I know I said my next breyerfest post would be Tuesday, but considering there was no reveal today and will more than likely come tomorrow and another Wednesday, thats more than likely when I'll share the next reveals. Though so far it is hard to tell what the next reveal would be based off the sneak peak post. I can't tell if it's supposed to be part of a speckled varnish roan appaloosa, just a roan, or something else. The headline for it is "Seeing Spots" but they are barely spots.
I'm guessing most likely roan, but could end up totally wrong tomorrow.
Regarding yesterday post, I double checked to see if it works on different browsers. Most o the pics of the 2024 releases aren't very viewable on the chrome browser but pop up just fine on safari, so I am going to have to change it to fix it for chrome so bare with me as I do that. I will post at the bottom of that post on the update that I have fixed it.
Last bit of news and update I want to share is that I learned through one of the Facebook pages I follow is that someone heard from a Breyer representative that there will apparently be no flagship model this year and only and brick and mortar release. Very disappointing as I look forward to both each year to help support a local dealer. So far there is no word on why this was decided, baby speculate its shipping related with all the other releases, some say supply and demand from dealers though it sounds like some dealers feel they are neglected on getting stock and don't hear much about it from Breyer. Others say its related with changing how many models a dealer can have as apparently if they carry and sell a certain amount they will be allowed to resell special runs. But I feel they could just label themselves as not just a Breyer dealer, but one thats buys collections and carries old stock too and is boarder line antique/thrift shop for models. Like usually when dealers get special runs they are mostly second hand anyway so why would it matter to Breyer at that point? Anyway, just a little sad and will be interesting to see what other changes will come this year and going forward.
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