run the risk of a certain one not coming in and will have to wait and see as she said she has six cases of them coming. She said she'll update the site promptly with availability and with preorders but also note they will be available the whole year and not to worry if she runs out of stock at any point as she'll be able to restock but could take a bit for the restock to come in.

This week it has been announced by Peter Stone Company/Peter Stone himself that he is retiring and stepping down as CEO. It has also been announced that he has sold the company into the hands of Volo Artem LLC which was founded by long time hobbyist Erin Corbett. Well at least a hobbyist is taking over and will make sure Peter Stone Horses keeps up what they've been doing since Peter Stone founded them. I only have one Peter Stone horse but would like to get more at some point, there just a little too expensive in long run for me atm vs Breyer and other brands out there. Though I know Peter Stone does deserve retirement as he'd getting up there and founded his company a little late run life too, though it will be interesting to see what the future holds for the company in the mean time. I don't think Peter will hav much involvement now but he may or may not keep making appearances at Equilocity, though I don't know if it has been stated yet, but it would be nice.

On Copper Fox's official webs they have. blog section for news/updates. After fall of last year they announced they'd be closing again/reassessing to better their business they have a New Years announcement. In the announcement it states that they are completing changing the business and have decided they will eventually become and rename themselves Copper Fox Consulting rather than Copper Fox Horses. The owners have made the business decision to try and keep it going more as a 3D printing/hobby assistance service for artists in the hobby and also be an archive for past Copper Fox Releases. They did announce that they may release small amounts of blank horses for hobbyists to work but it is still somewhat in the planning process as when they bought the company and tried to keep it afloat, pandemic not helping either, the business started to hurt. 

Monday, January 8, 2024

Sneak Peak & Updates/News

 I know I said my next breyerfest post would be Tuesday, but considering there was no reveal today and will more than likely come tomorrow and another Wednesday, thats more than likely when I'll share the next reveals. Though so far it is hard to tell what the next reveal would be based off the sneak peak post. I can't tell if it's supposed to be part of a speckled varnish roan appaloosa, just a roan, or something else. The headline for it is "Seeing Spots" but they are barely spots.

I'm guessing most likely roan, but could end up totally wrong tomorrow.

Regarding yesterday post, I double checked to see if it works on different browsers. Most o the pics of the 2024 releases aren't very viewable on the chrome browser but pop up just fine on safari, so I am going to have to change it to fix it for chrome so bare with me as I do that. I will post at the bottom of that post on the update that I have fixed it.

Last bit of news and update I want to share is that I learned through one of the Facebook pages I follow is that someone heard from a Breyer representative that there will apparently be no flagship model this year and only and brick and mortar release. Very disappointing as I look forward to both each year to help support a local dealer. So far there is no word on why this was decided, baby speculate its shipping related with all the other releases, some say supply and demand from dealers though it sounds like some dealers feel they are neglected on getting stock and don't hear much about it from Breyer. Others say its related with changing how many models a dealer can have as apparently if they carry and sell a certain amount they will be allowed to resell special runs. But I feel they could just label themselves as not just a Breyer dealer, but one thats buys collections and carries old stock too and is boarder line antique/thrift shop for models. Like usually when dealers get special runs they are mostly second hand anyway so why would it matter to Breyer at that point? Anyway, just a little sad and will be interesting to see what other changes will come this year and going forward.

Sunday, January 7, 2024

Second Special Run Reveal & 2024 Releases Revealed!!

 I know I said I was gonna wait, but since the new year releases were revealed the following day, I decided to make one big post discussing my thoughts and wait till Tuesday to do the next Breyerfest reveals.

So without further ado, meet "Miss Independent"!!


According to the blog, she is named after the "OG American Idol winner's breakout hit song." I somewhat recognized the name from Kelly Clarkson as I am a bit of a fan of her music. Though I did have to look it up to see what Breyer fully meant and found that Kelly Clarkson was the first ever winner of American Idol back in 2002. I did not know that as I don't really watch American Idol, the closest I got to it was the mini game in the special features of Shrek 2. Anyways, this girl is done on the mare version of the True North/Cantering Warmblood mold by Morgen Kilbourn. She is also done in an eye-catching Dunalino coat color. 

I absolutely love this girl! I am a sucker for dilutes like this. So because of that I will definitely putting her more at the top of my list of models/special runs I have to get at Breyerfest this year. Also this was a mold I predicted that would be used for this year, and so far I have guessed three correctly, which so far is pretty good for me actually. I know this is the 35th Breyerfest anniversary and form my reading, the traditional gemstone used for this year is Emerald, though yellow diamond, coral, and jade are also accepted sometimes too. Funnily enough, emeralds is also accepted for 20th anniversary too. 2009 was the 20th for Breyerfest and that was birthday bash themed, so maybe they'll roll with emerald for this year, I also read that 20th can also sometimes be accepted for silver jubilee but is mostly done and accepted on the 25th anniversary as that is the true silver jubilee year, which Breyer has already done. 

So with all that being said, could we expect at least one emerald decorator to celebrate? Perhaps a surprise deco variation, or instead a classic scale (not looking too much like the classic decorator from 2016 though). Or could we expect them to do one of the other possible and not so popular alternatives like coral, jade (close enough to emerald but Breyer has done similar with it in the past, think running stallion jade Chinese Art Deco), or the very uncommon yellow diamond. If they do yellow diamond variations I will hunt all them down as yellow is my fav color, though I may do the same with the other possible choices is I like them enough. That is if they do the variations like that this year or decide to wait to do something until the 40th or 45th, doubt they'd wait as long as the 50th anniversary.

Here they are!! Quite a bit to expect to come out very soon. So far most of these are reserved for preorder, which usually occurs this time of year as the new year releases are usually revealed around this time of year anyway. I have done some of my own preorders so far. The only thing I've heard maybe revealed in release/reveal is the flagship model which usually comes out in the spring. Triple Mountain said they are awaiting word on it before they offer it up for preorders, though their Norwich preorders are back up for round 2 as they refunded the previous ones as there was a delay in the release and they felt it was only fair to do a do over once they know he'll arrive. So I guess they have now received the word and it seem she will more Ethan likely come with some of the new releases.

So far we finally have a regular run release on the Constantia/Standardbred Mare mold. According to sources, her name is Atlanta and is a champion filly. Sh his a dark bay, near black filly in color, coloration and markings somewhat reminiscent of the ill-fated Thoroughbred filly Ruffian, at least that I sin my opinion and observation. I am excited for this release as she will be the second female to represent harness racing, the other being Via Lattea the Italian Trotter who was a store special at Breyerfest last year. In the past, most harness racing horses released have been male, either stallion or gelding an don the vintage pacer mold. She is a nice fresh new face to represent the sport in the model world.

Cossaco is the first regular run and portrait model on the new Anamar/Amazigh Stallion/Berber Stallion mold. According to sources he is a Lusitano. He is very gorgeous and will have to get him at some point as I really love that coloration on the mold so far. A tiny bit disappointed its not a portrait model of a Berber horse like the mold is based after, but hopefully we will get one in the future. I am also still awaiting of a rerelease of Alborozo on this mold (a girl can only dream right?).

Second regular release on the Georg mold, but the first portrait release on said mold is Officer Legend!! He is the second Kentucky Horse Park Police Horse to receive a portrait Breyer model, first time was Officer Oliver the celebration horse for Breyerfest 2019. Though at least this tike it will be a slightly easier to obtain model, though I do have some duplicate Olivers for sale on my ebay if anyone is interested. Back to Legend, he looks really nice and will need to get so my Oliver has a friend and familiar face amongst my shelves. Hopefully they do other police horses form the horse park in the future and over all. the only other police horse outside of Oliver that I have is Trooper from around 2012.

The first regular run release on the Nikolaus/German Riding Pony mold is a pony of the americas release. This one is the first for that breed in awhile. Traditionally, Ponies of the Americas are released on the vintage Pony of the Americas mold. I guess this is a nice fresh new start for the breed as it has been awhile. Hopefully at some other time we can get another German Riding Pony on the mold as we have the one, Flash was used for the other German Riding Pony guest horse back in 2022 for Breyerfest. I think this particular release look alright, may hold off on getting him though so I can get other releases I really want.

Next up Neptune the unicorn!! This guy is at the top of my list for must gets to get out of this years new releases. I have been waiting forever for a unicorn release on the Espirt mold. If you couldn't tell by my blog banner, the Espirt mold is my favorite mold and am trying to conga every model on the mold if I can. The name Neptune is not only fitting because of his coloration, but back when Breyer did the Greek God Special Run Series, Esprit was chosen to represent the Greek God Poseidon. Neptune and Poseidon are pretty much the same mythological God, its just Neptune is the Roman version as the Romans took the Greek Gods and redid them for their own needs. Back to the model Neptune, I love the color shift metallic coloration as it is a nice change form the other unicorns and it has been awhile since we had a new traditional unicorn as we get most of them as web specials. Overall, he has been preordered right away.

The next deco classic models are elemental inspired. Theres fire, water, metal, earth, and water. They look really nice, according to Breyer they will ship randomly, at least form them. So you don't get to choose your favorite, Triple Mountain had it in their preorders where you could choose. Some of which have already sold out. I do like these guys, but so far they aren't quite a must get for me. So I'll hold off for now. Like I said earlier, there are others I'm trying to get first.

Hope & Love classic deco unicorn mare & foal set. I am assuming this is for charity like the other "Hope" releases from the past couple of years. At first I thought it was just the mare and most photos, including Breyer's site at first, only showed her, and then more were release show casing this release as a mare and foal set which is nice. I like them as they look to be new molds. I don't quite know if I'll get them right away quite yet. I am somewhat wishing they had done normal coloration, like make them regular Arabians first and then do a deco on them. But that could all change once I see them unperson/in hand photos of them. Guess we'll just have to wait and see, may take a couple of months, I'll let y'all know.

Apres Ski, glad to see the Big Ben mold have a release again. Though when he was first revealed I at first thought they had done a Christmas horse release on this mold already and thought they did it before the halloween horse Cryptic. I decided to consult "Identify Your Breyer" to be sure and found I was mistaken, it was only the halloween horse released as a holiday horse on this mold. So it's really good he finally gets a Christmas release finally as he is technically now vintage and that make it even more surprising he was chosen for this year as lately Breyer has been liking to use newer molds for the holiday horses. may or may not get him right away, have to wait and see again.

Speaking of vintage molds being used for new holiday horses, time to move onto the halloween horse. That is Beowulf!! He is on the semi-rearing mustang stallion mold which has been vintage for awhile now. I am a day late posting this, but there is now drama over him regarding his art design, at least the stencil/line work. I am not getting into that here, seen too much of it on social media and the discord group I'm on. It'll eventually sort itself out. All I will say is that my first tike seeing him I was excited as red is my second favorite color and wolves are my second fav animal outside of horses plus Is do like horror and halloween and its nice to see werewolves showcased. The semi rearing mustang mold has never officially had a holiday horse released on the mold. The closest to it was halloween inspired Frankenstein horse/green frankensteed which was a very limited release for an event. So it is very rare, theres also a mini stablemate of it which is also very rare. So its nice to see something more obtainable come on this mold. He also made it to my preorder list and hoping he looks great in person with his color shift. (again no drama over what will happen with this release, comments about it will be deleted and users blocked to not further cause negativity, just wait and see what will happen like everyone else.)

Then there are other releases like lets go riding sets, ornaments, barns, jumps, groom kits, and the next advent calendar. So far holding off on preordering the advent calendar as I want to see if the local sho pin the town I work i will get ti in as thats where I got the one for last year. That way I don't hav eco wait for shipping, in the past I've gotten them at the horse park but I no longer work there and can't get in for free and don't want to pay $5 ever time just to quick park and check both gift shops for the set if I'm not going there for another event (ie. Equitana, Land Rover Three Day Event, etc.)

Well it's getting late for me here at time of making this post and sending it out. So this will be it for now until Tuesday when I cover more Breyerfest reveals and another new reveals for the year i8s any come out between now and then.

(Note: all photos belong to original owners and all rights reserved to them.)
Update: All the photos have been fixed and should now work on all browsers for viewing.

Even More Breyerfest Releases!!

I'm back!! Sorry for the very long delay. I was hit with a mix of lack of motivation and having issues with my laptop which have been re...