Friday, June 28, 2024

More Breyerfest Auction Reveals!! (Part 2)

 The second set of reveals for the auction are here! Let's see what some of the rest of the lots look like!

Lot #5:

Quarter Horse Yearling 

This young fellow is done in a chestnut tobiano with cat-tracks. I am a sucker for flaxen chestnuts, and his face marking is reminiscent of Calvin, the classic scale gambler's choice for the collector's club a while back. He is very cute, I own one model on this mold. It's a vintage one my dad got from a coworker, he was beat up and he thought he could get money for it but this mold sadly isn't popular enough for it so he let me keep it as I do like him. I hope some more modern releases are don eon this mold as it does look like it's been polished up a bit compared to the model I have and it makes him look quite nice. 

Lot #6:

Australian Stock Horse

Somewhat not a surprise this mold is making an appearance in the auction as not only is it the mold for the celebration horse this year, but this mold is used fairly frequently for OOAKs in the auction as well. This one looks like it is the gelding version, which is the original version before the mare adaptation for this year. He is also done in a unique chestnut brindle with three white socks and a blaze/stripe. I always love when Breyer does these kind of brindles, but sadly they are mostly reserved for OOAKs. There have been some brindle releases such as Lipstick and Josie, but those brindles aren't as intricate as this one. I wish they would do more, whether it is a portrait model regular run or some sort of limited release like a flagship/brick & mortar model or even Tractor Supply exclusive models, you know something like that. Also I plan to cover the revealed TSC models for this year tomorrow so hang tight for that post.

Lot #8:

Iberian horse/Brishen mold variation

This handsome bot is done in a shimmery silver dapple grey with a somatic mutation!! I love this mold and the somatic mutation!! Again, it's something I wish Breyer did more of due to them mostly only doing them for OOAKs sadly, though unlike brindles, this hasn't really had any official release of any sort outside of this. If they did, I request it be like the brindles, either do a portrait model regular run, or it could be a really cool brick & mortar and/or TSC exclusive model. Also I know a real life horse with a somatic mutation, but is the reverse of this. Instead if grey with bay, she's a bay with a grey and it's on her face too on the left side. It also almost looks like an extension of her white face marking. Since it's only her face, and doesn't look like it's spreading and doesn't match the typical greying out pattern, she definitely has to have a somatic mutation of sorts.

Lot #9:


This Arabian is done in a delicious glossy golden palomino coat, looks like he has three socks with a star and snip. I love a good palomino and I do really like the Sham mold, despite palomino not being a traditional Arabian color as they do not carry the cream gene without outside breed influence, he could maybe pass as a very pale flaxen chestnut. I like palominos like this, but off to the wishlist he goes.

That's it for today, I will cover the TSC model reveals tomorrow, then do the newest reveals for the auction afterwards before trying to finish off with the news letter and other things before the end of the month. See y'all tomorrow!

(pics and information come from Breyer.)

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Even More Breyerfest Releases!!

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