Wednesday, April 24, 2024

April Fool's Day Stablemate Arrival and Reveal!! New Test Run for Collector Club Members!

 My April Fool's Day stablemate has finally arrived!! A couple of days later than I originally thought and hoped but now it is safe and sound. 

So without further ado, the one I got is...

Meet Mini Cinnamon!!

Was hoping more to get the Mini Cloud or Mini Arabian Stallion but this little gal is pretty cute. This is my second on this mold since its debut. I will say I kind of like the packaging more than the models. It's got a jester cap and the models are silhouetted in different colors, Cinnamon happens to be colored yellow, which is my favorite color as mentioned earlier.

The newest test run made available to Collector Club members is....

Glossy Bisbee!!

At first she didn't look too glossy, just only a slightly lighter turquoise/blue color. Then I saw other photos and then could tell she was glossy. The initial release came in a matte finish, but Breyer said this one represents when they were debating which finish to do.  I actually wish they did glossy, again I like it because of how it can accentuate/change details. I like the slightly lighter color but I am still happy with the initial release and the one I purchased when released.

(Note: information comes from Breyer, first set of pics belong to me, last pic belongs to original owners)

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