Tuesday, October 29, 2024

BreyerWest Now BreyerMidWest Due to Moving Locations Announcement & Other News.

Breyer recently announced a big change for BreyerWest for next year!! The announcement is that instead of being held in Denver, Colorado during the Rocky Mountain Horse Expo, it will now be held in Salina, Kansas during EquiFest. It is because if this Breyer felt the need to rename the event to BreyerMidWest, and that is the only change, event experience and time of year it is held will be the same, so again only the location has changed.

My only problem with this is, aside form the fact this doesn't make it all that easier for people on the western side of the United States to go to a Breyer event, but also Kansas is not part of the midwest, like ever, same goes for Ohio but thats a different story. Let me show you the mostly agreed upon map of the midwest of the United States.
Ok so like I said Ohio isn't the midwest so ignore that in the pic, but clearly Kansas is not highlighted nor mostly agreed to be part of the midwest. Closest you get is Missouri and there's even debate there if that state should even be included, technically part of the Dakotas should be included but they aren't, though there is debate if Nebraska should be included or not. The true midwest is technically: Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Parts of: the Dakotas, Indiana, & Missouri. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, & Illinois being the main heart and drive of the midwest while Michigan, Indiana, & Missouri are support on the boarder of the sectors that United States can be divided by, the other sectors being the North, South, Tornado Alley, Deep South, Desert States, Eastern, Western, East Coast, & West Coast. As someone from the midwest, being born in raised in Minnesota before moving to Kentucky, I take it very seriously on what is midwestern as what's not. My freshman year of Uni there was a kid that said they were form the north and when I asked which part they said Ohio to which I told them that's not the north and I would know being from one of the northern most states. Just because you are form a state that is north of Ky does not mean you are from the north. Ok little rant over time to move on to the next set of news I have.

Mangoky was the newest web special and he is part of the continuous Wild Animal Series. This year's is based off the ring tailed lemur, and his release is perfect for national lemur day that happened, don't know if that was done on purpose or not. He is done on the Valegro mold and limited to 750 pieces. He is named after the Mangoky river that flows through the home of the lemurs in Madagascar, and yes it's because of all this I, as well as some others, have decided to nickname him King Julian like from the Madagascar movies from Dreamworks (who also brought to us horse lovers Spirit!) and also have the song "I like to move it move it" stuck in our heads again, at least it's a great song, at least to me.
So my dad was chosen from the main first list and my mom ordered it off his account as she had to order, well wanted to order, the bonus/optional Vintage Club stablemate set that was released around the same time. Then today while checking my emails for the afternoon I saw I had been chosen from the waiting list which is a first in a while but since I technically already got him I am going to pass and not offer the slot and just let my allotted time expire so it moves on to the next person on the list. Mangoky and the stablemate set should hopefully be arriving in the next few days and can't wait to see them when I go home for Christmas.

That's pretty much all I have for now aside form the rumor is this Friday will be the day the celebration horse for next year will be revealed. So will have to wait and see on that but am excited! With that being said, see y'all in the next one!!
(info and pics come from Breyer, last pic from me.) 

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Second Collector Club Appreciation Event of the Year

 The second Collector Club Appreciation Event of the year recently happened, called CCA for short, how it works is if you put in your cart qualifying items that add up to a total of at least $150 (not including tax and shipping) and then enter the code, you get a free glossy model. There are four different possibilities of what glossy model you may get, this round is the same as the first which were glossy versions of Battlefield Angel, Appaloosa Ideal Quarter Horse, Mojave, & Get Rowdy. As always I am never able to spend that much on models especially with club models coming out recently then being followed by other important stuff like bills also taking my money. The only model I would've wanted is the appaloosa as thats the last of that series I need, but also maybe one day I'll be able to participate for once. Would be nice to experience it at least once.

This one is gonna be shorter as well as the the next one so the rest can be longer. This is just to switch it up a bit. So I'll see y'all in the next one!!
(pic credit comes from Breyer.)

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Retiring List for 2024

This time of year Breyer usually releases the list to the public and vendors on what models will no longer be produced after the end of the year. This is called the retiring list. This helps to know what models to get before they are sold out as stock will not be replenished and could make great gifts for the holidays/Christmas this year. It's usually a fair amount that will be discontinued, so let's take a look and start planning our wishlists for the end of the year, and if we're lucky some that may last till next year.

Traditional Series Models & Accessories

1806 Catch Me
1840 Cloud's Encore and Tor
1842 Chocolatey
1847 WGC Marc of Charm
1856 MorganQuest Native Sun
1860 Vivaldi de Besilu
1870 ATP Power
1883 The Ideal Series - Pony of the Americas
712527 Norwich
B-TR-10118 Beowulf - 2024 Halloween Horse
B-TR-10066 Zulu - Fall Decorator Limited Edition
B-TR-10018 Picante - Spring Brick & Mortar Exclusive
B-TR-10007 Calista - Fall Brick & Mortar Exclusive
522 Laura - Veterinarian with Vet Kit
536 Austin - Cowboy
541 Taylor - Cowgirl

 Freedom Series Models & Accessories

5490 Spanish Mustang Family
62227 Wild & Free - Horse and Foal Set
62063 Cora, Mermaid of the Sea
62067 Keep the Peace - Unicorn
62223 Neapolitan
62124 Love & Hope
61149 Deluxe Country Stable with Horse

 Stablemates Models & Accessories

6058 Deluxe Horse Collection
6226 Pintos and Palominos Gift Set
6182 Unicorn Foal Surprise - Windswept Family
6183 Unicorn Foal Surprise - Enchanted Family
6184 Unicorn Foal Surprise - Celestial Family
6056 Mystery Unicorn Surprise Blind Bags Series 2 - Chasing Rainbows
6929 Unicorn Treasures - Opal
6930 Unicorn Treasures - Pearl
6931 Unicorn Treasures - Topaz
6932 Unicorn Treasures - Rose Quartz
6933 Unicorn Treasures - Peridot
6934 Unicorn Treasures - Citrine

 Mini Whinnies Models

7846 Mini Whinnies Barn Surprise
7848 Mini Whinnies Castle Surprise

 Mane Beauty

7411 Li'l Beauties - Sunset
7412 Li'l Beauties - Blaze
7413 Li'l Beauties - Daybreak
7414 Li'l Beauties - Stardust

 Craft and Activity

4266 Suncatcher Horse Paint and Play - Stock Horse
4267 Suncatcher Horse Paint and Play - Andalusian
4268 Suncatcher Horse Paint and Play - Mustang
4269 Suncatcher Horse Paint and Play - Warmblood
4270 Suncatcher Unicorn Paint and Play
4271 Suncatcher Unicorn Paint and Play
4272 Suncatcher Unicorn Paint and Play
4273 Suncatcher Unicorn Paint and Play
4235 Fantasy Horses Paint and Play
4260 Paint Your Own Horses - Quarter Horse and Saddlebred
4261 Unicorn Surprise Paint and Play Blind Bags
4262 Unicorn Family Paint and Play

 Gift Items

97450 Secretariat 50th Anniversary Figurine


Horses & Equids
88868 Unicorn Mare - Rainbow
88870 Unicorn Foal, Rearing - Rainbow
88893 Arabian Stallion, Rearing - Bay

Prehistoric Life
88529 Therizinosaurus
88655 Quetzalcoatlus with Prey
88739 Spinosaurus - Walking
88777 Styracosaurus (Deluxe)
88909 Megalosaurus in Ambush

88921 Kangaroo with Joey

Somewhat surprised by some, such as ATP Power, CollectA Arabian Stallion, Marc of Charm, Morganquest, Vet & Cowboy & Cowgirl dolls especially Austin the Cowboy, sun catcher sets. Some of these had just practically been added to the line up this year or last year like ATP Power and I think Morganquest, also the collectA Arabian. Also ATP Power and the Arabian collectA plus Marc of Charm were popular so I am somewhat surprised they are leaving. The Secretariat gold charm/50th anniversary set was supposed to end last year as that was the exact 50th anniversary but I think Breyer extended it due to popularity and demand. Everything else makes sense as they had been around for a while and I do think possibly overall sales and popularity play into what will be discontinued and what not. I know they have to make room for next year and change up selection for sales for themselves and dealers, also it sounds like tomorrow or possibly next Friday the celebration horse for next year will be announced. That was the buzz I saw going around the facebook groups I am apart of, someone said it was set in stone that the announcement is tomorrow and it came straight form Breyer but I didn't see anything on Breyer's accounts, blogs on their sites especially the Breyerfest blog nor pages of anyone who works for them/with them or at least affiliated with them in anyway so I don't know. Guess we'll wait and see and this time of year is usually when they announce so there's time at the beginning of next year to show all the other exclusive models before tickets go on sale which is also fairly early in the year.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

September Newsletter, Christmas/Holiday Specials, Newest Release of Wild Animal Series!!

In the September Collector Club Newsletter it covered the arrival of the long awaited and desired Deluxe Collector Club bonus stablemate Horatio, that Antonia was released, the Halloween Collection is still available while supplies last, the latest article is about an Introduction to Airbrushing, this month's giveaway was 2 copies of Calista, and of course the sneak peak!! Lately I haven't entered the giveaways as they are mostly model I already have or are better off waiting to get, Calista being part of the latter. Despite that let's take a look at the sneak peak.

I was thinking web special when I first saw this, maybe Wild Animal Series Release, but since then, especially since I am behind on covering stuff, I'm pretty sure this sneak peak has been revealed. Which I will use to transition into the next topic, Christmas/Holiday Web Specials/Seasonal Offerings.

With that sneak peak, I'm pretty sure it's of Hot Cocoa.
Every year for the past few years or so now, Breyer has made special horses that come with a box and blanket as part of "A pony for Christmas" gift set. So far I think this is the best one yet, she is so cute and pretty, but also we gotta remember I am a sucker for silver dilutes so that could be part of it. She's a silver bay appaloosa with a snowflake blanket, but some have described her as having mini marshmallow markings, on the Sport Horse version of the Astrid/Fjord Mare mold. Either way you describe her appaloosa markings it works as she is for winter.

Next, meet Cinders of the Holiday Pajama Set!!
Cinders is on the Haflinger mold and done in a black tobiano pinto coat. He has a red halter with a buffalo check blanket to match his human companions buffalo check pj's. Plus they come with a teddy bear that is a jumbo teddy for the doll and he has a little red bow tie to match the. He is very cute, he is available online and in person, in fact the one store I went to see if they had Calista I saw they had this set ion and the store owner told me she was sent those instead of Calista and that's apparently the second time thats happened as the same thing happened with their order for Picante. So I guess Breyer or their warehouse just hates certain sellers, I think I may sadly have to only go there for regular runs and not expect any limited editions even though they are supposed to have them. But since they got this set in I may pick it up in person to save on shipping costs and online taxes and save for other stuff I can only order online and need to worry about.

Next is Freya & Annika Mare, Foal, & Ornament set!
Like years past, Breyer tries to do a special mare & foal set. This year they are adding a bonus ornament into the set and this one has a coat to match the mare Freya. Freya is done on the Marabella/Morgan Mare mold in a sooty buckskin overo pinto coat, her foal Annika is done on the Amber mold and in an even sootier buckskin overo coat compared to her dam. The ornament that is a mini twin of Freya is done on the foal ornament mold and I do not believe it has had any recent releases on it, it's probably been a decade or so since its last use. They all come in a nice satin/faux satin bag with festive print. I really love both, I especially love the mare Freya's coloration, I am a sucker for the sooty dilutes, but when it comes to sooty buckskins, Freya's coloration is the shade I like best. The foal is still nice and am surprised they made both sooty buckskin pintos, I think this is the most alike mare and foal set they've done. Usually they've done it where mare and foal are different colors and coat patterns as usual near identical are solid coated with same coat colors and similar markings. While Freya may have more white than her filly, Annika is still a mini me of her dam with a bald face and one white leg with the sooty cream dilute. I want this set, especially so I can add more to my Breyer ornament collection.
Third is Jingle!!
This year's Christmas/Holiday plush is Jingle! He is a white horse with an elf costume, little jingle bell on hat included. He also has a red collar and red hooves with the Breyer logo embroidered on the bottom of one. This little guy is very cute and may have to add him to my plushy collection.

Fourth is Nor'easter!!
Nor'easter is this year's winter classic scale deco model. He is done on the American Quarter Horse Stallion mold and done in a two tone metallic teal and pearly white coat with swirls and silver hooves. He even has a little snowflake for a star on his forehead. I really love him, he is very pretty plus he is one one of my favorite classic scale molds. His name comes from a name of a type of storm but this particular storm isn't really associated with winter, usually blizzards are the only well known storms in winter. Nor'easter is usually a name that is used interchangeably with tornados/cyclones. Usually they are a type of storm that happens the north eastern parts of the United States as it usually refers to storms coming off the western North Atlantic Ocean near Massachusetts and North Carolina. Oh well, he definitely has a swirly storm on him.

Lastly is Mangoky!!

The newest release of the Wild Animal Series is here!! Mangoky is based off the ring-tailed lemurs of Madagascar! Mangoky is the name of the river that runs through the lemur's homeland. This Mangoky is done on the Valegro mold and sports the colors of the lemurs which is a chalky base coat with a rich rose grey like color with a face mask and ringed tail, just like the lemurs!! I of course entered for him as I really like him and am hoping to continue the series I have most of the past releases, think I am missing at least two past releases as I sadly did not get chosen for them. Hoping I get chosen for this one as I haven't been chosen for some of the other releases prior to this guy. Mangoky is limited to 750 pieces and will cost $185.00 without shipping and taxes along will have his name, series, and year printed on his belly.

There's more seasonal items offered such as new blankets (both throw and model blankets, pillows, hats, pj sets, pins, and more, but I feel those deserve a separate post before this one gets too long. So with that being said, this is it for this post. Until the next one, see y'all later!!

(pics and information come from Breyer)

Monday, October 21, 2024

Tigerlilly & Firestorm From the Premier Club, Miguel of the Stablemates Club, & Calista's Arrival!!

The second release of the second release of the Premier Club and the final release (not including the bonus/optional release that is yet to make an appearance) of the Stablemates Club have been released around the same time. Not too long after the final release (again not including bonus/optional release, also not talking about bonus stablemate)  of the Vintage Club for the year. Also that means renewals for the clubs are now available, at least the collector's club to start off with as you have to be a collector club member in order to join and/or rejoin the other clubs for next year.

First up for discussion are Tigerlily & Firestorm from the Premier Club.

Both are quite large, especially the mare Tigerlily, then again most of the releases the past few years have been getting larger and larger. I do like their coloring, especially Tigerlily's as I do love a gopod blue roan stock horse/mustang. Both are mostly flawless and I do love how long and think Tigerlily's mane and tail are. My only complaint was the stand for Firestorm was hard to get in, like it was a tad too small for the peg to go into. Also with him being a foal his legs are skinnier than adult horses with stands (think Smarty Jones, Valegro, etc.) so it made it more worry some for his leg to get bent/warped trying to make sure it gets into the stand and is secure enough in it. Though I do really like that Firestorm is a more action made mold as foals are quite active and the others have either been standing or at a trot for the most with movement. I know he's the son of Fireheart, but I feel they could've gone with a different name as they've used Fire and variants of it a lot lately. Oh well.

Next up is Miguel from the Stablemates Club. I got the brown & white spotted variation. I was really hoping for the zonkey or deco one but I'll keep him. The gambler's choice always comes in four possibilities, this year's was white & brown spotted, zonkey, coppenhagen deco, and dark/seal bay with pangare. I am glad both club releases came out at the same time so I could order them together and then they'd come in the same box for extra protection during shipping as it has been slightly crazy in the shipping world lately. Plus it helps save on shipping costs and taxes keep adding up too.
Then lastly Calista happened to have arrived around the same time as my club models so I had even more to share at once. She is quite gorgeous though she is a tad darker in person than I originally thought, but that doesn't fully matter as she is still quite flashy. I'm starting to feel I may need to get tack for her and some of the other horses I've gotten in the past month or so.

That's it for this post, will hopefully have more come out this week or so. See y'all later!

(First pic belongs to me, last pic belongs to Breyer)

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Furture Releases That Were Revealed at Breyerfest I Forgot About

When Antonia was released I realized I forgot to cover her and another model revealed during Breyerfest in the Collector Club tent, especially after I went back through all my Breyerfest stuff including pics I took during the event. I meant to get this out sooner but my allergies flared up and made me feel a bit under the weather so I was trying to take it easy enough while going to work as we are transitioning from foaling season to sales season, but I am feeling better and am trying to get caught up as the next releases of the Vintage Club, Premier Club, and stablemates club are out as well as the bonus stablemates for the Deluxe Collector Club and Vintage Club.

Anyway let's look at Antonia.

Antonia is a bay pinto wit cat tracks on the Lippizaner mare mold as a sporthorse. She has "Collector Club 2024" on her belly. I'm pretty happy with mine, she is very minimally to not flawed at all, at least that I can see. This deeper bay color suits her very well in my opinion. Now to find a foal to go with her as this mold is usually paired with one, though she should be easier to pair than the holiday model done on this mold.

The other model that was revealed in the Collector Club tent was the classic scale unicorn that is always released in the fall with the rest of the holiday/winter/Christmas models for the year.

Meet Auryn!!

Auryn is done the Fighting Stallion mold and done in a deco deep burgundy coat with gold patches, hooves, and horn. His very name means golden. He will be coming later as my mom ordered whim along with some of the other models and ornaments that have been released, some of which is apparently my xmas present/stocking stuffers but I only know cause she needs my help to keep track of what we have as I have google sheets of what we collectively have and what we want to get in the future, and let's just say it's a lot. Also that adds with the great abyss theme I have with this blog.

That's all I have for this post, will be going over more in the next few posts that I am hoping to have out in the next few days. See y'all in the next one!

(First pic belongs to me, pics of Auryn come form Breyer's site along with his official information.)

Even More Breyerfest Releases!!

I'm back!! Sorry for the very long delay. I was hit with a mix of lack of motivation and having issues with my laptop which have been re...