Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Newport & Maverick Are Here!!! Golden Palomino Hamilton Achieved!!

 My Newport & Maverick arrived a little while ago, but here they are in hand.

I decided to get Maverick before it was too late and so Newport could have a travel buddy as lately it seems the shipping handlers what to wreck even the smallest of packages lately as I have seen some Newports come either minor to majorly damaged. I also decided to get the Mojave pin as I think that one will sellout next as I missed out on Anamar's sadly, I also missed out on Highland's but managed to get one form eBay. Anamar's pin is at the top of my in search of list for pins, so if anyone has one for sale/trade, or know if someone/of one somewhere, please let me know.

I usually try not to buy many models leading up to Breyerfest, save for club models including web specials/lottery models. But recently I found a grail up for auction on eBay and the starting price was good. I managed to get the winning bid and it wasn't much higher than the start despite battling neck and neck to get the highest bid before it closed.

Meet Jefferson!!

He was for half of what I usually see him go for, even for the original matte release new in box.  He was also the last of the 70th anniversary models, which were supposed to be a treasure hunt series before the pandemic ruined that, I needed to get in the series as he was the most popular and kept selling out everywhere. I had already gotten the others when they were on Breyer's site when first released and since then I had to track down one of this guy in good condition for a good price. I chose the name Jefferson based off the molds name as well as the second release on the mold which are Hamilton and Lafayette, somewhat fits with the founding father/colonial names theme.

That's it for now. Will go over Breyerfest auction models and TSC model reveals over the next few days or so. See y'all next time!!

(pics belong to me.)

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