Monday, January 15, 2024

More Breyerfest Reveals!! & My "first" Model Horse Blog Post From Project/Final in College!

Fourth Special Run!!

Meet "This Is My Fight Song"!


Breyer sadly didn't write much about this in his reveal post. This time they didn't try to intertwine the song he's named after while giving him a personality and describing him. It was very short and very generic and pretty much uneventful for such a spectacular looking release. So because of that I will cover what song they are referencing here just in case anyone doesn't know it or is having a hard time placing it. "This is my Fight Song" may also be referred to the following line after this line/verse of "take back my life song." It is performed by Rachel Platten and came out in 2014, like the previous song and release "sorry, not sorry" this was played everywhere at one point or another and sometimes still is depending on the station. Rachel apparently wrote the song to help convince herself not to quit the music industry and is regarded as a pop/indie pop anthem. Now onto this handsome hunk whom I can see why they chose to fit this song name model horse combo.

"This Is My Fight Song" is done on the rad new Adonis/Rearing Lipizzan Stallion/Lipizzaner Stallion mold sculpted by Heather Puleo. He sports a liver chestnut frame overo pinto coat. He will be limited to 2,500 pieces and will cost $75.00. I really love this guy, so he is definitely going on my must get list. Adonis was made to go with Selene and Carina models released in 2017 for the premier club as the new Lipizzaner mare & foal molds set, an dit's because of this I cannot help but feel this guy will suit very well as the sire/stallion for Julep & Pim on those same mare & foal molds who were released back in 2018 for Breyerfest that year. Sure it may not perfectly work genetically, this guy is a liver chestnut pinto while the mare is a grullo overo pinto while the foal is a black overo. Mostly the problem is overo to overo cross risking overo lethal white syndrome (olw syndrome) and how the mare we do not may be E/E or E/e with dun dilute to man the foal black which is E/E or E/e and the mare may or may not be a double dun diluted but is more than likely a single dilute. It was just a thought in terms of potential role play and outside photography like mustangs and what not.

Next up we have...

The Surprise horse reveal (well the name anyway)!!

"Surprise! Girls Run The World!" Clearly named after one of Beyonce's hit songs. Though I think I would've named it "Girls Run The World Surprise" as that seems to fit fit better grammatically and rolls off the tongue better. Based off the name and the blog (as well as the over-all theme and they way Breyer's gone about the theme this year), it's definitely/more than likely going to be a mare mold hit year. Question is not only which one, but could this be the year they really switch to up and do a mare & foal set for the surprise. I'm somewhat what doubtful they would ever do mare & foal for the surprise, but my top guesses so far are Bluegrass Bandit, Ruffian, Lipizzaner Mare, Wixom, Roxy, Marabella, & Connemara Mare. Possibly even Make a Wish, Rain for a stretch, and Adalusian Mare. I did have Bobby Jo on my original list of guesses for potential molds to be used this year, but when she was revealed as the event model for the collector even Spokes & Spurs, I had to tick her off my list as Breyer won't use the same mold for two events in the same year. Kinda hoping for Bluegrass bandit at this point, Ruffian and Roxy would be a close second. Connemara Mare would be nice, but at the same time I'd say wait till another year. Make a Wish is one of my fav molds, but then I would really want all variations so Bluegrass bandit I wouldn't;t mind so I could start off with one or two variations and then get the rest later. I'm still trying to get the rest of the Esprit Samba Surprise models from my first Breyerfest back in 2016. Anyway, as always I get the surprise just to have one and see what I'll get. So far in all my Breyerfests, I've only gotten one glossy model, and that was last year! Now I'm on to pull another one or get a deco in my pull. Quick note: price and quantity for this release haven't been announced yet, I will give an update on that once Breyer gives out that info.

This photo was also in the post about the surprise model, and all their shorts say "Girls Run The World" like the name of the surprise, but I wonder if this will be part of the official fan march fo this year's Breyerfest or if it was just for this photo. Kind hoping its part of the fan march as this would be a good sneak peak for it and they don't look like too bad of shirts anyways.

Because this wasn't a full reveal, to not leave us hanging, we have also gotten the reveal of...

"Edge of Glory"!!

Breyer stated they wanted to "brush the dangerous": with this reveal. "Edge of Glory" is done on the Ashquar mold by Brigitte Eberl and done in a soft dapple grey with a glossy finish. He looks to have both normal dapples and resist dapples. It actually looks quite nice as I've seen some horses grey out like this, it varies depending on the horse and their genetics but it's always interesting and cool to see there coats change colors over the years. This guy is named after one of Lady Gaga’s hit songs, and was referenced in the initial post header "going gaga!".

I absolutely love this guy! I am somewhat of a sucker for grey horses, especially Arabians! So he is definitely going on my list o must gets for this year. I am also a huge fan of Lady Gaga and went through a strong phase of listening to all her music in middle school, "Edge of Glory" is also one of my all time favorite songs of hers amongst others like: "Born This Way", "Marry the Night", "Judas", "You & I", "Hair", "Boys Boys Boys", "Poker Face", "Just Dance", "Telephone ft. Beyonce", "Venus", "Applause", "Million Reasons", & "Perfect Illusion" to name a few. I also love Robin Skouteris's remixes/mashups of her songs, they pair really well with Michael Jackson songs and Madonna songs. Anyway, to quick note, price and quantities have also not been released by Breyer yet either. I will give an update on that once Breyer gives out that info.

(Info and pictures came from Breyer via the Breyerfest blog)


I would like to discuss the importance of the Breyer model horse hobby. I would include other company/brands in this such as Schleich, Copperfox, Peter Stone, etc., but I am not as active in those communities as I am with the Breyer one. Though that is not to say those other companies aren’t important and I don’t know anybody in them nor have models that I like from them, it’s just that Breyer has touched me in a way, that I can find myself more active in their community and more likely to purchase their models. It may be due to the fact they had a fairly large presence in my life starting with my early childhood.

The model shown above is a photo of the exact same type of model I played with quite a bit as a child. This one I called Applesauce the appaloosa growing up. This particular model is part of Breyer’s classic scale line, which are their “medium size” horses which are easy to play with for smaller children while having a decent size for a doll to ride on it, and small enough for collectors to not worry about much shelf space being taken up on. I mainly pretended that Applesauce was a mustang, mainly because I knew mustangs could have complex colors and patterns whereas most other don’t quite unless specifically bred for it. Though I didn’t quite know that then, I thought only mustangs could come in pretty colors and patterns. Though this guy helped spark my imagination, and as I've gotten older I see that is still quite the case with many regardless of age, gender, etc.

Through this hobby, mainly through the help of social media, I've been able to meet other horse lovers and those who have had Breyers since they were small children and used to play with before they became something much more. I learned that all of us hobbyist have a love and passion for horses so strong, we seem not to be able to part with our once beloved toy horses, that we have saved them and they have since become models where we safely place them on shelves to be admired after we’ve given some of them a rough past. Though we have found some that were once loved and retired them to a shelf life to help them become loved once again and continue to last, we also have some we have decided to keep brand new. For most it is due to different types of shows and events hosted within the community.

Across the country, and even across the world in some areas, there are different shows to be hosted to show off the models. Not showing off their condition or someone’s overall amazing collection per say, but to show them off in breed classes, diorama contests, photo shows, realistic scene setups, etc and show off what horses in general can do. Many do this as they have a strong artistic streak and want to showcase it, as well as have fun in the process by seeing others' creations and meeting the people who are just as artistic inclined as another.

(P.C. Original owner)

The photo above is a great example of the artisticness seen in the hobby. Many will choose a model they like, which in turn is usually based off a breed and/or discipline they are interested in. Some breeds can be put in for others as many breeds can be related to each other, and a model horse being not a real horse can easily pass for an entirely different breed than what it was originally modeled after, especially in portrait models which are models based off real life horses. If one likes Warmblood, they can easily take a Thoroughbred model and use it in a Warmblood place as they are both athletic and many Warmbloods have Thoroughbred influence. To which they can set up their scene and then showcase it for others to see, not just how good of an artist they are, but also their passion for what they want the craft to represent. This can then inspire others whether they choose to do showing and show off their artistic skills in an area they like in the horse world, or inspire them to learn more about a specific breed and/or discipline they may not know much about.

I know I’ve been inspired by seeing these artistic works. Some I have met in real life, and others I’ve become good friends even if its just online. I get to see how others are involved in the horse world and how they view it and what part they are really passionate about and enjoy most in it. Some even have horses in real life and do very much what they want their art to depict, others may not and their art is how they get close to what it is like to own a horse and even part take in riding when they are unable to. This hobby has also inspired me to learn new things about each breed and discipline as I love learning about horses and would like to partake in anything and everything horse related. To me, that is very important as there are so many different things to learn and explore in the horse world, and this hobby has helped me do that and has lead me to believe it is important, and I would like to see others know of its importance too.

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Even More Breyerfest Releases!!

I'm back!! Sorry for the very long delay. I was hit with a mix of lack of motivation and having issues with my laptop which have been re...