Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Breyerfest Tickets are Finally Here!! New Opportunity From the Breyer Vault! Still No Sign of the Breyerfest Plush?

 Breyerfest ticket were finally posted yesterday!! I went ahead and got my 2 VIP tickets to get the models I was more worried about selling out quickly. I would've wished it gave me a day ahead of an advance as they usually do, sometimes its 2 days or at most a week. Today is my day off and yesterday I was at work, while yes it was my lunch break but connection isn't very good as its a rural area plus I had to call my back to make sure such a large purchase would go through. When I used to do one it was fine, an last year I bought 2 on separate occasions but decided it was easier win one go, but also theres a bit more fees and taxes on the tickets now so that made the total even larger. At one point when trying to go to checkout it told me to update/adjust my cart and didn't understand why until it finally went through to check out. Though as usual, I will not be revealing my selections quite yet, I may give a hint later though.

On the same day Breyer revealed that they have a new drawing for a vault release. This time its for two models, and they sport the same coat color and pattern. One is on the Might Tango mold and the other is on the vintage Merrylegs mold.

Black Pinto Miniature Set - no background

I do love how cute and twinning these little guys are, and while I would like to enter and win a vault raffle at some point, but these guys together cost nearly as much as I spent on my Breyerfest VIP tickets. 

Last year, Breyer revealed the VIP Swag Bag around the same time as tickets had gone on sale. I don't know if they are going to do that this year or not. I liked it better when it was a surprise when you get to the horse park (mail for 2021). Though if they do, I am wondering if the plush will somehow now become part of the swag bag. That would be sad for those who don't get the swag bag for a number of reasons, not to mention it was part of the VIP preselection (or at least I think it was). It wasn't apart of the preselection for this year's lineup. 

Though speaking of Breyerfest, I have recently obtained some past Breyerfest memorabilia.

It's a pin from Breyerfest 1990, which was the first year the event was hosted. I saw it as part of a Goodwill auction listing which I found through a Breyer discord group I am apart of. I somehow managed to win the auction, then again I think everyone agreed not to spend a ridiculous amount on a small point despite its age. Its still need and will be looking for more pasty Breyerfest pins and other older pins to add to my collection.

Thats all I have to report for now, as well as maybe for this month. Still need to get in hand pics of the vintage Club release Scorpion as he just arrived today.

(pics and info form the Breyerfest Blog and Official Breyer website. Last pic is mine.)

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