I realized I forgot to share what was in the Collector Club June Newsletter at the end of last month, so I will be doing that now. Especially since I just realized I never really look at it, just only saw the sneak peak from others.
So let's take a look at what's inside.
This newsletter goes over how Breyerfest is just around the corner and how a VHS of Breyerfest 1996 has been found and has made them realize just how much has changed since then, and even the first Breyerfest. Strange to be that 1996 was 28 years ago, it still doesn't feel that long ago to me. To which then this leads into their monthly giveaway which was the Jump & Drive special run from last year, and this one will be shipped blind and the winner will not know if they got the loose mane & tail version, or the braided mane &tail version until it arrives. I guess they still have some leftover, even after the second chance sale. Maybe more will be available either at Breyerfest in the Breyer store this year, and/or put into blind bags or at least sold/gotten rid of somehow this year.
The side bar mention important ticket information as they have been sent out to everyone's emails, and at least everyone should have gotten them in their emails by now. Also around the time they were sent out they sent an email reminder if you are signed up for any workshops, they don't tell which ones you signed up for just letting you know you did. I wrote down everything I needed to know for workshops which were mostly the days and what time on those day they were as that's super important as they tell you to arrive no later than 15 minutes after start time if something causes you to be delayed. If anything I'll more than likely show up 15 minutes early just to be sure I'm there, checked in, and chosen a place to sit.
Then there is a new coloring competition for the month, I sadly don't have a printer nor do I know how to draw and color well online even if I had a good app or something like that to do it. I haven't done a coloring contest in awhile and I hope to do one again in the future when I'm able to have a decent printer. I bought one for collage but all the instructions were on a disc and my laptop doesn't come with a disc reader anymore and couldn't find anything online to get it work. All I can do is turn it one but can't get it to connect to a computer also it needs wifi and my Uni's wifi was a bit shoddy, but anyways I digressed too much.
Breyer has announced a new writing contest. 3 winners will be selected for the contest, the essay will be about a horse that inspires you/you think is Breyer model worthy. They note you do not have to own the horse/own a horse to do so, but it is mentioned in the rules that the owners of the horse will have to be able to be contacted if the horse/essay is chosen. The winner will get a first copy of the horse as a model, which could mean it could slightly vary from the official release which is stated to happen next year. The deadlione is the ned of this month before midnight. My only gripe with this is if you knew/know a horse, but don't know the owners and how they could be contacted. Especially if it was a horse from a rescue or at least knew it could change hands at any given point. I thought about the OTTB I wanted to adopt, but the last I know owned him was CANTER Pennsylvania division, I found one pic of him with a new owner on facebook but that post is now hidden and the owner wasn't fully tagged, only mentioned in the caption. I may just stick to a custom of him anyways. I have thought of a few others, 2 are now sadly deceased so I don't know if they'd work. I'm hoping to think of one before the end of the month because it would be so cool to not only win a Breyer competition for once, but also they haven't done an essay contest in awhile. The last one I can think of them doing was for Breyerfest in the '90s, I think it was Clue, but I don't know if one has been done since then, like between now and then.
Lastly, but not least, here is the sneak peak Breyer put at the end of the newsletter.
The coloration and way it is flowing reminds me of Mojave, but he's already been done twice so it's more than likely not him as there really isn't much more that can be done with him. It could be Huckleberry Bey, my guess is the fall Collector Club web special as they always have two year, so the last one of the year is due in a few months which can come pretty quickly.
Also beofre I forget, Happy 4th of July everyone (that is everyone in the US like me), happy belated Canada Day (July 1st) to all the canooks, whom are my neighbors when I'm back home in MN. We are also currently a little over a week away from Breyerfest!! That's it for now, see ya in the next post!!
(pic and info come from Breyer)