Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Meet Zulu & Calista!!!

 Two new horses have been revealed today!! One of them was the sneak peak from the last newsletter. Let's take a look at them before a new release comes out tomorrow which I will talk about then.

Meet Zulu!!

"After the storm has blown through and the sun again appears in the
once-turbulent sky, you may be lucky enough to view a magical sight.
The moisture in the air catches and refracts the sun’s light
into a beautiful rainbow…or in our case, Zulu!
This festive fellow is simply ecstatic to dance through the clearing sky!
With his friendly expression and mane and tail flying behind him, you
can’t help but smile when you see him frolic past.
Zulu’s stunning metallic coat begins as fuchsia before morphing
into purple then teal, which really pop against his black stripes.
A high-gloss finish gives this radiant zebra the perfect finishing touch!"
Zulu is on the Newsworthy mold, last seen for this year's Breyerfest as Always Chipper aka "Chip", and in a cool toned rainbow with zebra stripes and a high gloss finish. He also has a touch of sparkle to his coat. Zulu is the fall deco limited edition model for this year. He will be available at select retailers and Breyer's official site as well. I like to try to support local, but I may have to get him online as lately releases like this have been coming in late at my local retailers near me. With that being said, that means I obviously love him!! Though since he isn't for the Wild Animal series, I guess we'll all still have to wait and see what they'll do for this year. Now on to the second release.

Meet Calista!!
"Her movement is lively, her ears are
pricked alert, and she's ready to perform
whatever task is asked of her. Calista's
name is Latin for 'most beautiful,'
and it fits her perfectly. This chestnut
sabino Warmblood mare highlights the
essence of the breed type: athleticism,
intelligence, and versatility. Warmbloods
are known for having heavier bone to
carry more muscle on their frame,
fueling their power, agility and overall
strength. Her strides cover the ground
with with ease, and her rider will feel like
they're floating on air.

From the sand of the arena to the grass-
lined trails, Calista and her Warmblood
counterparts offer a calm disposition and
a willingness to be the perfect mount
for their riders. Calista's elegance and charm
is sure to turn heads wherever she goes!"
Calista is on the Warmblood Mare, aka Giselle, mold in a flashy chestnut sabino coat. Her last full release was in 2020 as the surprise horse for that year's Breyerfest. Other than that she's had one test model that was sold as an OOAK entry in 2022 for the live auction that year for Breyerfest. I really love her, then again i have stated several times in the past I am a huge sucker for sporty chestnuts with lots of chrome/are flashy. She may not have flaxen as a cherry on top, but she still caught my eye and I hope to make her mine. She is the Brick & Mortar special for this year, meaning she will only be sold and picked up in person in a physical store. If anything, one can be reserved online at a local dealer that will have her in stock, but other than that selling her online is prohibited unless selling second hand. Brick & Mortar specials are made to help aid physical stores with all the online shopping and the fact most places have online and do most online sales vs in store even with a physical store front. She is also limited edition. I'm really gonna be on the lookout and pestering local businesses for if they'll get her in and if I can request to have one held and picked up in person.

That's it for now. More coming tomorrow. See y'all then!!
(pics and info come from Breyer)

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Tractor Supply Exclusives!! Beowulf is here!!

The TSC models are finally here!! Wasn't sure when they'd come in as usually it's October around here for me, but they came two weeks early and thank goodness my mileage check went in so I could buy them amongst groceries. I got all four but not at the same time as I had to go to another store to get the last one I needed and that was Big Blue. So let's take a look.

First one will be...


Lydia is the beautiful palomino appaloosa sport horse on the Lonesome Glory mold. She got a star and one sock, I feel she could be a good sibling for a lot of my models, including the TSC special Hakan as they are the most similar to me. She does have two rubs on each hoof that touched the backing of the box unfortunately, at least I don't show and it's harder to tell on the hoof with the sock due to it being lighter. Other than that she is perfect and very beautiful.

Second up is...

Peyton is a handsome chestnut Quarter Horse stallion. He's got a blaze, one sock, and a cow head brand on one flank. He makes a nice addition to my other ranch stock horse herd. I do love that he has a brand as I feel Breyer doesn't do them that often, especially very lately. Hoping they do more in the future to keep it mixed as do more brands you see in other brands including TBs from Australia/New Zealand.

Thirdly is...

Bugaboo is a lovely bay paint horse that makes a nice addition to my Roxy conga. I think she'll make a greta sister for my special run Diana model from Breyerfest 2019. I do like that Bugaboo has a braided mane. She also has soft and gentle eyes. She is definitely a nice long girl, very pleased with her.

Lastly, but not least is...

Big Blue:
Big Blue is a big hefty boy representing the corduroy jackets FFA members wear and a representation to the heavy draft horses working in fields on farms. He'll go nicely next to Blue who was the first FFA model, he is also the second done in blue, last year's Applegate was bay with a blanket that looked like a corduroy jacket. He's got gold bobs, hooves, and a gold tail ribbon, but is also a gentle giant. He could also go good well with Gibson from last year who is a Belgian.

My Beowulf form preorder also arrived. He is back home so I can't wait to see him in person when I go home for Christmas, but sadly I won't see him next to the rest of my Halloween horses when I got from the online Halloween store. One day they will all be together, but anyway let's take a look at him.
Beowulf is very glossy and nice and red, like candy apple red, not just for fall, but also like you'd see for a classic/muscle car. Hoping vintage molds get used again for the Halloween and Christmas models, there'll be plenty of time to use all the newer molds they keep releasing and the older ones need their due before it's too late. 

That's it for now, see y'all in the next one!!
(pics are mine)

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Halloween Store Haul Is Here!! New Test Run Available to CC Members.

 My Halloween Store haul came today!!

They all are beautiful and I got the stablemate I wanted. Though the funny thing I received two Spooky Stablemate Surprises, I only ordered one, but when I opened my package I saw two there. The model horse discord I am apart of said to keep it and open it, it was another mini Goblin. I am hoping to trade the dupe for a mini Salem as he was my second favorite. I don't have any pics of my Beowulf yet, but I am hoping to get some soon as he arrived the other day. I also can't wait to see him in person when I'm able to go home again for Christmas.

Theres a new test run OOAK that has been made available for CC members for a chance to win and own. This time it is a classic scale model, I think there have been two others like this in the past, at least one for sure. Anyway, let's take a look.
This one is a golden palomino on the Andalusian stallion mold. Breyer states this piece likely dates somewhere around the 1990s-2000s. Shame he was never released in this as he looks very nice. I am also partial to this mold as one of my first models was on this mold, the dun/buckskin appaloosa I named Applesauce. Which he was released around the 2000s so these two could've been released around the same time if this one had made it to production.It would be nice to own but I don't have the money for him, I hope to own an OOAK or two one day, but the time sadly still isn't now. Though since he's a classic he is going for less than when Breyer offers a traditional scale. Whoever wins him owes Breyer $800. It's not a horrible price for a classic scale OOAK, again it's just who does and who doesn't have that type of money to spend on one if they wish. I'll keep dreaming on.

That's it for now, until next time!!
(top pics belong to me, bottom pics and info belong to and come from Breyer)

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Remainder for Breyerfest Haul!!

 While home I was able to get some quick photos of the rest of my Breyerfest purchases, especially the special runs. Though I am now slightly realizing I missed a few when I thought I had gotten them all even after I originally thought I forgot a few others and then got them right after. I still have to get pics of Just Like Fire, Gascon the Great, and the Bejeweled set which I decided to originally leave wrapped up for now anyways. Anyways, lets check out the ones I was able to get a shot of anyways.

The special runs I got were This is My Fight Song, Miss Independent, Hold Us Down, Better Than Revenge, Fighter & Survivor, Edge of Glory, and 3 Surprise models. Then I got blue Zeus, along with Wild Things, from online. In the mix are a few Native American inspired horses my mom got, including a Peter Stone! An old school Peter Stone at that! It's Kola! Whom I now have both his Breyer and Peter Stone versions of his model! Very rare both companies make the same horse, I think it's only happened a couple of other times officially, not including Design A Horse (DAHs) from the Peter Stone program from customers. The other two are Kiowa from the Vintage Club back in 2013 I think, and then one on the Indian Pony mold from the 70s, no official name so I may have to think of one.

For my surprise models, I like to try to name them something relating to the theme and/or sounds nice. Though that started in 2018 as for my first Breyerfest in 2016 even though it was Brazil Carnival themed, my surprise horse was named Ostwind as he reminded me of the movie horse a little. For this year, I still mostly stuck to songs like the past few years or so, but made it exclusive to girl groups/bands/artists this time around. For the Appaloosa I chose Amigas Cheetahs, for the cremello I chose You're The One, and for the Wild Bay/Bay Gulastra Plume I chose Lion's Tail.
The other models my mom got were the Hope & Love set and the chalky Appaloosa Indian Pony. Flamingo and Pech Mele are there because I got them form a trade during Breyerfest last year but never got pics of them until now so thought I'd share since I had them out. Also another I finally got a pic of was Neptune whom I preordered and he arrived earlier this year.
That's all I have for now. Thinking of making a post about my predictions for Breyerfest next year. Though first I need to do a little more research and finish to know what to expect, especially relating to the theme, names, and decos plus symbolism. Don't how long that will take so I don't know when that post will be out. So I'll see y'all in the next one, whenever that will be.

(all pics are mine)

Saturday, September 7, 2024

August Newsletter, Halloween Web Specials Revealed, Vintage Club's Kirk!!

The August newsletter had the reveals for this years halloween lineup which the shop opened back on the 5th and I have already gotten what I needed. It was good timing too as I had the day off as part of my bereavement and I came back really late from a flight and slept for 10 hours after that. Before I talk more about the halloween models after I finish talking about the rest of the newsletter and it contents. There was also mention of the Labor Day sale, didn't need to take advantage of it this time around, was waiting and saving for the halloween sale. BOO! entries were due, then an article about learning to brightening white models, especially older ones, using sunlight. Kinda learn about this long ago from other hobbyists. The giveaway was a left over copy of the halloween model Apparition from 2020. I'm not entering again due to already having the model. Then for the sneak peak!

When I first saw it I wasn't sure what to make of it. Don't know if its a fall deco like Leif, or the next release in the Animal Series. Many believe it is as many have drawn comparisons to it and the pattern on a poison dart frog which would be a cool deco. One other suggestion was an Orca but Orca's don't have blue, if anything my second guess would be a butterfly or bird like a parrot or macaw of sorts. But poison dart frog seems the most likely though. Gonna have to wait and see!

Now for the halloween web specials for this year. The first one I am going to go over is not Beowulf as I covered him in another and previous post, so instead it will be...
Draftula is a vampire, but mostly bat, inspired deco model that is this year's classic/freedom series scale model done on the Brabant/Drafter mold. This is the third deco done on this mold, the first was Greenman from Breyerfest 2020 and the other is the recent Terran. He is named after Dracula, but his name does seem a little closer and similar to Dragula almost. He is a black and white pinto with red interference and bat shaped markings. I do like him, but I do have one critique, reversed the marking colors so that way the bats are black and easier to see as only 2 are easy to make out while the rest are too unrecognizable. I do think some of the other markings are supposed to represent blood dripping and spilling form a vampire sucking out blood. Regardless, I had to get him anyways. Next up is...
Spooky Surprise Blind Bags:
This year's lineup is inspired by and mini versions of Ratsputin, Goblin, and Salem. I do like them but I find myself liking and hoping for the mini Goblin the most. Salem is pretty nice too, but Ratsputin is my least favorite. I feel the mold doesn't quite suit him. Well I guess I'm just going to have to wait and see who I get. Lastly but not least is...

He is the second halloween plushy to have stitching, the first was Hermie from 2021. Stitch seems to be reminiscent of frankenweenie to me, maybe even slightly zombie like with a hint of the living dead. She also has red ears a two red legs for accent. She is definitely very ghoulish. So glad I got her, her eyes also slightly remind me of calavera's. 
Also of course along with these I got the glow in the dark enamel pin of Beowulf which I also can't wait to add to my collection and pin board. The sweatshirts are currently unavailable despite being marked as sold out on the site. Breyer said they'll be available next week, which works for me, I think I will get one this time especially since I like wolves and werewolves, plus it sone has more detail than just a picture of the model slapped one, it also has slash marks and a full moon silhouette. 

Lastly for now, my Vintage Club model Kirk came a few days before Breyerfest and now I finally have pictures of him.
Kirk is done on the Geronimo mold in a resist dark dapple grey with a blaze and a sock. He is inspired by the old models that had a lightbulb in them via cutting a whole in their side or sometimes stomach to insert the large bulb and cord. This one is a bit more modern as his bulb is inside, no cutting out a hole, his cord is a plug in so it can be removed. Theres also a switch to turn him on and off while plugged in. He's still super cool, though I sadly didn't have the chance to plug him in and turn him on while home. Oh well, there's always Christmas. But my Geronimo is growing a lot as they keep using it, though they have switched breeds for the ideal series so he may not be used as much now, but we'll see.

That's all I have for now, or at least for this post. Will make a Breyerfest haul post for the remainder of my haul next and hope to have it out soon. Planning for tomorrow but it maybe another day or two.

(info comes from breyer, first set of photos belong to Breyer, last photo belongs to me.)

Even More Breyerfest Releases!!

I'm back!! Sorry for the very long delay. I was hit with a mix of lack of motivation and having issues with my laptop which have been re...