This very late in the making. I was going to make this long, but since so much time has passed and I still don't have all the photos of the models I got, this will be a little shorter than I was originally planning.
Friday was pretty bad, all the square systems for Breyer were so overloaded that it was the slowest it had ever been. It got to the point where it said my card was charged and was pending to clear the bank so They decided to just let me go but first get my info so if it doesn't go through they can charge me as I was in a bit fo a time crunch to meet someone to trade a ticket before my Spookology workshop and my dad drove me and my aunt to the horse park and he needed to be somewhere in Indiana and north east kentucky before the evening show. My mom stayed back at the hotel due to not feeling well in the morning but she decided to do the online store to get Blue Zeus and Wild Things. The card thing got resolved the following monday with the start of a new business week. But at least I got all the items I wanted from the store including the backpack which I think I'll use from now on. The evening show and workshop made me feel better after a bad start, especially after I found that the unopened Breyerfest 2020 model Thorn I got in the NPOD was the glossy variation. Though I will quick note for the evening show they opted to not scan the QR tickets and were literally told, "we're just gonna trust y'all on this." So what was the point of them then?
Saturday was better because we were able to take it more easy. We quick got breakfast at First Watch (highly recommend), got out celebration horses and special runs. Was able to trade for a wild card so I could get another surprise horse since I got one ticket and wanted more. I luckily got two different variations and were two of my top three fav variations once they were revealed. Then my mom and I did the workshop we signed up together for and both our mosaics turned out great. We ended up trying a new restaurant for dinner as we wanted to take it more quiet, also my aunt went there before us and when we wanted to meet backup after doing our own thing she said she was there and behind the hotel just down the road within walking distance. Never knew it was there before as we usually don't go the back way at that hotel but we tried the Cattleman Ranch, it's kind alike Texas Roadhouse/Logan's Roadhouse and decided to go back when we go t back together at some point. We then went to the Clarion for shopping. Found some good things for good deals.
Sunday was also quiet but also doing last minute shopping at the horse park. tried to do the in person second chance sale, all teh suprises sold out, so I found a person selling the last variation I wanted for close to original cost as they wanted to at least recoup what they spent. So now I have all the ones I wanted. Went back to the Clarion one last time and got a few more things for good prices. And then that's pretty much it. Said goodbye to my family as they were heading home the next morning.
At the end of it it was ok, could've been better. I think the QR codes made it worse as it used a similar system to other things, also I noticed wifi modems being used by Breyer employees and volunteers but regardless reception and what not is horrible there, especially once you get multipole people there as it overwhelms the systems. Also a lot of the employees and volunteers were pretty rude this year and online it seemed a lot of others agreed plus agreed that by trying to make things more online it makes it take longer for things to load and read which makes things take even longer. Also those using QR codes on their phones/electronic devices vs printed (my family printed as we felt it would be better), it was found they could be scanned form a distance and someone else's code would be read vs the one trying to be scanned and they are all one time use, save for VIP for certain things), there fore causing confusion.
Photo dump of haul:
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