I know I said I was gonna wait, but since the new year releases were revealed the following day, I decided to make one big post discussing my thoughts and wait till Tuesday to do the next Breyerfest reveals.
So without further ado, meet "Miss Independent"!!
According to the blog, she is named after the "OG American Idol winner's breakout hit song." I somewhat recognized the name from Kelly Clarkson as I am a bit of a fan of her music. Though I did have to look it up to see what Breyer fully meant and found that Kelly Clarkson was the first ever winner of American Idol back in 2002. I did not know that as I don't really watch American Idol, the closest I got to it was the mini game in the special features of Shrek 2. Anyways, this girl is done on the mare version of the True North/Cantering Warmblood mold by Morgen Kilbourn. She is also done in an eye-catching Dunalino coat color.
I absolutely love this girl! I am a sucker for dilutes like this. So because of that I will definitely putting her more at the top of my list of models/special runs I have to get at Breyerfest this year. Also this was a mold I predicted that would be used for this year, and so far I have guessed three correctly, which so far is pretty good for me actually. I know this is the 35th Breyerfest anniversary and form my reading, the traditional gemstone used for this year is Emerald, though yellow diamond, coral, and jade are also accepted sometimes too. Funnily enough, emeralds is also accepted for 20th anniversary too. 2009 was the 20th for Breyerfest and that was birthday bash themed, so maybe they'll roll with emerald for this year, I also read that 20th can also sometimes be accepted for silver jubilee but is mostly done and accepted on the 25th anniversary as that is the true silver jubilee year, which Breyer has already done.
So with all that being said, could we expect at least one emerald decorator to celebrate? Perhaps a surprise deco variation, or instead a classic scale (not looking too much like the classic decorator from 2016 though). Or could we expect them to do one of the other possible and not so popular alternatives like coral, jade (close enough to emerald but Breyer has done similar with it in the past, think running stallion jade Chinese Art Deco), or the very uncommon yellow diamond. If they do yellow diamond variations I will hunt all them down as yellow is my fav color, though I may do the same with the other possible choices is I like them enough. That is if they do the variations like that this year or decide to wait to do something until the 40th or 45th, doubt they'd wait as long as the 50th anniversary.
So far we finally have a regular run release on the Constantia/Standardbred Mare mold. According to sources, her name is Atlanta and is a champion filly. Sh his a dark bay, near black filly in color, coloration and markings somewhat reminiscent of the ill-fated Thoroughbred filly Ruffian, at least that I sin my opinion and observation. I am excited for this release as she will be the second female to represent harness racing, the other being Via Lattea the Italian Trotter who was a store special at Breyerfest last year. In the past, most harness racing horses released have been male, either stallion or gelding an don the vintage pacer mold. She is a nice fresh new face to represent the sport in the model world.
Cossaco is the first regular run and portrait model on the new Anamar/Amazigh Stallion/Berber Stallion mold. According to sources he is a Lusitano. He is very gorgeous and will have to get him at some point as I really love that coloration on the mold so far. A tiny bit disappointed its not a portrait model of a Berber horse like the mold is based after, but hopefully we will get one in the future. I am also still awaiting of a rerelease of Alborozo on this mold (a girl can only dream right?).
Second regular release on the Georg mold, but the first portrait release on said mold is Officer Legend!! He is the second Kentucky Horse Park Police Horse to receive a portrait Breyer model, first time was Officer Oliver the celebration horse for Breyerfest 2019. Though at least this tike it will be a slightly easier to obtain model, though I do have some duplicate Olivers for sale on my ebay if anyone is interested. Back to Legend, he looks really nice and will need to get so my Oliver has a friend and familiar face amongst my shelves. Hopefully they do other police horses form the horse park in the future and over all. the only other police horse outside of Oliver that I have is Trooper from around 2012.
The first regular run release on the Nikolaus/German Riding Pony mold is a pony of the americas release. This one is the first for that breed in awhile. Traditionally, Ponies of the Americas are released on the vintage Pony of the Americas mold. I guess this is a nice fresh new start for the breed as it has been awhile. Hopefully at some other time we can get another German Riding Pony on the mold as we have the one, Flash was used for the other German Riding Pony guest horse back in 2022 for Breyerfest. I think this particular release look alright, may hold off on getting him though so I can get other releases I really want.
Next up Neptune the unicorn!! This guy is at the top of my list for must gets to get out of this years new releases. I have been waiting forever for a unicorn release on the Espirt mold. If you couldn't tell by my blog banner, the Espirt mold is my favorite mold and am trying to conga every model on the mold if I can. The name Neptune is not only fitting because of his coloration, but back when Breyer did the Greek God Special Run Series, Esprit was chosen to represent the Greek God Poseidon. Neptune and Poseidon are pretty much the same mythological God, its just Neptune is the Roman version as the Romans took the Greek Gods and redid them for their own needs. Back to the model Neptune, I love the color shift metallic coloration as it is a nice change form the other unicorns and it has been awhile since we had a new traditional unicorn as we get most of them as web specials. Overall, he has been preordered right away.
The next deco classic models are elemental inspired. Theres fire, water, metal, earth, and water. They look really nice, according to Breyer they will ship randomly, at least form them. So you don't get to choose your favorite, Triple Mountain had it in their preorders where you could choose. Some of which have already sold out. I do like these guys, but so far they aren't quite a must get for me. So I'll hold off for now. Like I said earlier, there are others I'm trying to get first.
Hope & Love classic deco unicorn mare & foal set. I am assuming this is for charity like the other "Hope" releases from the past couple of years. At first I thought it was just the mare and most photos, including Breyer's site at first, only showed her, and then more were release show casing this release as a mare and foal set which is nice. I like them as they look to be new molds. I don't quite know if I'll get them right away quite yet. I am somewhat wishing they had done normal coloration, like make them regular Arabians first and then do a deco on them. But that could all change once I see them unperson/in hand photos of them. Guess we'll just have to wait and see, may take a couple of months, I'll let y'all know.
Apres Ski, glad to see the Big Ben mold have a release again. Though when he was first revealed I at first thought they had done a Christmas horse release on this mold already and thought they did it before the halloween horse Cryptic. I decided to consult "Identify Your Breyer" to be sure and found I was mistaken, it was only the halloween horse released as a holiday horse on this mold. So it's really good he finally gets a Christmas release finally as he is technically now vintage and that make it even more surprising he was chosen for this year as lately Breyer has been liking to use newer molds for the holiday horses. may or may not get him right away, have to wait and see again.
Speaking of vintage molds being used for new holiday horses, time to move onto the halloween horse. That is Beowulf!! He is on the semi-rearing mustang stallion mold which has been vintage for awhile now. I am a day late posting this, but there is now drama over him regarding his art design, at least the stencil/line work. I am not getting into that here, seen too much of it on social media and the discord group I'm on. It'll eventually sort itself out. All I will say is that my first tike seeing him I was excited as red is my second favorite color and wolves are my second fav animal outside of horses plus Is do like horror and halloween and its nice to see werewolves showcased. The semi rearing mustang mold has never officially had a holiday horse released on the mold. The closest to it was halloween inspired Frankenstein horse/green frankensteed which was a very limited release for an event. So it is very rare, theres also a mini stablemate of it which is also very rare. So its nice to see something more obtainable come on this mold. He also made it to my preorder list and hoping he looks great in person with his color shift. (again no drama over what will happen with this release, comments about it will be deleted and users blocked to not further cause negativity, just wait and see what will happen like everyone else.)
Then there are other releases like lets go riding sets, ornaments, barns, jumps, groom kits, and the next advent calendar. So far holding off on preordering the advent calendar as I want to see if the local sho pin the town I work i will get ti in as thats where I got the one for last year. That way I don't hav eco wait for shipping, in the past I've gotten them at the horse park but I no longer work there and can't get in for free and don't want to pay $5 ever time just to quick park and check both gift shops for the set if I'm not going there for another event (ie. Equitana, Land Rover Three Day Event, etc.)
Well it's getting late for me here at time of making this post and sending it out. So this will be it for now until Tuesday when I cover more Breyerfest reveals and another new reveals for the year i8s any come out between now and then.
(Note: all photos belong to original owners and all rights reserved to them.)
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