Friday, May 31, 2024

More Breyerfest Reveals!!

 Breyer is still not done with sneak peaks, one of the recent ones was a prize model and I thought those were done but I guess I was wrong. That's ok, more reveals than just the two raffles is good enough for me as we countdown to Breyerfest. Just a little over a month away now!!

First prize model I want to talk about is, Gimme More.

He is done on the Ethereal mold in a stunning black & white tobiano pinto coat. He is named after the Brittany Spears of the same name. Gimme More is the prize model for Breyerfest Open Model Horse Show Overall Reserve Champion. There are 12 of him meaning 12 winners will receive him. Like most to all prize models, I really like him, but I don't enter any shows or contests. I would like to one day, but right now time and money just aren't enough for it at the moment.

Next and last prize model reveal is, Oops... I Did It Again.

He is done on the Goffert mold in a beautiful dappled flaxen chestnut coat with flashy chrome markings. He too is named after a Brittany Spears song of the same name, looks like Breyer went on a Brittany kick for these last two. He is the prize for the Breyerfest Open Model Horse Show Grand Champion, again 12 will be made as 12 winners will receive him. I like him too, flaxen chesnut with chrome is one of many coat colors I am a total sucker for. But like usual, I don't have a chance at him due to not entering any contests or shows, but he is another I hope to one day get.

(Pics and information come from Breyer. That's it for now, especially this month, more to come later/next month, maybe even tomorrow if I have enough for a full post.)

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Even More Breyerfest Releases!!

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