Thursday, September 12, 2024

Halloween Store Haul Is Here!! New Test Run Available to CC Members.

 My Halloween Store haul came today!!

They all are beautiful and I got the stablemate I wanted. Though the funny thing I received two Spooky Stablemate Surprises, I only ordered one, but when I opened my package I saw two there. The model horse discord I am apart of said to keep it and open it, it was another mini Goblin. I am hoping to trade the dupe for a mini Salem as he was my second favorite. I don't have any pics of my Beowulf yet, but I am hoping to get some soon as he arrived the other day. I also can't wait to see him in person when I'm able to go home again for Christmas.

Theres a new test run OOAK that has been made available for CC members for a chance to win and own. This time it is a classic scale model, I think there have been two others like this in the past, at least one for sure. Anyway, let's take a look.
This one is a golden palomino on the Andalusian stallion mold. Breyer states this piece likely dates somewhere around the 1990s-2000s. Shame he was never released in this as he looks very nice. I am also partial to this mold as one of my first models was on this mold, the dun/buckskin appaloosa I named Applesauce. Which he was released around the 2000s so these two could've been released around the same time if this one had made it to production.It would be nice to own but I don't have the money for him, I hope to own an OOAK or two one day, but the time sadly still isn't now. Though since he's a classic he is going for less than when Breyer offers a traditional scale. Whoever wins him owes Breyer $800. It's not a horrible price for a classic scale OOAK, again it's just who does and who doesn't have that type of money to spend on one if they wish. I'll keep dreaming on.

That's it for now, until next time!!
(top pics belong to me, bottom pics and info belong to and come from Breyer)

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