Friday, May 31, 2024

More Breyerfest Reveals!!

 Breyer is still not done with sneak peaks, one of the recent ones was a prize model and I thought those were done but I guess I was wrong. That's ok, more reveals than just the two raffles is good enough for me as we countdown to Breyerfest. Just a little over a month away now!!

First prize model I want to talk about is, Gimme More.

He is done on the Ethereal mold in a stunning black & white tobiano pinto coat. He is named after the Brittany Spears of the same name. Gimme More is the prize model for Breyerfest Open Model Horse Show Overall Reserve Champion. There are 12 of him meaning 12 winners will receive him. Like most to all prize models, I really like him, but I don't enter any shows or contests. I would like to one day, but right now time and money just aren't enough for it at the moment.

Next and last prize model reveal is, Oops... I Did It Again.

He is done on the Goffert mold in a beautiful dappled flaxen chestnut coat with flashy chrome markings. He too is named after a Brittany Spears song of the same name, looks like Breyer went on a Brittany kick for these last two. He is the prize for the Breyerfest Open Model Horse Show Grand Champion, again 12 will be made as 12 winners will receive him. I like him too, flaxen chesnut with chrome is one of many coat colors I am a total sucker for. But like usual, I don't have a chance at him due to not entering any contests or shows, but he is another I hope to one day get.

(Pics and information come from Breyer. That's it for now, especially this month, more to come later/next month, maybe even tomorrow if I have enough for a full post.)

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Collector Club May Newsletter!!

The Collector Club Newsletter is here!! 

This month's edition mentions the release of Rio, learning to cast medallions,  virtual workshops for Breyerfest are available, link to article for wrap-up on the Spurs & Spokes event, and this month's giveaway is Gilded!! 

Debating whether to enter or not as I plan to get this model hopefully soon, I may just enter for the heck of it, I haven't won any of the giveaways yet but I don't know. Also of course the sneak peak at the end as usual, this one looks to be of a dark bay colored model. I think it's of the shoulder neck area, maybe smoother rounder part of the haunches/hind quarters. Someone on social media said it looks like a stablemate, but considering how smooth it is I think it's a bigger scale. Classic/freedom at the smallest, but I think it's most likely a traditional scale as we are still expecting the mid-year releases. We were supposed to have reveals this month but nothing came so now it is anticipated for next month as usually they start to arrive around mid-June anyways. Can't wait to see what we'll get for the rest of the year!!

(pics belong to breyer)

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Third Release of Exotic Destination Series!! Meet Rio!!

 He was reveal at the Spokes & Spurs event and I lightly mentioned him in my post about the event. Here I will be talking about him more as I want to share my opinions about him as well as info Breyer has released on him. 

Rio is officially here!!

Description from Breyer: "Prepare to be taken to some of the most beautiful destinations around the world – in equine form! Artist Sommer Prosser has dreamed up a new series highlighting both the beauty of our world, and the horses that inhabit it.

Our third location in the Exotic Destinations series takes us someplace warm – Rio de Janeiro! The capitol of Brazil, it boasts both spectacular beaches and nightlife, as well as ecological reserves and lush parks.

A fine Mangalarga Marchador stallion, artist Sommer Prosser designed Rio’s sooty buckskin coat to be reminiscent of the golden sand beaches that line Rio de Janeiro’s coastline. His deep shading and dapples also remind us that Rio is also surrounded by mountains and deep forests. The national horse breed of Brazil, the Mangalarga Marchador is a smooth-gaited steed that is treasured for its hardiness and intelligence. He features “Rio 2024” on his belly in gold."

Rio is limited to 600 pieces and costs $185. The Mangalarga Marchador was last used in 2021 for the True Blue event model, Lamington. For awhile I didn't think Breyer wasn't gonna use this mold again, at least not for a long while. It's sadly not super popular and has only had one regular run release which was Enzo. I figured his next release would be a club model, but wasn't sure on the type of release but web special feels right. I feel if he was used as part of a lineup like for the vintage club, many would either not join or be stuck trying to get rid of an undesirable model.

I actually like him. I like this mold as it was introduced and used for the celebration horse when I attended my first Breyerfest back in 2016. I am also a sucker for sooty buckskins so I was really hoping to get him, but also considering the molds unpopularity it luckily wasn't too hard for me. My mom was technically chosen for this one, but I get to continue the series as I have gotten the other 2 as well.

That's it for today. Until next time!!

(pics belong to breyer/rightful owner(s).)

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Breyerfest Reveals & Announcements!! Good News About Blue Zeus!! There is a Plushy This Year!!

 Breyer has announced that Blue Zeus will be offered up for backorders once the initial release runs out! This is the first time they will be doing it and it is because of the overwhelming popularity and demand for the model. I am hoping to get him when the online store opens up officially but at least if that fails for some reason I know I won't be at a total loss. Though I am wondering how much his initial release number will change once the backorders go through. Breyer has stated the backorders should be expected to arrive around December of this year. I am assuming Breyer has made the online Breyerfest store to have the backorder popup as soon as the initial release pops up, even if it is within hours or a day of sellout which I assume will be practically immediately. 

I am assuming this reveal will be the last Breyerfest for awhile, at least until closer to the event as I believe only the raffle models are now left as the prize models should all have been revealed by now.

So, without further ado....

Meet Percy!!!

Percy is based off the endangered Przewalski horse (pronounced "chevalski/sheh-Vahl-skee" a Russian surname). He was revealed on National Endangered Species Day. The Przewalski is the only and last truly wild horse, all the rest are considered feral due to descending from domesticated horses that became loose, they cane be found wondering the Mongolian Steppes. Originally they could be found in great numbers across Europe & Asia. The ever changing environment they lived them forced them to Asia, this nearly led to their extinction. Careful select breeding of captured horses led to their numbers to increase and reintroduced into their native lands. Percy will cost $20.00 and will be limited to 2,000 pieces.

I remember doing a little bit on them for a project in high school and then learned more in college when I took an equine genetics course. While they have never been domesticated, there is evidence of an ancient civilization that tried and was near successful until for some reason they never did and all vanished. Evidence has been found in old bern/stable like structures and the very first bridles and saddles made. In this class I also learned that in the modern era, someone tried their hand at domesticating them by breeding them with domesticated horses and almost was successful. But I feel it's like wolf dogs, can be domesticated and docile but not fully as the wild animal is much more in them due to a recent ancestor. This man had acquired some Przewalski's somehow but he ran out of research funding and retired and the horses went somewhere, no one seems to be fully sure what happened to these horses, especially the hybrids.
Anyway, I definitely plan to get this little cutie as Breyer doesn't do ancient breeds and the Przewalski horse overall very often. That's the only Breyerfest news I have at the moment outside of it sounded like some general and all access tickets back in February were refunded due to an error but Breyer worked quickly to resolve the issue and notify people and make sure they got the original early bird price. They also said it was a very small number and tat VIP and tickets past February are safe, which is good for me as I spent a lot of money on VIP this year.

That's it for today. More to come later on other things as they happen and I catch up a bit.

Friday, May 24, 2024

CCA Models!! July 4th Plushy!!!!

 Looks like the sneak peek firm the previous collector club newsletter in fact was for the CCA and whoever guessed it has guessed correctly. 

The glossy models for this year are Battlefield Angel "Ezra", Chestnut Appaloosa from Ideal Series on Geronimo, Mojave, and Get Rowdy. The Mojave is not surprisingly the most sought after then followed closely in second by Ezra. Get Rowdy is a decent 3rd as some like grey warmbloods and the Bristol mold and sadly the appaloosa isn't quite popular but some are finding their forever homes by those who do want him.

As usual, I am sadly not in a financial place to take part. I hope to one day just to see whom I'd get and have at least one very rare glossy model. Oh well, there is another usually in the fall, but I don't think quite that soon I'll find myself financial stable enough for it so I'm nit going to hold my breath for it.

The new fourth of July plushy for this year is Maverick!!
He sports the white and red stripes with hints of blue for the star patch. His name I believe is a tribute to Maverick form Top Gun played by Tom Cruise. It is a fitting name as whenever one thinks of the army, especially the air force, Maverick comes up first and is a top inspiration. I am hoping to get him soon as I feel he would go well with Sparkler and Indy from previous years.

That's it for today I will be covering some more tomorrow. See you all later.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Thoughts on Spokes & Spurs Models. Other Model Reveals at Spokes & Spurs.

Sorry for not posting this sooner, got busy with work and other things that made me slightly unmotivated to post when I wanted. So any way, let’s look at the Spokes & Spurs event models as well as others they have revealed. 

First one I would like to discuss is the main, celebration horse model, Wimpy's Little Step:

Wimpy is a beautiful dark sooty palomino, he represents the spurs part of the event name. This mold was converted into a stallion for this model as the real life horse and a stallion, IDYB put in their notes on this model "stallion bits added" which I found funny. I love this model, and in the past I have stated that I am a sucker for sooty palominos and buckskins, especially the palominos. I hope to get this model one day so I can have more sooty palominos in my collection and continue to conga the mold. Maybe in the future we will see more stallions done on this mold as this is the only cutting/reining mold in the traditional scale lineup. Run number hasn't been revealed yet but I am assuming same amount as attendees.

Next the event stablemate, a Clydesdale named Ned:

Ned is a black and white clydesdale, he represents the spokes part of the event name. This little model is very cute, just like the real life horse he's based off of from the photos I've seen. He'd be nice to have one day as most of my stablemate clydesdales are the g3 mold which has been used by Breyer a lot lately. This mold is a newer one and is a shrunken version of the clydesdale stallion form the traditional scale lineup. Run number hasn't been revealed yet but I am assuming same amount as attendees.

Here is a flyer that was revealed with all the special runs:

First special run I'd like to discuss is Guthrie:

Guthrie is a grullo appaloosa on the foundation stallion mold. He is limited to 60 pieces and original asking price was $250. I have also stated it in the past but I'll say it again, I am a sucker for grullos. It is my fav dun dilute. I think he looks really cut eon the foundation stallion and I think he'd make a great mustang. Guthrie is named after the town of the same name in Oklahoma, where the event took place, according to history it was a train stop after the Land Run of 1889. He's definitely one model I'd like to own at some point in time, hopefully in the near-ish, not too far future.

Following in second is Ozark:

Ozark is what appears to be a bay/brown-ish dun on the Latigo mold. He is limited to 52 pieces and original asking price also is $250. I like him, his in hand pics are a bit better than on the flyer. I feel they haven't made many duns on this mold, and they don't quite use this mold as much anymore. He doesn't quite scream I have to try and find him right away, but is one I wouldn't mind getting eventually many years later if I happen to find a decent one. Ozark is named after the town of the same name, it is also a region that goes westward into northeast OK to extreme southeast KS. The name comes form the French Aux Arcs which means "with bows" and given by an early French explorer to the Bows Indians (Quapaw).

Followed in third is Redbud:

Redbud is a grey pinto on the John Henry mold. He is limited to 48 pieces and the original asking price was $250. I like him more than Ozark, I think he'd make a nice sporty pinto. But I wouldn't say he would be immediate, he'd be somewhere more in the middle as I am slowly building the John Henry conga as I want all the thoroughbred and standardbreds on the mold first. I, or I should say my Mom, has almost all the Native American horses on this mold. I do think Redbud would fit better with them but I do like grey pintos as I find them to be a bit rare, both in real life and in models, especially when done by Breyer. Redbud is named after the large shrub/small tree like plant that is also Oklahoma's state tree.

The mare & foal set is Biscuits & Gravy:

Biscuits & Gravy are done on the Misty & Sea Star molds. They are limited to 40 pieces and original asking price was $265. Surprisingly the unpopular, and yet in my opinion underrated and underused Sea Star mold was used to be paired with Misty than the popular and traditional stormy. Sea Star has only been paired with Misty one other time and has been used sparingly overall, his most recent release is Cascade & Caspian the blue unicorn mare & foal set. I do find them very cute and love the coloring on little gravy. I hope to get them at some point and it would be nice to have more on the Sea Star mold as I only have the one, Caspian. Biscuits & Gravy are obviously named after the foods pf the same name, which is a staple in the southern part of the United States. I can find them fairly easily here in Kentucky.

Second to last is Oklahoma Rose:

Oklahoma Rose is a stunning deep glossy bay with a blaze and four tall stockings and is done in the Gem Twist mold. He is limited to 104 pieces and original asking price was $195. It's nice to see Gem Twist again as it had been awhile since he was last used. He's mostly been used as OOAKs for Breyerfest in recent years and he is now considered vintage having been made back in 1993. I sadly don't have any on this mold but I would like to, I would like the original Snowman on this mold as I have the newer one on the Idocus mold. Closest I have to having a Gem Twist is my Aunt who got Peppermint Kiss during her first Breyerfest in 2022. Oklahoma Rose does look like he makes a great warmblood. My dad took a liking to this one when I shared a pic of Faded Love and he happened to be in it too. He is named after Oklahoma's state flower.

I saved the best fir last as he is certainly not least, so without further ado, FADED LOVE!!!:

Faded Love is a stunning bay going grey, almost rose grey, on my absolute fav mold, Esprit. He is limited to 96 pieces and original asking price was $195. Of course he takes top priority when it comes to trying to getting on of these models right away. This mold is quite very popular nor isn't used very much and is sadly one of those molds that Breyer mostly uses for limited run pieces when used. He's only had one portrait model and only one regular run release. Also grey is a very common color Breyer likes to use on this mold too. Pecos the 2011 Breyerfest celebration horse was an all white grey and the the 2014 holiday horse bay berry and roses was a rose grey. I'm not quite sure what he's named after, from my findings theres  a country song called Faded Love which is for Oklahoma state, and then there's a 1998 movie called Oklahoma Faded Love which doesn't look like it got good reviews. I'm gonna say most likely named after the song as it does sound like a song name, so I guess it's popular in Oklahoma.

There is one more event specific model, and it is the table center piece model that get raffled off to one of the people at the table. This year's is called Route 66:

Route 66 is a beautiful turquoise blue with copper decorator colored horse on the Western Prancing Horse.He is limited to 25 pieces and at least one has sold for over $2,000 on an eBay auction. I absolutely love this guy. He is similar to the center piece model from the collector club even not too long ago, it was done on the foal Camila mold which isn't used anymore sadly. Only one obtainable model has been released in this color, Bisbee on the Forever Saige mold, and I hope they do more with this color in the future as I find it looks quite nice especially once covered in gloss. Like Sunny, the centerpiece model from 2011, he may be hard to find and if I do find one, he'd go for a pretty penny. He of course is named after the once popular historical Route 66, which was part of the original numbered highway system, before the modern highway/freeway/interstate system went into place. It started in Chicago, IL and ended in Santa Monica in Los Angeles, CA. Taking you from one side of the country to the next, other states it crossed through were Missouri, Kansas, OKLAHOMA, Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. You can still travel on parts of it and see old motels, mom & pop shops, and other things on it, others you sadly can't as they are long gone. There's also a popular song with the same name about the route and Route 66 use spanned from November 26, 1926-June 26, 1985. It's seen a lot of history over the years and there's a slight resurgence to explore it, mostly due to nostalgia but it is important to remember it and explore it so it all doesn't disappear one day. Anyway, I love the model and what it represents.

Amongst the reveals, most were another look at this year's Breyerfest models, but one wasn't, and it's a model whose mold I thought was never, or at least rarely, be used again due to lack in popularity, which is the Mangalarga Marchador. This model is called Rio, and he is the third in the Exotic Destination series. Along with Rio was the final stabelmate club model which is Augustus which is the new mold that is always released in the club once it comes to the last model of the year. He is a flaxen chestnut pinto and sculpted by Sarah Minkiewicz-Bruening. Augustus looks fairly large though most new molds have been larger than in the past, but he looks very stocky and stouty, he may be a draft or a mustang.

(All pics belong to original owners, information comes form Breyer and wikipedia for quick basic information about Oklahoma.)

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Zayn's & Domingo's Arrival!! Spokes & Spurs Even Model Reveals!!

 My Zayn and Domingo have arrived!!

The Zayn variation I got was the glossy dapple bay. I was really hoping for the bloody shoulder grey, but oh well this one is still nice though. Hoping to get the other two at some point.

Domingo has seemed to arrived mostly/completely unscathed compared to some others I've seen. Mine also doesn't appear to have the yellowish spot on his side like others, no one knows what's up with that, but at least mine survived the packing. I definitely need to get the other variations of San Domingo, especially the original and porcelain version of him. The original is on the San Domingo mold, then later there was a rerelease with the book on the semi-rearing mustang, and now there's this one on the new and popular Fireheart mold.

I'm late on this post due to being busy with the derby and work (which is a Thoroughbred Farm) which then caused a little lack of motivation, but about a week before the spurs and spokes the models were revealed. I'll show them here but cover them in another post as I catch up so each post isn't too long.

The only thing I am going to say before signing off is.... 
Ok I'm done, signing off for now!
(Pics of Zayn adn Domingo belong to me. Last pic is from Stormystrike's insta story, info in it is form Breyer.)

Even More Breyerfest Releases!!

I'm back!! Sorry for the very long delay. I was hit with a mix of lack of motivation and having issues with my laptop which have been re...