When Antonia was released I realized I forgot to cover her and another model revealed during Breyerfest in the Collector Club tent, especially after I went back through all my Breyerfest stuff including pics I took during the event. I meant to get this out sooner but my allergies flared up and made me feel a bit under the weather so I was trying to take it easy enough while going to work as we are transitioning from foaling season to sales season, but I am feeling better and am trying to get caught up as the next releases of the Vintage Club, Premier Club, and stablemates club are out as well as the bonus stablemates for the Deluxe Collector Club and Vintage Club.
Anyway let's look at Antonia.
Antonia is a bay pinto wit cat tracks on the Lippizaner mare mold as a sporthorse. She has "Collector Club 2024" on her belly. I'm pretty happy with mine, she is very minimally to not flawed at all, at least that I can see. This deeper bay color suits her very well in my opinion. Now to find a foal to go with her as this mold is usually paired with one, though she should be easier to pair than the holiday model done on this mold.
The other model that was revealed in the Collector Club tent was the classic scale unicorn that is always released in the fall with the rest of the holiday/winter/Christmas models for the year.
Meet Auryn!!
Auryn is done the Fighting Stallion mold and done in a deco deep burgundy coat with gold patches, hooves, and horn. His very name means golden. He will be coming later as my mom ordered whim along with some of the other models and ornaments that have been released, some of which is apparently my xmas present/stocking stuffers but I only know cause she needs my help to keep track of what we have as I have google sheets of what we collectively have and what we want to get in the future, and let's just say it's a lot. Also that adds with the great abyss theme I have with this blog.
That's all I have for this post, will be going over more in the next few posts that I am hoping to have out in the next few days. See y'all in the next one!
(First pic belongs to me, pics of Auryn come form Breyer's site along with his official information.)
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