Saturday, May 25, 2024

Breyerfest Reveals & Announcements!! Good News About Blue Zeus!! There is a Plushy This Year!!

 Breyer has announced that Blue Zeus will be offered up for backorders once the initial release runs out! This is the first time they will be doing it and it is because of the overwhelming popularity and demand for the model. I am hoping to get him when the online store opens up officially but at least if that fails for some reason I know I won't be at a total loss. Though I am wondering how much his initial release number will change once the backorders go through. Breyer has stated the backorders should be expected to arrive around December of this year. I am assuming Breyer has made the online Breyerfest store to have the backorder popup as soon as the initial release pops up, even if it is within hours or a day of sellout which I assume will be practically immediately. 

I am assuming this reveal will be the last Breyerfest for awhile, at least until closer to the event as I believe only the raffle models are now left as the prize models should all have been revealed by now.

So, without further ado....

Meet Percy!!!

Percy is based off the endangered Przewalski horse (pronounced "chevalski/sheh-Vahl-skee" a Russian surname). He was revealed on National Endangered Species Day. The Przewalski is the only and last truly wild horse, all the rest are considered feral due to descending from domesticated horses that became loose, they cane be found wondering the Mongolian Steppes. Originally they could be found in great numbers across Europe & Asia. The ever changing environment they lived them forced them to Asia, this nearly led to their extinction. Careful select breeding of captured horses led to their numbers to increase and reintroduced into their native lands. Percy will cost $20.00 and will be limited to 2,000 pieces.

I remember doing a little bit on them for a project in high school and then learned more in college when I took an equine genetics course. While they have never been domesticated, there is evidence of an ancient civilization that tried and was near successful until for some reason they never did and all vanished. Evidence has been found in old bern/stable like structures and the very first bridles and saddles made. In this class I also learned that in the modern era, someone tried their hand at domesticating them by breeding them with domesticated horses and almost was successful. But I feel it's like wolf dogs, can be domesticated and docile but not fully as the wild animal is much more in them due to a recent ancestor. This man had acquired some Przewalski's somehow but he ran out of research funding and retired and the horses went somewhere, no one seems to be fully sure what happened to these horses, especially the hybrids.
Anyway, I definitely plan to get this little cutie as Breyer doesn't do ancient breeds and the Przewalski horse overall very often. That's the only Breyerfest news I have at the moment outside of it sounded like some general and all access tickets back in February were refunded due to an error but Breyer worked quickly to resolve the issue and notify people and make sure they got the original early bird price. They also said it was a very small number and tat VIP and tickets past February are safe, which is good for me as I spent a lot of money on VIP this year.

That's it for today. More to come later on other things as they happen and I catch up a bit.

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Even More Breyerfest Releases!!

I'm back!! Sorry for the very long delay. I was hit with a mix of lack of motivation and having issues with my laptop which have been re...