Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Top 9 Models, 75th Anniversary Expectations and Info, & Sneak Peaks for Breyerfest 2025!!!

In the recent Just About Horses (JAH) magazine, Breyer stated that most of the 75th anniversary releases for 2025 will be traditional scale. Those traditional scale models will also be having anniversaries of their own next year, hence their selection for next year's lineup. These are said to have a new decorator concept that will blow our minds!! Also the portrait models from the "Why My Horse Would Love to Be a Breyer Model" will be making an appearance soon too. For celebrating 75 years we can expect a mix of vintage and new molds for the Breyerfest special run lineup, I already had a feeling on this so I made sure to account for this in my speculations. Plus of course different disciplines will be represented in the Limited Edition/Store Special lineup, there are several blog posts going over each discipline and some horse in past have represented these so they are used as examples in those posts. Breyer also mentioned the club releases will also have lineups for this worthy occasion. Then Breyer also lists the years for representation and celebration in the lineup for next year.

When I first saw this it confused me why 15 years was listed twice and why no 50 years was listed as well, I know they did it big when they did have their 50 years but still works here, also slightly why I don't know there's no 10 year. 40, 45, 30, and 35 years I can kinda see. But I feel there's at least one mold to represent each decade of Breyer's existence, save for maybe 60-65 years as there was a long gap between making the one for clock horses and making more for the public for children as toys, home decor, and later collectors and overall horse lovers. Though the leaked photos slightly clarified why they did these years but slightly still confuses me. I'll show them tomorrow instead as this post might get too long with them.

Now for the sneak peaks from the Breyerfest blog.
These definitely will most likely be for the single day stablemates, which are also offered in a four pack for the VIP ticket holders. I think I am most excited to see what the Indian Pony and Newport/Polo Pony will look like. I believe tomorrow or the day after tomorrow we will get a full reveal and start the full swing for Breyerfest reveals leading up to when the tickets go live for sale. So this means it is time for me to be checking the blog every day and almost every hour to see any updates for model reveals as I am too excited to see what this year's lineup will be!!

And lastly for my top 9 models for the year!!
This one was really hard and kept making changes as I was creating it and getting photos lined up. That's why some are stock photos or borrowed from other places, because I didn't take pics of those models as I had others already chosen before changing my mind. But now it is finalized, the one for sure that was going to be on here was Neptune because he's an Esprit, and we should all know by now that is my fav mold and I'm trying to conga them all. I believe he makes number 11 for my conga. These models were chosen based off grails achieved in the year and new releases that were my favorite for the year.

That's it for now!! Stay tuned tomorrow when I share the 2025 lineup that is to be revealed officially by dealers tomorrow, and should have pre-orders made available too. See y'all tomorrow!!
(first pic and most pics in top 9 grid belong to me, stablemate silhouettes belong to Breyer, info for 2025 comes from Breyer, other pics belong to original owner.)

Monday, December 30, 2024

Models for 2025 Including Club Model Reveals!!!

When it came time to start renewing club memberships for next year, of course the main collector club was offered first as you need to join that in order to join other clubs. The images shown for that to get your attention and persuade you to join featured a really nice dapple grey Akhal-Teke on the Altynai/Akhal-Teke named Maddox.

I always rejoin the clubs anyways, but I am still glad I did for this guy. He is gorgeous and I have been waiting for a nice grey to come out on this mold!! I am assuming he will be the Spring Collector Club web exclusive. Can't wait till he is made available!!

Also revealed was the deluxe membership stablemate, and in this case stablemates.
This will be a new shrunken traditional made into a stablemate, which is the semi-rearing stallion. Their name is Darius. The bay appaloosa will be received by all deluxe club members and the decorator ones will be shipped at random at a different time. No numbers on total made, that will more than likely be based off total members joined and then each variation will be a fourth of the total made I am assuming. So each member will technically receive two of the same model but will have a different combination based off which deco is sent. The decos options are gold charm, gold florentine, blue wedgewood, and dapple Copenhagen blue.

Premier Club:
The first reveal was the mule named Winnifred, she's pretty cute and I was waiting for a new mule mold to come out as there aren't many and Brown Sunshine is starting to become more vintage. So of course I was rejoining for at least her and knew the other releases were going to be good. Though now for the end of the year Breyer has revealed Winnifred will have a micro-run as part of the 75th Anniversary, and now I like both versions but slightly like the micro run a bit more but it'd of course be my luck to get the original one and of course the micro run would cost a fortune to obtain.

This was the first and original reveal. Winnifred will mostly be a chestnut pinto, the micro run will be a grey pinto version and limited to 75 pieces.
Why Breyer?! Why?! The variations for the other ones are selectable, why not her? Doesn't make much sense, at least not to me. Well anyways looks at the rest of the lineup.

Rowan was revealed as a Highland Pony stallion and was only a blank resin. Then when his coloration was revealed, it was also revealed that he would also be a split run as a she that was a shorter haired and more slimmer British Riding Pony.
I do like both and think they are nice, but I think I'm going to choose the long maned stallion version once Rowan is made available, or at least the selection is made available for members. Though I am also hoping to get a mare version later when more releases come out on this mold, I don't like having duplicates of the same model so a different release on this mold once made will be nice to have to keep things different.

Last reveal was Cosimo, A Murgese stallion which is an Italian breed. On a quick note I hope this means more Italian breeds and an Italian themed Breyerfest will come in the future. Anyways, when revealed he was dark bay/sun-bleached black stallion with dappling, then the surprise was you could choose between a matte finish or glossy finish. 
I'm leaning towards glossy as to me it makes his coloring deeper and richer. Many don't like it because it appears to flush out his dapples, but here you can still kind of see them plus Breyers stock and studio photos never do the models justice due to the lighting, the backgrounds, and editing done to them. Plus the resin version will always be different form the plastic releases and in hand is always better to see for yourself. 

Stablemates Club:
The first release that was revealed was a fleabitten bloody shoulder Arabian mare named Madonna.
She is done on the Arabian mare mold. Her markings aren't limited to her shoulder, but still qualifies for the rare marking. I am glad she will be more obtainable than the classic scale release form earlier this year, plus I am glad overall this marking is getting more recognition by Breyer and is being made more.

Second is Mercutio,
Mercutio is a counter part in a sense to Horatio as their names come from Shakespeare. He is a dapple buckskin on the new mini Othello mold. I just hope this mold doesn't get too over used like mini Fireheart or mini Alborozo.

Third is Spencer,
Spencer is a blood bay appaloosa on the Silky Sullivan mold. I love his rich bay coloring, one of my favorite shades of bay.

Fourth is Javier,
Javier will be the matte/glossy finish split release. He is a chestnut pinto on the Peruvian Paso mold, and as always I am hoping for the glossy but usually it's just my luck I'll get matte. Matte is nice but glossy releases are rarer from Breyer, though this will be a 50/50 split based off membership numbers.

Fifth is Alana,
Alana is a black and white pinto Tennessee Walker on the Tennessee Walking Horse mold. She has a metallic turquoise ribbon and blue eyes!!

Sixth is Chickadee,
Chickadee is the gamblers choice release on the  Loping Quarter Horse mold. The coat variations are palomino appaloosa, silver bay, red roan pinto, and metallic blue appaloosa decorator. I like them all and I don't really know which one I am fully hoping for when released and shipped out.

Seventh is Harbinger,
Harbinger is on the Lipizzaner/Darwin mold that has been turned into a Pegasus!! That has never been done before in the stablemate scale and I am so glad there finally is one. He will be the optional release but I am definitely getting once able to. He is also a colorshift! He will colorshift from gold to red!

Vintage Club:
This year the Vintage Club has been upped to 1,200 memberships. My mom is usually the one that joins this club, so these releases will be available to her to purchase, but we share a collection/models so I'll technically get these. So let's take a look. The first reveal was a new clock horse.
His name is Pioneer. He appears to be on the Western Pony mold, but maybe the Western Horse mold as he was inspired by the very first model horse which was a clock in 1950 and Breyer started and went from there!! Also another reason I'm not sure is because there is another anniversary release coming next year that is either Western Pony or Western Horse, I have to double check from the leaked pics from a dealer catalog. The molds look very similar but there are differences once you look closely and long enough at them. Any ways, Pioneer appears to be a silver buckskin or a dunalino coloration, either way I like it, and the clock appears to be horsehsoe shaped with images of Fireheart and his family, Tigerlilly & Firestorm. Can't wait for him to go with my clock horse that was released for Breyer's 50th anniversary back in 2000.

And sadly that is so far it for reveals for the Vintage Club. Usually there are a few more including ion the past full lineup reveals, but I guess we'll have to wait next year for each release to be made available to see the full lineup including the club bonus stablemate.

That's it for now, stay tuned for tomorrow's post. See y'all later!!
(pics and info come from Breyer)

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Newsletters for November and December, Final Club Releases for the Year.

 The November Newsletter consisted of announcing the black Friday deals, which pretty much never stopped even now, a workshop on how to paint eyes on models, how the Just About Horses (JAH) magazines were sent out, a look at some revealed models for the 2025 clubs plus more for the 75th anniversary, the giveaway was Hot Cocoa whom I now have as I ordered it around black Friday, and of course the sneak peak.

The reveal was Courcheval whom I went over in my last post.

December Newsletter went over the release of Tannenbaum, warehouse sale which this time around there wasn't anything that caught my eye as it was mostly left over club models and web specials, how the deadlines to join clubs for next year are approaching plus the reveal of the last premier club model for next year and I'll go over those later, the featured story is about what to expect for the 75th anniversary, the giveaway is a complete set of last years premier club models so nothing I don't want to try to win, and of course the sneak peak!
I'm assuming either something 75th anniversary related or Breyerfest related, maybe even both, as the Breyerfest blog has been posting stablemate silhouettes that say reveal will be soon and I believe they are waiting for the new year when 2025 regular ruin releases and all that are revealed by dealers. Gonna have to patiently wait a few more days to see.

And lastly are the last of the club models for this year!!

My glossy Bandelero is here and he is gorgeous, speaking of glossy goodness my optional purchase for the Stablemate Club of Hadley & Holden arrived too and it looks like I got the standing version of Holden the other was the lying down version, as well as the last Stablemate Club release which is the new sculpt called Augustus also came!! Then I finally got a picture of Outlaw from the Vintage Club and I got the buckskin version! This version of the three was one of my favs, the second being the grullo appaloosa, the bay pinto was ok but didn't thrill me so I'm glad I got one of the ones I would enjoy.
I forgot to get a pic of the bonus stablemate for the Vintage club which was Felix, but I did see him in person and he too is glossy gorgeousness. Also speaking of bonus stablemates, the one for the Premier Club came with Bandelero, and she is a lying down mustang mare named Enya who is painted like Tigerlily from earlier this year. 
So glad not only is there another lying down model/mold, but also in another scale. Most are traditional scale, non in classic/freedom scale, this now makes three for stablemates, and there are non for mini whinnies. Also if you really want to count them, there's non ion the original paddock pal lineup nor in the new one. Hoping Enya makes more appearances now in the future, especially for mare and foal sets.

That's it for this post, more to come in the next couple of days as I try to roll out the final posts for the month and year before going fully into 2025 content. See y'all later!!
(in hand pics belong to me, the rest belong to Breyer as well as model info.)

Saturday, December 28, 2024

New Blind Bag Stablemates for Winter and Other New Holiday Horses!!

 Sorry for the very long delay on this. Been busy with work and it's drained me as we went from the November sale straight into sales prep for the January sale and the holidays were my only time to catch up.

First models:

I ordered Zulu & Hot Cocoa to come with the new winter blind bags which were cookie themed. There were four varieties and I got lucky I got two different ones. I got the iced gingerbread and chocolate crinkle cookie ones, the other two were the jam filled cookie and peppermint bark, the jam one was a translucent decorator in red with a white over coat for the powdered sugar. Crinkle cookie was my fav so I'm really happy I got him, plus managed to get some of the actual cookies form a local bakery irl.


As Breyer kept having sales and deals on shipping the more I utilized it over the weeks plus using the club discount. I got the Freya & Annika set and Jingle, who actually jingles when shaken!! My Freya & Annika are a bit on the darker side, especially Freya on her one side vs the other but oh well I still like them.

Awhile ago I finally got Highlander form a local dealer as they still had some and heavily discounted cause they were no longer selling so I snagged one as I totally meant to get him sooner. I love his pearly/metallic coat. I think he's supposed to be champagne or pearl rather than buckskin, but I'm gonna call him buckskin to be safe as I can't remember what Breyer said he was supposed to be.

Here's is the model related stuff I got for Christmas plus Courcheval who arrived two days before Christmas. I also got other stuff for Christmas, but it's not model related so it won't go in here, I just quickly mentioned it in my insta post. Finally got some WIA's for the first time in a couple of years, a bit overdue for me. Plus a 40th anniversary gen 1 Butterscotch My Little Pony. Quick note is Courcheval was original supposed to be the winter lottery but they changed it to be for anyone in the club before the public. Either way he's gorgeous and glad I was able to get him. Sad there's no Winterfest this year but oh well if it didn't do well then there's no need for a company to continue something that doesn't make them money.

Finally found a new in box Ruffian traditional model for a decent price to finally join my collection, especially racehorse/thoroughbred collection plus she came in time for when I bought the new Ruffian t-shirts that are in the gift shop at work and took full advantage of my employee discount on them and my holiday shopping so I got a great deal on them. The one with the wreath says "Ruffian Home Again" and the other says "Ruffian Queen of the Track". Now my Ruffian collection can start to grow. Next year is her 50th of her Triple Tiara win, and while yes 50 years since her death later after that, but she still had a remarkable life and career in that short time that is still remembered and revered 50 years later. And like her Uncle "Big Red", aka Secretariat, a lot of her records still stand today.

The Santa Surprise this year is Tannenbaum, German for Christmas Tree, on the fell pony mold. She is in four different colors, the coal being the rare as always and limited to 24 pieces, the rest which are red, blue, and green make up the remainder of the reported 3,000 run. I got one and as always am hoping for the coal or red, the blue is ok, and green doesn't always do it for me when Breyer does that color. This shade of green isn't going it for me vs the green for the blind bag stablemates last year, If I get it I may just keep it for now and trade later.

Quick pin update, these are my newest ones and thank god the Blue Zeus one was made available to everyone.

There's also been leaks of the 2025 releases, save for mid-years that will come later. Dealers aren't supposed to reveal nor take preorders till the start of the new year, but since the photos were leaked I'd like top cover them before that and therefore will talk about them in another post. Plus more to come via club models for the remainder of the year and ones for next year.

So that means that is it for now. Until the next one! See y'all later!!
(all photos belong to me except for the jam cookie and peppermint bark models, rights go to original owners)

Even More Breyerfest Releases!!

I'm back!! Sorry for the very long delay. I was hit with a mix of lack of motivation and having issues with my laptop which have been re...