Thursday, February 29, 2024

Scorpion Has Arrived!! Collector Club Newsletter!

Scorpion arrived this week and he looks very nice!

I can't wait for the next time I am able to go home to be able to see him in person. I am a sucker for flaxen chestnuts so this guy is right up my alley. So far I am liking the releases on the Vintage Club and can't wait to see what they have in store for the rest of the year.

The Collector Club news letter has been released. So let's take a look at whats inside:

Theres an announcement abut BreyerWest which is coming up quickly.

There's a mention of the first of the Vintage Club and Stablemates Club being released.

Bristol, Jackpot, Leap of Faith

An Article about Bristol. It mostly talks abut how he was a nice update and modern take on a jumping horse, especially of the Warmblood variety. Ye there's the Newsworthy mold, but that is mostly to showcase ponies or smaller sized horses. Usually the big, fancy Warmbloods are utilized for jumping, especially in higher level competitions. So far there have been at least 13 releases on this mold, half of which aren't obtainable as they were very limited pieces such as raffle models and OOAKs.

Next is a nice article dedicated to Andrea Gurdon who created the blog, Model History Diva which I mentioned in my previous post.

On the side it mentions that Breyerfest tickets are now on sale, the vault web special, and results for the February Photo Show. Lastly is the monthly giveaway, which is Clooney 51, and the Sneak Peak for the next release of the Exotic Destination Series!

So its definitely going to be some sort of pinto release. They have us guessing which location will be next. I've been trying to guess and its been leading me to the likes of Switzerland, New Zealand, Australia, Greenland, and Malaysia. I guess well all have to wait and see!

We've also been new pictures of Heratio! He is the bonus stablemate for the Deluxe Collector Club. My mom is apart of the Deluxe version where me and my dad are regular collector club members. So I can't wait for him and the pion to arrive at the end of the year and then unite him with Heat whom I got a little while ago.

Also with this year being a leap year, Breyer is carrying on the tradition of doing a leap day giveaway. The prizes will be a three piece set of Bristol mold releases which are Queen of Hearts, aka "Josie" (RIP), a limited edition/store special form Breyerfest 2021, Clooney 52, and Get Rowdy. I am thinking of entering, but not only do I think I am not going to win, but I also already have Queen of Hearts. The other two will be nice, also I don't think I'd win the monthly giveaway either but at least its a model I don't already have. Anyway, wish me luck! Thats it for this month, over an out!

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Breyerfest Tickets are Finally Here!! New Opportunity From the Breyer Vault! Still No Sign of the Breyerfest Plush?

 Breyerfest ticket were finally posted yesterday!! I went ahead and got my 2 VIP tickets to get the models I was more worried about selling out quickly. I would've wished it gave me a day ahead of an advance as they usually do, sometimes its 2 days or at most a week. Today is my day off and yesterday I was at work, while yes it was my lunch break but connection isn't very good as its a rural area plus I had to call my back to make sure such a large purchase would go through. When I used to do one it was fine, an last year I bought 2 on separate occasions but decided it was easier win one go, but also theres a bit more fees and taxes on the tickets now so that made the total even larger. At one point when trying to go to checkout it told me to update/adjust my cart and didn't understand why until it finally went through to check out. Though as usual, I will not be revealing my selections quite yet, I may give a hint later though.

On the same day Breyer revealed that they have a new drawing for a vault release. This time its for two models, and they sport the same coat color and pattern. One is on the Might Tango mold and the other is on the vintage Merrylegs mold.

Black Pinto Miniature Set - no background

I do love how cute and twinning these little guys are, and while I would like to enter and win a vault raffle at some point, but these guys together cost nearly as much as I spent on my Breyerfest VIP tickets. 

Last year, Breyer revealed the VIP Swag Bag around the same time as tickets had gone on sale. I don't know if they are going to do that this year or not. I liked it better when it was a surprise when you get to the horse park (mail for 2021). Though if they do, I am wondering if the plush will somehow now become part of the swag bag. That would be sad for those who don't get the swag bag for a number of reasons, not to mention it was part of the VIP preselection (or at least I think it was). It wasn't apart of the preselection for this year's lineup. 

Though speaking of Breyerfest, I have recently obtained some past Breyerfest memorabilia.

It's a pin from Breyerfest 1990, which was the first year the event was hosted. I saw it as part of a Goodwill auction listing which I found through a Breyer discord group I am apart of. I somehow managed to win the auction, then again I think everyone agreed not to spend a ridiculous amount on a small point despite its age. Its still need and will be looking for more pasty Breyerfest pins and other older pins to add to my collection.

Thats all I have to report for now, as well as maybe for this month. Still need to get in hand pics of the vintage Club release Scorpion as he just arrived today.

(pics and info form the Breyerfest Blog and Official Breyer website. Last pic is mine.)

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Heath & Lanin Finally Arrive!! Breyerfest Workshops Announcement and Anticipation for Ticket Release Date.

 After not being shipped near a week after ordering and arriving a week after ordering, my Lanin form the stablemates club and Heath, the first collector club special run, have finally arrived!! They arrived last Friday, they were delayed a day due to the weather.

Since I was able to order Heath along with my Stablemates Club model, Lanin, may Heath was able to be double boxed whited really seemed to help him. After seeing many flawed Heath models arrive over the past week, mine being double boxed made him minimally flawed. Th only flaw I can find on mine is a small ear rub from the packaging, but its hardly noticeable and almost seems purposely put that I can't complain much. My Lanin does have a bit of a purple color to him, but I'd say mine is more navy blue like in his undertone.

Breyer has been releasing information on their shows and contests this past week, and they have more recently shared the workshops fo this year plus revealing one of the horses from one of the "Tales of Triumph" stories. Here's the work shops so far:
Not too sur eon if I am doing workshops this year yet. I was supposed to last year but something got messed up somewhere so I ended up not being able to. Right now Mosaics and Spookology look nice. Then again, I was supposed to do Mosaics last year, and Spookology is the medallion workshop for this year. Doesn't fit the theme but I do love Halloween, a bit more than Christmas I dare say. The blog states that workshops will be available for signup in March after tickets go on sale this month.

Originally on the Breyerfest blog it was announced that tickets would be on sale next week. That didn't happen and there was little to no announcement about it anywhere. I just happened to see on one of my facebook groups I follow that Breyer is actually a minor admin of and made a small announcement (only viewable to group members) that tickets would be on sale later in the month at some point. Many believe it would be this week as they have released tickets in late February before, but not to where it was cutting it close to the end of the month which it almost looks like it will be doing now. Also no announcement yet if there will or will not be a plush this year, if there is, they usually allow it for preorder through VIP tickets but with no announcement of either no on knows if that will be an option or not.

I also just heard today that fellow hobbyist and blogger, Andrea Gurdon, has sadly passed away over the weekend. I followed her model horse blog, Breyer History Diva, as closely as I could. She was one of the inspirations for me starting a blog. She will be missed.

(all Breyer/breyerfest info comes form the official breyerfest blog and Breyer website.)

Friday, February 2, 2024

Breyerfest Stablemate Reveal, Deco Special Run Reveal & Rekjavik Has Arrived!! Plus, No Breyerfest Plush?!

 The last of the Breyerfest reveals are here!! (that is non prize models, this would be the LE's/Store Specials and Special Runs.)

So without further-ado...

Meet Wild Things!!

This is the last of the limited edition models to be revealed. This little guy is done on the Cantering Morgan Stallion in a flaxen chestnut coat. He is available online only. He is named after the song by Alessia Cara. Wild Things will be limited to 3,000 pieces and will cost $15.00 each.

I do really like this little pony, I am a sucker for flaxen chestnut with lots of chrome so he's definitely a must get for me.

The deco special run is finally here!!

Meet Better Than Revenge!!

This vibrant mare is done on the Sport Pony Mare version of the Astrid/Fjord Mare mold by Maggie Jenner-Bennett. The glossy neon zebra stripes are inspired by Fruit Stripe Gum (now discontinued), Lisa Frank, Saved by the Bell (PS Zach Morris is trash), and anything 90s. She will cost $65 and will be limited to 2,200 pieces.

I actually really like her. I guess the green in her coloration counts towards the emerald/jade for the 35th anniversary. We also technically get two zebras this year which is kinda nice as Breyer doesn't do zebras or zebra coats very often. Though with the amount I like this year, I may have to get an extra ticket to get everything I really want. So with that being said, any models I was tentative on I may have to skip and get later if I decide by then if I really like them. I'll admit, I had to look else where for the cost and run number as it wasn't posted on the event model exclusive page yet but someone else managed to get that info so I used that for reference. I will also admit I am a bit surprised they are suing this mold again, it was used for Breyerfest 2022, grate start was the long mane and tail version but its still the same as its the sport horse variation of the Astrid/Fjord Mare mold. I was hoping she wouldn't be used again for awhile and would get more fjord releases or a portrait sport horse mare on this version before then. Oh well, she is still cute to me and I do like her better than Rapunzel. 

So far Breyer has made it seem they are done with Breyerfest reveals, at least for special runs and limited editions/store specials, especially of the model variety. But the warding they sometimes use is confusing, for Wild Things they at first made it seem he was the very last limited edition to be revealed but then you see the key wording of model thrown in there. But that has lead to lots of confusion of whether we will hav the customary plush for this year or not. Because Breyer has also pushed on trying to get all reveals done in January so there is time to decide what people want, especially with VIP tickets, as they go on sale this month at some point which has yet to be announced. So far Breyer has also let out information for the shows and dioramas as entries for those also go along with ticket purchases to register for them, but they did say there would be more next week but who know what it is they'll be posting about. It could be the prize models as their names were revealed in the info detailing the shows and dioramas for this year. So with no official word, we still won't know if there will or will not be a plush this year. I will slightly be disappointed if there isn't one as I usually end up really liking them and also my aunt likes to try to get one for herself and her youngest grandchild when she has started attending with me and my parents. If there isn't going to be one this year, I am hoping it comes back next year, though I don't know why they wouldn't have one this year. To a point I could see it being hard to get one to fit the theme, but considering how colorful and how many decos they're using, they could do one look that and not have it be realistic. Heck years past one shaven been realistic, for instance 2018's was a combo of racing silks, for 2015 they had the Union Jack, and for 2014 they had one look like confetti as it was the 25th anniversary that year. So Im sure they could find something to fit this year plus they are using songs for names so theres that name wise. Oh well I guess, also I guess we'll still have to wait and see.

On a brighter note, my Reykjavik arrived this week!!

I also decided to get Dasher and Rosie with him while I was at it. I will say my Reykjavik isn't quite as rosy/brown as the others I've seen. Im not sure its the lighting and background or what, but I just remember his description heavily emphasized his dilutes that would cause him to be rosy looking. He does have very minor and not so noticeable flaws. He's got some very tiny black specks here and there, one paint brush hair, and sone rubs on the bottom of his hooves but gain they aren't very obvious so I am quite happy with him.

(Note: photos and info come form the official breyerfest blog and website)

Even More Breyerfest Releases!!

I'm back!! Sorry for the very long delay. I was hit with a mix of lack of motivation and having issues with my laptop which have been re...