Breyer has finally updated the Exclusive models page to list the quantities and prices for the surprise horse and "Edge of Glory".
Surprise! Girls Run The World! is listed at: $85.00 with 7,800 pieces made.
Edge of Glory is listed at: $65.00 with 2,400 pieces made.
Next up...
The last Store Special/Limited Edition Portrait model has been revealed!!
Meet Gascon the Great!!
This Paso Fino gelding is from the "Tales of Triumph" story about an equine who broke breed standards. Gascon the Great became a jumping prodigy through the devotion and care of his owner. The grey Paso Fino has pushed his breeds boundaries and is excelling in the show ring! Back in October of 2018, Gascon was rescued form a seizure case along with 50 other horses and made his way to Horses Without Humans Rescue. He was untrusting, fearful, and neglected and was soon found by now owner Jennifer Cefalu. Though he was bred for traditional Paso Fino classes, Gascon has shown the world just how versatile he is and his breed are. Gascon has gone from a neglected young untrained horse to a top versatile show horse! Gascon's model will cost $75.00 and limited to 2,500 pieces.
Gascon is done one the new Cancion/Paso Fino Stallion mold and features his near white grey coat and pink nose! So far, from the promo pics, the mold has not yet been adapted to be a gelding like the real horse. That may change and we'll have to see by Breyerfest. It would be nice for the mold to also have a gelding adaptation not only for this release, but future releases and be helpful for hobbyists who show and role play their models. I honestly at first didn't;t think they would use this mold for this year as it was used last year for a raffle model and usually Breyer doesn't reuse the models twice in a row for breyerfest and events. Though I do find this fellow to be very cute! I think I will definitely be getting him, I could use more Spanish breeds, especially in grey/white grey as most of mine are bay followed by chestnut.
We got one sneak peak that will more Ethan likely be fully revealed tomorrow. Many so far have speculated it will be a stablemate. So far I can only see it being the new brio mold if it is a stablemate. Im hoping they bring back the usually stablemate (like the deco) that was always at Breyerfest before the addition of the best of Breyerfest series and online only one. Last year was the first one where they only had the two sets vs the 3 introduced a couple of years ago. Though based off the detail my guess was going too be the classic or getting to the last of the special runs before revealing the last of the limited edition/store special models as prize models are always shown last. If traditional scale, hoping for forever Saige/mustang mare/hwin. It does almost remind fo Silver but he's been used a lot for Breyerfest in the past and most of the models have been mares so Forever Saige fits best. Or we could be getting a mare & foal set and this is the new Gyspy Vanner mare & foal set, this could be Rhiannon's/mare's eye.
Change in Breyerfest tickets has been announced!! Breyer has announced that this year all Breyerfest ticket swill become digital, menaing nothing physical will be mailed out and there will also not be doing wristbands either. The tickets will be in the form of a QR that will be received by participants via email through a partner Breyer has teamed up with. Breyer said that the emails and QR's codes should be sent out a few weeks prior to Breyerfest. Breyer did state, as well as others, that the codes can be printed out if one wishes and may be best due to the cell service at the horse park being very spotty, especially once there's a whole bunch of people there and wifi is pretty much non existent. It was also noted to better refrain form trading codes due to not knowing if they had been scanned yet or not, the only way I can see trading them is being very well organized and aware of which codes are which and what has or has not been scanned. I am a bit sad there will be no wristbands as they are a nice little keepsake and go well in my scrapbook. Before they used to do buttons and those were nice keepsakes with the commemorative pin too. Oh well, maybe there will be something else going on and handed out and hoping for something nice in the VIP Swag Bag.
Though Breyer did say there will be one code that will be scanned multiple times and that would will be referred to as the Master QR Code. It will be scanned multiple times at multiple places. It is mostly for checking in at the main gets and checking in to pick up event models. More can be read about tit on the official Breyerfest blog here:
One last reveal for the day!!
Meet Blue Zues!!
A second chance. He was also from one of the "Tales of Triumph" stories. This blue roan mustang stallion had once roamed the Red Desert of Wyoming. "Zues" now resides at Sky Dog Ranch & Sanctuary where he can again live free for the rest of his days. Sky Dog's founder Clare Staples knew she had to keep this stallion and his family together and free when she first saw him and his herd in the wild. In October of 2020, Clare received the dreaded news of Zues being rounded up and being put in a holding facility in Colorado.
Due to the pandemic, the BLM put adoption of mustangs on hold. This did not deter Clare, she called, emailed, and badgered anyone at the facility she could to allow her to adopt the stallion before he could be moved to another facility for holding, fearing he may never be seen again. The facility finally decided to allow a small number of people in and Clare immediately spotted Zeus. She bid and unmatched $25 and trailered him to take him home to the 9,000 acre sanctuary in Oregon. Now with Zeus safe, Clare went back a few months later to locate the rest of his family, knowing he was missing them. She only had 4 hours took look over 2,000 horses but finally found 3 mares that had been apart of Zeus' herd. After the paperwork was done the mares & their foals were on their way to reunite with Zeus after nearly 11 months. The family now roams the sanctuary with Blue Zeus leading them giving them a second chance at freedom. More about him at Sky Dog here:
Blue Zeus is on the Fireheart/Mustang Stallion mold. It sports his spotted blue roan coat, with his tall stockings, and one white patch on his neck. He will be the online traditional scale model for this year's Breyerfest. Menaing he will available to purchase online only, but all ticket types will be allowed access to purchase him online. Note: does mean he will be included with the VIP ticket ability to preorder in advance. This will be the first time the online traditional model is a portrait model, the past ones have been a breed or a horse with a name relating to the theme. Blue Zeus will cost $75.00 and be limited to 3,000 pieces.
Back when the "Tales of Triumph" series stories were coming out, this guy was one of the immediate guesses when his story was shared. I sadly do not know who he is prior, I really need to follow more mustang stories than just the pryor mountain mustangs. I do really love the look of this guy so I am really hoping to get him and be able to do it when I am not at the horse park. I'll admit I thought that Fireheart was also not gonna be a repeat mold as he was also used last year with Cancion for the raffle models. But I am not going to repeat myself from above again. Though of course every release on the Fireheart mold so far has been one I don't want to miss and am trying to conga the mold.
That'll be it for now, post more on Monday as Breyer had three different announcements/reveals today and I was also covering one from a day prior so that was a lot to cove run one post.
(all info and photos from the official breyerfest blog)
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