Tuesday, April 30, 2024

April Collector Club Newsletter!! New Guesses for Surprise Model!

 The April Collector's Club Newsletter is here!! Let's take a look!

The top announcements are that today is the last day to get VIP tickets, Gilded is now available on Breyer's website and Picante should be in stores either now or soon depending where you are, and that Zayn was released. As of right now, Zayn is still available, usually they've been slow to sell out the past few years but I thought this one would go a bit quicker as he seemed a bit more popular. The featured story is about bloaty models, the Spurs & Spokes Collector Event will be in a few days, and the April giveaway is Chadwick. I won't be entering as I already got him when he was first released. 

Noe the main thing I wanted to go over was the sneak peak that is always featured at the end of the newsletter.

Lately all the sneak peaks have been a web special, specifically releases for the new Exotic Destination series. That was my first initial guess, but then I saw a few people saying it looks like one of the markings on Battlefield Angel HP and this could mark more the first Member Appreciation event of the year where you can get a limited edition glossed model of a regular with a code as long as you spend $150 or more. Also lately they've been using the same models multiple times, I think part of that is because ever since they've been doing it twice a year they go and gloss too many models they have so many leftover they need to get rid of them outside of being a prize model for a contest. It could be for appreciation as that does usually happen right about now before Breyerfest but it feel like this year they are cutting it close between club model releases, Breyerfest tickets, and June is almost a month away as May starts tomorrow.

Now for my new guesses for the surprise based off new releases that came out.
My guesses in order:

  • Just A Dream/Make A Wish
  • Andalusian Mare
  • Lipizzaner Mare
  • Ruffian
  • Goffert
  • Lonesome Glory
  • Strapless
  • Connemara Mare
  • Marabella
  • gaming stock horse
  • Fell Pony
  • Forever Sage
  • Rain
  • Sport Pony/Fjord
  • Wixom
  • Weather Girl
  • Standing Thoroughbred/Emerson
  • Zafirah
  • Mistys Twilight
  • Halla/Bolya
  • PAM (proud arabian mare)
  • FAM (family arabian mare)
  • in between mare
  • Grazing Mare
  • Stock Horse Mare
  • Suscesion
  • Thoroughbred Mare
  • Touch of Class
  • Firefly
  • Welsh Mare
  • Lady Phase
I knocked a few down and added a few more molds I had forgotten some, especially some vintage. The vintage ones are probably more highly unlikely to be used by now, but I'll still keep them in the ranking to help narrow it down. I nocked Zafirah and Weather Girl down some more based off the April Fool's Day Blind Bag Stablemates and the Brick & Mortar Special Picante. I also slightly knocked down Forever Saige by a few, not as much as the former two but just a little due to the test run. I don't think that fully qualifies her to be taken out or knocked down more but it could make her a little bit more unlikely now. Her saving grace is she is being used as Encore (BLM name Nimbus, yuck) in the Encore & Tor mare & foal set so that current release makes her a bit more qualified. I forgot to add Wixom, and while they usually don't use big drafts for the surprise, it doesn't take her completely out but she does not have many new releases. I think the most recent was Puffer for the Birds of a Feather series and maybe some auction OOAKs but that's about it. I stuck Strapless a little higher as she still seems to be popular and current enough, she's been mostly used as special runs and store specials and I think she's due for the surprise soon, though she hasn't had too many new releases, especially in the regular run lineup. She's only recently gotten a new release in the lineup but as a gelding. Fell Pony I put higher as it's still new and they released Carltonlima Emma on the mold to represent the late Queen's death as she was her most recent and loyal mount. So far that's it for me until there are more releases and news, only waiting for my Zayn who just shipped and my mom should be receiving her Domingo in the mail soon.

Over and out!!
(all information and photos come from Breyer.)

Thursday, April 25, 2024

New Breyer Auction Pieces!! Collector Club Gambler's Choice Classic Scale!! Wallowa Arrived!!

 So many more releases and new arrivals!!

Firstly, my most recent arrival is Wallowa!!

The variation I got was the matte finish one. A little sad I didn't get the glossy like originally hoped, but oh well, he's still nice. His nose does have the little dip that most people have been mentioning on social media. Mine doesn't look as deep as others, but I think that's because they tried to give mine more of a snip with pinking on the nose. I do like the pinking as it isn't done much and appaloosas do have more pink skin than other breeds. So he will be staying.

Breyer has had another auction, and it is a set of 3 vintage Belgians from the 1980s. They were the mail order exclusive ones which were chestnut, "smoke grey" appaloosa, and bay. They are from the Breyer archives and will come original type written tags for authenticity and are being offered for auction on Breyer's official ebay. They posted a link on their insta bio, also their eBay is very hard to find without it as they don't use it often and this one was awhile ago and forgot to get the link and save it. Don't know if it would've worked after the auction finished, but we'll never know now.

I'll more than likely sadly never be able to afford a Breyer auction offering, but I can only hope and dream. Also for a set like this I'm probably best to search for second hand at reasonable price in a fair/decent condition. 

Next release is Zayn!!
He is the classic scale gambler's choice available to Collector Club members. He went live today at around 1pm EST, and this one may sell out fast but lately they've been selling out a little slower than usual. Have to wait and see which one it does after 24 hours. He is done on the vintage Arabian Stallion mold and comes in 3 coat colors of: chestnut rabicano, bloody shoulder fleabitten grey, and bay. I am mostly hoping for the bloody shoulder as they don't do that one often, I do like all 3, but there's always at least one I hope for most. I am now off my kick of liking bay Arabians like I was last year, and the rabicano looks fine as they don't do that pattern often either and reminds me of the rabicano Arabians from Star Stable Online (SSO).

(note: all info and pics from Breyer, first photo is mine.)

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

April Fool's Day Stablemate Arrival and Reveal!! New Test Run for Collector Club Members!

 My April Fool's Day stablemate has finally arrived!! A couple of days later than I originally thought and hoped but now it is safe and sound. 

So without further ado, the one I got is...

Meet Mini Cinnamon!!

Was hoping more to get the Mini Cloud or Mini Arabian Stallion but this little gal is pretty cute. This is my second on this mold since its debut. I will say I kind of like the packaging more than the models. It's got a jester cap and the models are silhouetted in different colors, Cinnamon happens to be colored yellow, which is my favorite color as mentioned earlier.

The newest test run made available to Collector Club members is....

Glossy Bisbee!!

At first she didn't look too glossy, just only a slightly lighter turquoise/blue color. Then I saw other photos and then could tell she was glossy. The initial release came in a matte finish, but Breyer said this one represents when they were debating which finish to do.  I actually wish they did glossy, again I like it because of how it can accentuate/change details. I like the slightly lighter color but I am still happy with the initial release and the one I purchased when released.

(Note: information comes from Breyer, first set of pics belong to me, last pic belongs to original owners)

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

New Club Models Revealed! Newest Releases for the Vintage and Stablemates Club are Here!!

 We have two new reveals for the clubs!! The next release of the Vintage Club is here and the next release of the Stablemates Club is here!!

Meet Wallowa!!

This striking appaloosa stallion is done in an eye-catching leopard coat that will be a gambler's choice of a matte or glossy finish. Done on the Citation mold and is named after Oregon's Wallowa Valley and pays homage to the Nez Perce Tribe. His coat was designed by equine color expert Lesli Kathman. I am apart of the Stablemates Club and cannot wait to order mine and for him to come, I am a sucker for black spotted appaloosas and am hoping for the glossy. Not only do I tend to like glossies better than the matte as they aren't done as much, but also the glossy always seems to accentuate coloration, shading, and markings that you wouldn't quite see with a matte finish. 

For the Vintage Club we have...
Meet Domingo!!

This second release for the club bears the San Domingo coat coloration and pattern, the medicine, which has been popular since the release of the book and the first model was featured on the cover of a collector's manual and dealer's catalog in 1978. Many variations of San Domingo have been made over the years, both big and small. This version of San Domingo is known simply as Domingo but will come with a copy of the San Domingo book by Marguerite Henry. I believe this is the third traditional scale release of San Domingo, many have been released on the San Domingo mold and there was at least one on the Semi Rearing Stallion mold. This time he is done on the popular Fireheart mold. This also makes the second release for the mold for the year so far. I do really like him and can't wait to see him in person, my mom is the one that is apart of the Vintage Club. I also hope to get Blue Zeus from Breyerfest this year and I am hoping the releases for this mold die down. I love it, but it does get to be a lot and tiresome and there are so many molds that get so over used that many other molds get under utilized. Hopefully the other Premier Club mold from his year, a little before, and after will get a fair amount of releases as well as already pre-existing molds form long prior the Premier Clubs inception will also be used.

That's it for now, until next time!

(information and photos from Breyer)

Saturday, April 13, 2024

New Spring Releases!! New Spring Deco and Brick & Mortar Model Have Been Revealed!! New Plushies for Mother's Day & 2 Paddock Pals Acquired!!

The newest of the spring releases are here!! They are some of the limited editions for the year!! They are Gilded and Picante!!

Meet Gilded!!

He is done on the Geronimo mold in a gold and blue pinto coat. This gold is a little deeper and finer than what Breyer usually uses and the blue is a nice navy/royal blue. His description says that Breyer released their very first deco model back in the 1960s, they weren't very popular at first and came in simple shades of blue and gold, both solid and dappled and sometimes with a gloss finish. Today's decos now come in an array of colors, shades, palettes, and patterns. Gilded is in a new original blue and gold palette as he celebrates Breyer's history. I do like him and hope to get my hands on one. I know not many are into decos but with Geronimo's popularity it could sway others. Really hoping to be able to preorder him and the next release I am going to talk about below.
Geronimo has been used a lot by Breyer lately/these past few years. I don't mind as the releases have been nice, but it does beg the question if they are trying to make it popular or not. I don't think it does because they've done with other molds such as classic American Quarter Horse Stallion, classic scale harper, and the stablemate molds Alborozo and clydesdale. I do hope they start making releases on other molds that haven't had much releases, this goes for as both regular runs and special runs/limited edition.

Meet Picante!!
Our Brick & Mortar special model is here! Picante is a bay roan QuarArab with a star and two white socks done on the Weather Girl/Trotting Arabian Mare mold. Her description states, Arabians are known for their stamina and beauty. They have been popular with riders over the years and can compete in challenging conditions such as rough terrain and can handle a leisure trail ride. Arabians have a keen, workmanlike attitude and nimble hooves. When mated with other breeds, they lend their refined conformation and captivating movement. Like the trustworthy Quarter Horse who excels in both the show ring and working environment across the globe. This makes it a suitable breed for working with cattle or jumping fences on a course.  They also have adaptability, athleticism, and a while spectrum of coat colors! Picante displays all these characteristics and has a kind face despite a spicy moniker. 
I quite liker her. I like that she represents a cross mix as well. This mold, as well as the other Arabian molds, have mostly represented a Pintabian or some sort of pinto Arabian cross. We need more like this, wether it is a QuarArab, Morab, or Anglo Arabian which is a cross of thoroughbred and Arabian. Plus I don't think many of them, let alone the Weather Girl mold, have had any sport of roan coat sported on them. It's either been solids or pinto/paints mostly and mainly. Maybe a cream dilute here and there, but it's never been stated if thats due to a Quarter Horse influence, a Mustang Influence, a Morgan influence, or any other breed that naturally carries the cream gene as the Arabian does not. Closest to it is a very pale flaxen chestnut/sorrel that almost appears palomino, similarly to a Haflinger, but actually isn't.

Next up...
Meet Queenie & Beanie!!
These are the second annual release for mother's day. The first was last year which were Truffles & Bon Bon. This years plushies appear to be a deep chestnut/sorrel with little hearts for stars on their foreheads and four little socks for the foal. The mama gets a pink blanket with crowns, and the foal gets a bow tie with polka dots. This year I will try to get them as I sadly missed out on Bon Bon & Truffles last year, though I also missed out on a few more but got lucky to find some second hand. Still searching for the rest of the missing ones, but anyway I may try to get them with the stablemate club release which will be covered in my next post and maybe get another plushy I've been eyeing since last year.

Meet Lemon Drop & Sugar Sparkle!!
I decided to look at my local Five Below just to see if there were any signs of the new paddock pals arriving yet. They had a small handful of the new horses and unicorns including these 2!! These are my top 2 of the ones they had, especially Lemon Drop and even more so as she was the only one they had at the moment. Now for their scents. Lemon Drop sadly doesn't really have any scent, outside of the plastic smell. I think I may have to spray or soak her or something to make her smell more lemony. Sugar Sparkle on the other hand, has a bit more scent. It is slightly cotton candy like, but mostly reminds me more of the coconut scent the gen 3 MLP pegasus Thistle Whistle had. I still have mine somewhere and that scent was so string I think it completely is engrained in the plastic and will last forever. Any way, I plan to get Mara, the pink unicorn and she is to smell like strawberries and hopefully she does as not only is that one of my favorite scents, but also hopefully brings back childhood nostalgia again and remind me of the Strawberry Shortcake dvds as they smelled of strawberries though sadly the scent faded on mine.

(Most info and images are from Breyer, last pic is from me and belongs to me.)

(thistle whistle for reference, PC: original owner)

Saturday, April 6, 2024

Breyerfest Prize Models, New Paddock Pals, Mumbai Arrived, Breyer's April Fools Post & New Blind Bag Web Special!!

 A little while back, Breyer revealed on the official breyerfest blog the prize models for the Best Customs Contest Winner and Runner up. So let's take a look.

Meet "Look What You Made Me Do"!

Named after the song of the same name by Taylor Swift. He's done on the Marwari mold, which has been used for Mumbai (more on him later) for this year also, and he sports a copper chestnut version of the pinto coat worn by Kalahkaari who was the first release on the mold in 2012 for the premier club. I do like him, but sadly as usual I do not enter the contest so I don't have a shot of getting hi unless I had a lot of money to offer someone who got one and wants to sell him. I do like that Breyer is using the Mawari mold more again, but sadly as usual it's mostly for limited releases that can be very hard to obtain. Breyer has only done one portrait model on this mold and I feel that's unfair to collectors and especially the mold, most to all molds from his introduction to later have had at least 2 at minimum portrait models released on them already by now. This guy and the breed deserve more representation in the hobby and for those that collect/conga the mold.

Anyway, the runner up prize model is...

Meet "I Forgot That You Existed"!

Also named after a song of the same name by Taylor Swift. He is done on the Mirado mold, who was also used earlier this year for the stablemate club release named Lanin. He also has a coppery chestnut coat with a pinto pattern which is the same pattern as Mirado's, the very first release on this mold whom was introduced as a release for the stablemates club in 2017. This little guy is very nice. I remember when this mold first came out when I was apart of the club that year I did not like this mold till more releases on it an dthe next release was chestnut. So I do like this chestnut version of the first release better than the first, but the first release has grown on me a little over the years so he's staying for now also then I also have a very first release on the mold to help complete my conga as much as possible.

Fairly recently, pictures on the newest releases on the new Paddock Pals lineup for this year have been revealed. I will share which ones are my favorite so far and hope to get when I stop by Five Below or Dollar General (especially since there are so many by me, and they are very reasonably priced to help me get a new breyer without going too broke).

My #1 favorite is:
"Lemon Drop"!!

A yellow Thoroughbred unicorn thats also lemon scented is just for me!! My favorite color is yellow (don't know if that was obvious yet form my blog), I love lemon flavor and scent, also I guess you could say Thoroughbreds are one of, if not, my favorite breed of horse plus I work with that breed closely. I'll definitely be on the lookout for him most and hope to get him first. I know the new releases have reached some stores already, but I'm going to give it a bit as it seems to take a little bit for new arrivals to get to stores near me.

Meet "Mousse"!!

A silver black, which I am total sucker for this coat dilute combo, vanner. I think this mold may be inspired by Llnarth, who is a cob, but the description describes Mousse as a vanner as thats supposed to be his nickname after horses that would pull a caravan. Whatever his breed is supposed to be, I do like him for his coat coloration plus the long, thick, mane and tail he has. I am also writing this as I eat a cookie form Crumbl cookie, it's the oatmeal cookie topped with vanilla mousse and toffee drizzle.

Meet "Biscuit"!!

Biscuit done on a mold that's most likely based off of Latigo. Caramel, whom I have, was also done on this mold. He's a cremello quarter horse whose coat makes him flashy in the sunlight and on the racetrack, the description also states he requests unicorn-approved suntan lotion to prevent burns. Cremellos are regarded as real life unicorn due to their pale coats, and sometimes having blue eyes, which Biscuit appears to have. Cremello is another coat color I am a sucker for. He should pair nicely with my Caramel as he's a buckskin, another cream dilute though cremellos are double cream dilute on a red/chestnut based coat, on this mold. May have to start a conga for this mold. 

Meet "Sugar Sparkle"!!

On a unircorn version of the mold Mousse is on, this blue unicorn is scented like cotton candy! I mostly want him fo rthe cotton candy scent, I love cotton candy itself as well as anything that tastes and is scented like it. Especially cotton candy icecream, to me, cotton candy icecream tastes like it has the warm feel of cotton candy after it's freshly spun. Also blue cotton candy has become one of my favorite flavors as it's blue raspberry flavored, one of my favorite candy flavors. Also the blue cotton candy ends up being my go to and default as lemon cotton candy i shard to come by and sometimes the yellow cotton candy isn't lemon, it's either pineapple or banana instead. Usually those are lighter almost pale yellow, but sometimes they are basic yellow which lemon is.

Meet "Truffle"!!

This dark grey Andalusian appears to be on a mold that is inspired by the ever so coveted, Alborozo. According to the description says she has her own signature move named after her, the "truffle shuffle". I think she would go well with Mousse, and I love grey Andalusians. Also so far the two paddock pals I have seem to be stock horses.

and lastly, but not least...
Meet "Chili"!!

Chili is on the arabian mold that was introduced with the previous lineup. It appears to be inspired by the sham and ashquar molds, but mostly sham. According to his description, he is a long distance traveler like his globe trotting ancestors before him. It also claims that his great, great, great, grandma/granddam was a horse that belonged to president George Washington. I haven't gotten an arabian from the lineup yet, so I think he'll make a nice edition.

Mumbai is here!!
After, like right after, sharing an in search of post for this guy on my insta story I got a reply. I was so thankful to find one second hand for original cost from someone who was looking to sell theirs. I was so afraid what the second hand market would look like for this guy and now it's almost as if I did remember to buy him by the deadline. Funnily enough, the person I bought him was also from Minnesota so he didn't have too far to go. Also excuse my photoshop/photo edit skills in this pic. The only in hand photo I got of his arrival is my dad holding him, and I tried to remove his hand so I could show off Mumbai better. It went better than I expected but could've used a different background, like one without the pattern , but the was the simplest and nicest one I could find on pic-collage.

Breyer's April Fools came and went and this one was more real than expected. For while they've mostly teased new mini-me's for the stablemates. Though those are either one of a kinds with others being revealed as an official release, but this is the first it was real. On their socials this was mostly shown as the usual gag, but on the Breyer Blog on the official website, the article was entitled "sneak peak" with the following post the next day stating they will be coming soon.

This was the teased post. It features Cinnamon, Yellow Mount, dapple grey native diver, and dark grey sham with their mini-me's. Native Diver is the only one with a true mini me as the molds already existed, Twist was used for the Sham, mini Zafirah for Cinnamon, and Stock Horse Mare for Yellow Mount. They do look quite nice and it's nice to see older paint jobs making a small comeback and more new releases but on mini's for the oh so cute mini-me's.

It was then revealed that these minis were part of a new blind bag web special for April Fool's day. I think the idea is good as it's new and is a blind bag that doesn't feature repeat releases and is fresh for spring time. They were launched on April 3rd and Breyer made them the usual 2 per person allowed per purchase. I decided to get one to avoid duplicates as I've had bad luck with that lately and have had bad luck finding people to trade with. I'm not too sure which one I like best and am hoping for. I guess my top 2 choices are the grey Native Diver and Dark Grey Sham mini on the Twist mold. Either way, whichever one I end up with I will like and be happy with.

That's it for now. Until next time!!

(Note: All photos belong to original owners and sources. Picture of Mumbai is the only one that belongs to me.)

Even More Breyerfest Releases!!

I'm back!! Sorry for the very long delay. I was hit with a mix of lack of motivation and having issues with my laptop which have been re...