Saturday, December 28, 2024

New Blind Bag Stablemates for Winter and Other New Holiday Horses!!

 Sorry for the very long delay on this. Been busy with work and it's drained me as we went from the November sale straight into sales prep for the January sale and the holidays were my only time to catch up.

First models:

I ordered Zulu & Hot Cocoa to come with the new winter blind bags which were cookie themed. There were four varieties and I got lucky I got two different ones. I got the iced gingerbread and chocolate crinkle cookie ones, the other two were the jam filled cookie and peppermint bark, the jam one was a translucent decorator in red with a white over coat for the powdered sugar. Crinkle cookie was my fav so I'm really happy I got him, plus managed to get some of the actual cookies form a local bakery irl.


As Breyer kept having sales and deals on shipping the more I utilized it over the weeks plus using the club discount. I got the Freya & Annika set and Jingle, who actually jingles when shaken!! My Freya & Annika are a bit on the darker side, especially Freya on her one side vs the other but oh well I still like them.

Awhile ago I finally got Highlander form a local dealer as they still had some and heavily discounted cause they were no longer selling so I snagged one as I totally meant to get him sooner. I love his pearly/metallic coat. I think he's supposed to be champagne or pearl rather than buckskin, but I'm gonna call him buckskin to be safe as I can't remember what Breyer said he was supposed to be.

Here's is the model related stuff I got for Christmas plus Courcheval who arrived two days before Christmas. I also got other stuff for Christmas, but it's not model related so it won't go in here, I just quickly mentioned it in my insta post. Finally got some WIA's for the first time in a couple of years, a bit overdue for me. Plus a 40th anniversary gen 1 Butterscotch My Little Pony. Quick note is Courcheval was original supposed to be the winter lottery but they changed it to be for anyone in the club before the public. Either way he's gorgeous and glad I was able to get him. Sad there's no Winterfest this year but oh well if it didn't do well then there's no need for a company to continue something that doesn't make them money.

Finally found a new in box Ruffian traditional model for a decent price to finally join my collection, especially racehorse/thoroughbred collection plus she came in time for when I bought the new Ruffian t-shirts that are in the gift shop at work and took full advantage of my employee discount on them and my holiday shopping so I got a great deal on them. The one with the wreath says "Ruffian Home Again" and the other says "Ruffian Queen of the Track". Now my Ruffian collection can start to grow. Next year is her 50th of her Triple Tiara win, and while yes 50 years since her death later after that, but she still had a remarkable life and career in that short time that is still remembered and revered 50 years later. And like her Uncle "Big Red", aka Secretariat, a lot of her records still stand today.

The Santa Surprise this year is Tannenbaum, German for Christmas Tree, on the fell pony mold. She is in four different colors, the coal being the rare as always and limited to 24 pieces, the rest which are red, blue, and green make up the remainder of the reported 3,000 run. I got one and as always am hoping for the coal or red, the blue is ok, and green doesn't always do it for me when Breyer does that color. This shade of green isn't going it for me vs the green for the blind bag stablemates last year, If I get it I may just keep it for now and trade later.

Quick pin update, these are my newest ones and thank god the Blue Zeus one was made available to everyone.

There's also been leaks of the 2025 releases, save for mid-years that will come later. Dealers aren't supposed to reveal nor take preorders till the start of the new year, but since the photos were leaked I'd like top cover them before that and therefore will talk about them in another post. Plus more to come via club models for the remainder of the year and ones for next year.

So that means that is it for now. Until the next one! See y'all later!!
(all photos belong to me except for the jam cookie and peppermint bark models, rights go to original owners)

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