Tuesday, October 29, 2024

BreyerWest Now BreyerMidWest Due to Moving Locations Announcement & Other News.

Breyer recently announced a big change for BreyerWest for next year!! The announcement is that instead of being held in Denver, Colorado during the Rocky Mountain Horse Expo, it will now be held in Salina, Kansas during EquiFest. It is because if this Breyer felt the need to rename the event to BreyerMidWest, and that is the only change, event experience and time of year it is held will be the same, so again only the location has changed.

My only problem with this is, aside form the fact this doesn't make it all that easier for people on the western side of the United States to go to a Breyer event, but also Kansas is not part of the midwest, like ever, same goes for Ohio but thats a different story. Let me show you the mostly agreed upon map of the midwest of the United States.
Ok so like I said Ohio isn't the midwest so ignore that in the pic, but clearly Kansas is not highlighted nor mostly agreed to be part of the midwest. Closest you get is Missouri and there's even debate there if that state should even be included, technically part of the Dakotas should be included but they aren't, though there is debate if Nebraska should be included or not. The true midwest is technically: Minnesota, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Parts of: the Dakotas, Indiana, & Missouri. Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, & Illinois being the main heart and drive of the midwest while Michigan, Indiana, & Missouri are support on the boarder of the sectors that United States can be divided by, the other sectors being the North, South, Tornado Alley, Deep South, Desert States, Eastern, Western, East Coast, & West Coast. As someone from the midwest, being born in raised in Minnesota before moving to Kentucky, I take it very seriously on what is midwestern as what's not. My freshman year of Uni there was a kid that said they were form the north and when I asked which part they said Ohio to which I told them that's not the north and I would know being from one of the northern most states. Just because you are form a state that is north of Ky does not mean you are from the north. Ok little rant over time to move on to the next set of news I have.

Mangoky was the newest web special and he is part of the continuous Wild Animal Series. This year's is based off the ring tailed lemur, and his release is perfect for national lemur day that happened, don't know if that was done on purpose or not. He is done on the Valegro mold and limited to 750 pieces. He is named after the Mangoky river that flows through the home of the lemurs in Madagascar, and yes it's because of all this I, as well as some others, have decided to nickname him King Julian like from the Madagascar movies from Dreamworks (who also brought to us horse lovers Spirit!) and also have the song "I like to move it move it" stuck in our heads again, at least it's a great song, at least to me.
So my dad was chosen from the main first list and my mom ordered it off his account as she had to order, well wanted to order, the bonus/optional Vintage Club stablemate set that was released around the same time. Then today while checking my emails for the afternoon I saw I had been chosen from the waiting list which is a first in a while but since I technically already got him I am going to pass and not offer the slot and just let my allotted time expire so it moves on to the next person on the list. Mangoky and the stablemate set should hopefully be arriving in the next few days and can't wait to see them when I go home for Christmas.

That's pretty much all I have for now aside form the rumor is this Friday will be the day the celebration horse for next year will be revealed. So will have to wait and see on that but am excited! With that being said, see y'all in the next one!!
(info and pics come from Breyer, last pic from me.) 

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