Sunday, June 30, 2024

Tractor Supply Co. (TSC) Models Have Been Revealed!!

 I find it a little earlier than usually for the TSC models to make a reveal, but recently they have appeared on TSC's official site. They won't likely be available until around October, which is usually when they start to come in, but it is good to start planning now. I meant to post this yesterday,  but ended up feeling really tired and just decided to go to sleep. I'll get back on track to day and the rest of what I wanted to post will be for next month leading up to Breyerfest.

First I'll go with one that was listed first on the site, so without further ado...

Meet Bugaboo!!

This gal is done on the Roxy mold in a bay, possible pinto/sabino coat, with four tall stockings and a stripe on her face. It appears she dons the braided mane & tail variation of this mold. Her official description is as follows, "Stock horses are well known for their "cow sense" - ability to work with cows - and their athletic and muscular build. Bugaboo is a beautiful bay mare with high white socks and a face stripe. She's in an extended lope, ready to chase down a cow and bring them back to the herd! She's also a great family mount and can be used for western pleasure, trail riding and even the sport of reining!" I do like her though when I first saw her I thought they had already done this type of design already for a TSC model, turns out I was thinking of Stella on the Bluegrass Bandit mold, though those on social media pointed out her similarities to the Breyerfest 2019 Special Run Model Diana variation. Speaking of Breyerfest, I believe this takes off one more mold guess of my list of surprise horse guesses this year so it looks like a new ranking list is in order which I will post later. I only have about 1-2 model on this mold, I hope to add more, and I will get her to help expand it. Now to move on to the second one.

Meet Lydia!!
This sporty lady is done on the mare version of the Lonsome Glory mold. She is a blanket palomino appaloosa with a star and one sock on her foreleg, she has a lot of shading that I at first thought she may possibly of been a dunalino. Her description is, "Sporthorses excel in a variety of disciplines that require precision and accuracy - traditionally the Olympic disciplines of dressage, show jumping, eventing, and combined driving. Sporthorses are bred for specific qualities in their temperament, conformation, and movement to help them excel in the show ring. Her athleticism, paired with her beautiful palomino blanket appaloosa coat, make Lydia a particularly stunning example of this breed type." I think I have 2 mare variations on this mold, though I think Breyer has only done 2 on this mold. They are Zenyatta and By A Nose from Breyerfest 2018. I think this also takes off a potential guess/possibility off my surprise horse guesses list. I think she is very pretty and I do like a good palomino, so this fall she will be joining me. We are halfway through the traditional models, on to the third/second to last model.

Meet Big Blue!!
This guy is a blue decorator like Blue from a couple of years ago, he is to match/represent the blue jackets FFA members wear. He is done on the Clydesdale Stallion mold, good to see the original traditional scale mold being used again as the stablemate version has been used a lot lately. He has gold bobs and a gold bow as accessories. His description is as follows, "Our inspiration for Big Blue, this beautiful texture coated draft horse, is the iconic blue corduroy jacket worn by FFA members. This jacket dates to 1933 and represents a lifestyle of new opportunities, tradition, leadership, agriculture, commitment, pride, community service, and much more." About $3 of each of his sales will be donated to the FFA. I do like him, before I knew his name, I thought he was black but then upon closer inspection I realized he was actually a blue deco, which I do like this blue deco type as it's like dark blue jeans that somewhat match Liberty and other blue jeans decos that have been done in the past. I will be getting him as  do like and he will go with Blue and maybe Applegate from last year.

Last but certainly not least of the traditional scale model...
Meet Peyton!!
He appears to be a chestnut/liver chestnut on the Adios mold with a narrow stripe and possibly a sock/stocking on his one fore hoof. Nice to see Adios have a release again, it's been a bit, I believe his last official release was Fonzie. His description says, "The most popular breed in the United States is the Quarter Horse. These horses were bred to be the fastest in sprint races of 1/4 mile or less, but they were also the mount of choice for cowboys of the American west. Today, Quarter Horses have been specialized through breeding to excel in all manner of work and sport, from ranch tasks to show jumping. Peyton's sturdy conformation, rich chestnut coat, and intelligent, expressive eyes reflect the qualities one would desire in a working horse. He features an authentically styled ranch brand on his right hip." It's really hard to see in this photo, but I do not see a brand on his right hip we can see form this angle in this photo. Maybe this is a pic of a prototype, that has happened in the past. I guess we'll have to keep an eye on the site as it gets closer to the models being officially released in stores. Anyway, I do like him, I feel Adios is a bit underrated as he's based off a standardbred of the same name but is always used as a quarter horse due to his looks and build reflecting that breed opposed to the breed he actually is. At least he fits both technically, though one is definitely favored over the other. I could use more good stock horses in my herd.

There is one more new release on the site, it is the classic scale mustang family as there is usually is a new one each year.
They're pretty and cute, but it is an interesting combination of molds. The mare and foal are done on the vintage Mesteno's mother and the foal is on the newer, but vintage looking, haflinger foal mold while the stallion is on the brand new-ish Fairfax/Morgan stallion mold. The stallion appears to be a bay roan, the mare looks like a dunalino pinto, and the foal is either a buckskin or a dun pinto, maybe even dunskin pinto. Don't know if I'll get them or not, I have'nt gotten the last few these past few years. I'm mostly focused on the traditional models and any stablemate sets like they did last year.

Currently it does not look like there's going to be a stablemate set or two yet. It's still early, maybe after Breyerfest or within the next month or 2 we may see more, or not. Anyway, that's it for now, until nex time!!

(all pics and info come from TSC/Breyer)

Friday, June 28, 2024

More Breyerfest Auction Reveals!! (Part 2)

 The second set of reveals for the auction are here! Let's see what some of the rest of the lots look like!

Lot #5:

Quarter Horse Yearling 

This young fellow is done in a chestnut tobiano with cat-tracks. I am a sucker for flaxen chestnuts, and his face marking is reminiscent of Calvin, the classic scale gambler's choice for the collector's club a while back. He is very cute, I own one model on this mold. It's a vintage one my dad got from a coworker, he was beat up and he thought he could get money for it but this mold sadly isn't popular enough for it so he let me keep it as I do like him. I hope some more modern releases are don eon this mold as it does look like it's been polished up a bit compared to the model I have and it makes him look quite nice. 

Lot #6:

Australian Stock Horse

Somewhat not a surprise this mold is making an appearance in the auction as not only is it the mold for the celebration horse this year, but this mold is used fairly frequently for OOAKs in the auction as well. This one looks like it is the gelding version, which is the original version before the mare adaptation for this year. He is also done in a unique chestnut brindle with three white socks and a blaze/stripe. I always love when Breyer does these kind of brindles, but sadly they are mostly reserved for OOAKs. There have been some brindle releases such as Lipstick and Josie, but those brindles aren't as intricate as this one. I wish they would do more, whether it is a portrait model regular run or some sort of limited release like a flagship/brick & mortar model or even Tractor Supply exclusive models, you know something like that. Also I plan to cover the revealed TSC models for this year tomorrow so hang tight for that post.

Lot #8:

Iberian horse/Brishen mold variation

This handsome bot is done in a shimmery silver dapple grey with a somatic mutation!! I love this mold and the somatic mutation!! Again, it's something I wish Breyer did more of due to them mostly only doing them for OOAKs sadly, though unlike brindles, this hasn't really had any official release of any sort outside of this. If they did, I request it be like the brindles, either do a portrait model regular run, or it could be a really cool brick & mortar and/or TSC exclusive model. Also I know a real life horse with a somatic mutation, but is the reverse of this. Instead if grey with bay, she's a bay with a grey and it's on her face too on the left side. It also almost looks like an extension of her white face marking. Since it's only her face, and doesn't look like it's spreading and doesn't match the typical greying out pattern, she definitely has to have a somatic mutation of sorts.

Lot #9:


This Arabian is done in a delicious glossy golden palomino coat, looks like he has three socks with a star and snip. I love a good palomino and I do really like the Sham mold, despite palomino not being a traditional Arabian color as they do not carry the cream gene without outside breed influence, he could maybe pass as a very pale flaxen chestnut. I like palominos like this, but off to the wishlist he goes.

That's it for today, I will cover the TSC model reveals tomorrow, then do the newest reveals for the auction afterwards before trying to finish off with the news letter and other things before the end of the month. See y'all tomorrow!

(pics and information come from Breyer.)

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Breyerfest Auction Lots Revealed! (Part 1)

 Breyer has two different Breyerfest Blog posts with auction model reveals. This post will cover the first post of reveals. So let's get started and take a look.

Lot #1:

Trotting Morgan Stallion

The Troubadour mold, as it is also called, is done in a glossy dapple bay coat with blue interference. Breyer is doing the blue interference again due to most of the positive feedback on it when displayed in other models. It also looks like he has a blaze/stripe with four white socks on each hoof. I do like him and his rich coloring, though I will say it once here though I guess I may say it again/say it all the time, but sadly I won't be able to afford any OOAKs as usual. Maybe and hopefully one day as there is always at least one or two I really like and wish they could join my heard.

Lot #2:

Paso Fino

Cancion is another name for this mold and it made his first Breyerfest appearance last year as one of the raffle models. He is done in a red dun overo coat. It sort of looks like he may have a slight badger face marking on his face, but it's hard from only the one angle we are given. I do really like the shading, the maing, and attention to marking details on him, it makes him look really handsome. I hope we get a regular run portrait model of him next year after having multiple limited releases from this year and last year, especially since he is used as a portrait model of a guest horse this year.

Lot #3:

Fell Pony

This little gal is done in a strawberry roan sabino coat. The coloration and marking are reminiscent of Heath who was released earleir this year. Some theorize she could possibly have been a test for him, which that could possibly be and would be cool but Breyer hasn't really said anything about that, especially when she was first revealed, but I somewhat doubt it. Also I guess this takes another mold off my surprise horse guesses list. I do like her though and wished this mold was used a bit more, especially for portrait models as all we have is the late queen's mount, Carltonlima Emma, aka Emma. Plus this mold deserves more intricate coats done on her as most have been solid, Emma is solid black, black-eyed susan is dark/liver chestnut, and honeybunch is palomino. Coats like this do seem to suit her well, hopefully she makes more appearances, especially larger limited to regular run type releases in the future plus this is the only fell pony mold Breyer has and it is an underrepresented breed, especially in the hobby.

Lot #4:

Andalusian Stallion

This guy is a glossy peacock inspired decorator. I do like him as he is very interesting, though I find Breyer always does interesting decos like this on this mold and they usually end up being very limited releases or OOAKs which is sad as he always looks very cool. I know my aunt would really like this model as she loves peacocks. I wish I could get him for her, but oh well, hopefully they make a peacock deco again in the future, maybe like if Breyer brings back the Birds of a Feather series.

(those are all the reveals form the first blog post of reveals, I will cover the rest tomorrow. all the pics and info comes straight from Breyer.)

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Newport & Maverick Are Here!!! Golden Palomino Hamilton Achieved!!

 My Newport & Maverick arrived a little while ago, but here they are in hand.

I decided to get Maverick before it was too late and so Newport could have a travel buddy as lately it seems the shipping handlers what to wreck even the smallest of packages lately as I have seen some Newports come either minor to majorly damaged. I also decided to get the Mojave pin as I think that one will sellout next as I missed out on Anamar's sadly, I also missed out on Highland's but managed to get one form eBay. Anamar's pin is at the top of my in search of list for pins, so if anyone has one for sale/trade, or know if someone/of one somewhere, please let me know.

I usually try not to buy many models leading up to Breyerfest, save for club models including web specials/lottery models. But recently I found a grail up for auction on eBay and the starting price was good. I managed to get the winning bid and it wasn't much higher than the start despite battling neck and neck to get the highest bid before it closed.

Meet Jefferson!!

He was for half of what I usually see him go for, even for the original matte release new in box.  He was also the last of the 70th anniversary models, which were supposed to be a treasure hunt series before the pandemic ruined that, I needed to get in the series as he was the most popular and kept selling out everywhere. I had already gotten the others when they were on Breyer's site when first released and since then I had to track down one of this guy in good condition for a good price. I chose the name Jefferson based off the molds name as well as the second release on the mold which are Hamilton and Lafayette, somewhat fits with the founding father/colonial names theme.

That's it for now. Will go over Breyerfest auction models and TSC model reveals over the next few days or so. See y'all next time!!

(pics belong to me.)

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Mid-Year Releases Are Here!! Newest Release for the Stablemates Club!! Reveal for First Premier Club Release!!

Sorry this was delayed. I've been busy at work as its slightly picked up due to rearranging the schedule and to start weaning the foals. Also heats gone up and it drains me by the end of the day and all I want to do it cool off, clear off the sweat, and to get to sleep earlier/nap. This was meant to be posted on the 14th, but will be posted now so I can catch up before the end of the month and before the start of Breyerfest.

The newest stablemate release is here and I ordered him this week, along with a couple of traveling buddies, and hoping he arrives next week.

Meet Newport!!!

Newport is a polo pony version of the existing Thoroughbred mold. He is in a rich glossy bay coat with a star and stripe and one hind sock right hind leg, his tail bands are blue and yellow for Breyer's colors. He looks very sleek and we do need more polo ponies from Breyer, especially polo pony specific molds. The only one we have is the classic scale mold and then the sometimes used polo pony variation of the Smarty Jones mold, it was also about time one appeared in the stablemate lineup. After seeing some arrive in person already, others have been comparing it to the thoroughbred mold Newport is adapted form and it appears he is slightly larger and more muscular than the thoroughbred mold. Which I find interesting, the Newport mold was customized/sculpted by Franceyn Dare, the original thoroughbred mold was by Kathleen Moody.

Original thoroughbred for comparison. Though still fitting it was chosen for the basis for a polo pony mold, not only was a thoroughbred mold from Breyer already adapted for a polo pony variation, but thoroughbred do influence polo ponies in real life. Further proof is when Storm Cat was chosen to produce two clones to help improve and add more to polo ponies, though sadly only one clone survived as the other died in a paddock accident but there are polo ponies that are a lot more closely descended form Storm Cat today from the only clone and are apparently doing well and look like well bred/built horses. Also at the previous farm I worked for, I knew someone who intended to buy one of the yearlings as she fell in love with her and the managers already said she probably won't sell or go for much as she wasn't very racehorse looking and the polo trainer said she looked like a good future polo pony and wouldn't mind training her. Sadly and surprisingly she got outbid and now that filly is still in training for racing, shame it would've been cool to see a future polo pony in the making. Though if that filly doesn't pan out for racing to the point they don't want to try breeding her, I hope she finds her way back to the co-worker I know would taker her in a heartbeat.

Meet Llywellyn!!

He is a welsh cob and will be released sometime later this month/early next moth with possible extra week to buy due to Breyerfest being right around the corner. He is a light buttermilk buckskin with dapples, blaze/stripe, and four stockings. He was sculpted by Eva Rossiter an Irish artist and shown in a gallop pose. Welshes are native to the mountains and valleys of Wales. Welsh cobs are the largest of the four sections of the welsh ponies, they must be a minimum of 13.2 hands and can come in a variety of colors. 

I believe Llywellyn is named after the last Prince of Wales. The title was believed to be first in used in the 1160s via a letter from Owain Gwynedd, ruler of Gwynedd, to Louis VII of France in order to claim control and power/rank higher than other Welsh users. Then in 1301 the title was taken by Edward I of England after his conquest of Wales and then bestowed it upon his son Edward of Caernafon, since then it has been tradition to bestow the title to the heir of the English/British throne.

I've been to Wales, after Ireland my tour group took a ferry to Wales. Sadly we only were there for half a day before going to England from there. I remember going to Llanfair to go to the Mr. Pringles store, maybe that wasn't the name but had nothing to do with the chips, this store was older than the chips brand. I got a nice daffodil necklace there. There were also nice porcelain horse figures, but they were too expensive and wouldn't fit in my luggage anyway. I saved a photo of them for later. We also visited an old castle ruins and went to lunch there, I went with a couple of friends to an italian restaurant called Tredicci and had a margarita pizza to myself. I forget what the name of the town was But I'd like to go back as there were other sites, plus mountain outlooks near there too to look at everything.

Mid year releases have finally been revealed. I'll mostly go over the portrait models and a select few collect-a. 
Meet Salvino!!

Salvino was a guest at the Ponies & Palm Trees collector event from 2022. He does Olympic level dressage and has two silver medals and is the 2022 U.S. Equestrian International Horse of the Year. He is owned by Betsy Juliano and ridden by Adrienne Lyle. Salvino is a bay Hanoverian stallion and is part of the Team USA and has earned multiple medals and been to FEI Dressage Nations Cups including gold, silver, and bronze with Lyle. He was retired form competition earlier this year, he will soon start his new career as a stallion and produce the next generation of dressage champions. Each model that sells, $1 will be donated to the dressage foundation.

Meet Quietway Spinabbey, aka Spinabbey!!

Spinabbey belong to Guy McLean, he has had another horse made by Breyer which was Nugget and his training videos were apart of an auction lot. According to Guy, Spinabbey was more like a gazelle in his first days. He'd keep all fours off the ground and has now become the lead horse in his performances. He can canter sideways and backwards!! Spinabbey's mane is roaches and will come with a poem from Guy.

Meet Cyrus & Solana!!

These two are the newest unicorn set. They are golden chestnuts and will helpfully lend their powers. Cyrus is the stallion who patrols his lands and watches over his hers. Solana is the newest member of his family whom he keeps watch over, she likes to explore the territory. 

Some of the collect-a's I like are: 

We have Breton the chestnut draft stallion, a palomino lusitano stallion, and Phar Lap!! Though Phar Lap's description says he's a stallion, when in real life he was a gelding. I don't know if it was something with the mold but I'm pretty sure when they did his traditional limited release model years ago, as an australian exclusive at Target, he was a gelding not only in real life but also the lonesome glory mold. They did his actual mold and oriignal release as a gelding due to the moving coming out in 1986. Any way I hope to get him and others as I only have one, a grey white arabian mare.

That's it for now, I'll show Newport in hand plus his travel buddies and other things the next few days.

(all pics and info came from Breyer on the official site.)

Even More Breyerfest Releases!!

I'm back!! Sorry for the very long delay. I was hit with a mix of lack of motivation and having issues with my laptop which have been re...