Friday, July 5, 2024

New/Updated Guesses List for the Surprise Horse!!

 So with all the new releases and reveals leading up to Breyerfest, this means some changes have to be made to the list for surprise horse speculations. so with all that in mind and having to update my initial guesses list, this is now what it looks like and what I think could be the surprise horse for this year's Breyerfest:

  • Just A Dream/Make A Wish
  • Forever Saige
  • Ruffian
  • Strapless
  • Marabella
  • Fell Pony
  • Zafirah
  • Goffert
  • Rain
  • Rejoice/National Show Horse
The rest are either too new and/or used for something else, or are vintage and are unlikely to be used as Breyer always uses a fairly new mold or at least one that is very old. So far I am now stumped on what else it could be as everything else has been crossed off due to new releases/reveals and other aside form that are extreme hypotheticals, those being:
  • Desatado
  • Salinero
  • Emerson
  • Misty
  • Missuori Fox Trotter
  • Othello
  • Boomerang
  • Clydesdale Mare
  • Silver
  • Gaming Stock Horse/Wyatt
  • Gem Twist
  • Idocus
  • Smart Chic Olena
  • Zippo Pine Bar
  • Galiceno
  • Huckleberry Bey
  • Brishen/Gyspy Vanner
  • Lipizzaner Mare
  • The extreme reach being the new mustang mare, that will come with a foal, from this years premier club that has yet to be released and I believe it will be the last release for the club this year.
That's all I could think of of my top initial releases fail. Mostly hoping my top 5 are correct. Below you can see how much my list has changed since the start of guessing and the start of the year with all the releases and reveals coming out since then.

First/original list:
  • Just A Dream/Make A Wish
  • Andalusian Mare
  • Lipizzaner Mare
  • Goffert
  • Forever Sage
  • Lonesome Glory
  • Ruffian
  • Strapless
  • Connemara Mare
  • Weather Girl
  • Fell Pony
  • Marabella
  • Standing Thoroughbred/Emerson
  • Zafirah
  • Mistys Twilight
  • PAM (proud arabian mare)
  • FAM (family arabian mare)
  • in between mare
  • gaming stock horse
  • Grazing Mare
  • Stock Horse Mare
  • Suscesion
  • Thoroughbred Mare
  • Touch of Class
  • Firefly
  • Welsh Mare

Second/first revised list:
  • Just A Dream/Make A Wish
  • Andalusian Mare
  • Lipizzaner Mare
  • Ruffian
  • Goffert
  • Lonesome Glory
  • Strapless
  • Connemara Mare
  • Marabella
  • gaming stock horse
  • Fell Pony
  • Forever Sage
  • Rain
  • Sport Pony/Fjord
  • Wixom
  • Weather Girl
  • Standing Thoroughbred/Emerson
  • Zafirah
  • Mistys Twilight
  • Halla/Bolya
  • PAM (proud arabian mare)
  • FAM (family arabian mare)
  • in between mare
  • Grazing Mare
  • Stock Horse Mare
  • Suscesion
  • Thoroughbred Mare
  • Touch of Class
  • Firefly
  • Welsh Mare
  • Lady Phase
What do you all think it could/it's gonna be. Guess we'll have to wait and see, only a week away now! Until the next one, bye y'all!!

Thursday, July 4, 2024

June Newsletter & New Essay Contest from Breyer!!

 I realized I forgot to share what was in the Collector Club June Newsletter  at the end of last month, so I will be doing that now. Especially since I just realized I never really look at it, just only saw the sneak peak from others.

So let's take a look at what's inside.

This newsletter goes over how Breyerfest is just around the corner and how a VHS of Breyerfest 1996 has been found and has made them realize just how much has changed since then, and even the first Breyerfest. Strange to be that 1996 was 28 years ago, it still doesn't feel that long ago to me. To which then this leads into their monthly giveaway which was the Jump & Drive special run from last year, and this one will be shipped blind and the winner will not know if they got the loose mane & tail version, or the braided mane &tail version until it arrives. I guess they still have some leftover, even after the second chance sale. Maybe more will be available either at Breyerfest in the Breyer store this year, and/or put into blind bags or at least sold/gotten rid of somehow this year.

The side bar mention important ticket information as they have been sent out to everyone's emails, and at least everyone should have gotten them in their emails by now. Also around the time they were sent out they sent an email reminder if you are signed up for any workshops, they don't tell which ones you signed up for just letting you know you did. I wrote down everything I needed to know for workshops which were mostly the days and what time on those day they were as that's super important as they tell you to arrive no later than 15 minutes after start time if something causes you to be delayed. If anything I'll more than likely show up 15 minutes early just to be sure I'm there, checked in, and chosen a place to sit.

Then there is a new coloring competition for the month, I sadly don't have a printer nor do I know how to draw and color well online even if I had a good app or something like that to do it. I haven't done a coloring contest in awhile and I hope to do one again in the future when I'm able to have a decent printer. I bought one for collage but all the instructions were on a disc and my laptop doesn't come with a disc reader anymore and couldn't find anything online to get it work. All I can do is turn it one but can't get it to connect to a computer also it needs wifi and my Uni's wifi was a bit shoddy, but anyways I digressed too much.

Breyer has announced a new writing contest. 3 winners will be selected for the contest, the essay will be about a horse that inspires you/you think is Breyer model worthy. They note you do not have to own the horse/own a horse to do so, but it is mentioned in the rules that the owners of the horse will have to be able to be contacted if the horse/essay is chosen. The winner will get a first copy of the horse as a model, which could mean it could slightly vary from the official release which is stated to happen next year. The deadlione is the ned of this month before midnight. My only gripe with this is if you knew/know a horse, but don't know the owners and how they could be contacted. Especially if it was a horse from a rescue or at least knew it could change hands at any given point. I thought about the OTTB I wanted to adopt, but the last I know owned him was CANTER Pennsylvania division, I found one pic of him with a new owner on facebook but that post is now hidden and the owner wasn't fully tagged, only mentioned in the caption. I may just stick to a custom of him anyways. I have thought of a few others, 2 are now sadly deceased so I don't know if they'd work. I'm hoping to think of one before the end of the month because it would be so cool to not only win a Breyer competition for once, but also they haven't done an essay contest in awhile. The last one I can think of them doing was for Breyerfest in the '90s, I think it was Clue, but I don't know if one has been done since then, like between now and then.

Lastly, but not least, here is the sneak peak Breyer put at the end of the newsletter.

The coloration and way it is flowing reminds me of Mojave, but he's already been done twice so it's more than likely not him as there really isn't much more that can be done with him. It could be Huckleberry Bey, my guess is the fall Collector Club web special as they always have two year, so the last one of the year is due in a few months which can come pretty quickly.

Also beofre I forget, Happy 4th of July everyone (that is everyone in the US like me), happy belated Canada Day (July 1st) to all the canooks, whom are my neighbors when I'm back home in MN. We are also currently a little over a week away from Breyerfest!! That's it for now, see ya in the next post!!

(pic and info come from Breyer)

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Last of the Breyerfest Auction Reveals!! (Part 4)

 The last of the reveals are here, so let's dive right in and take a look.

Lot #15:


This stunning boy is done in a delicious dapple sooty palomino. So by now you all should know I absolutely love sooty palominos and therefore wish I could get this guy. This boy has a blaze and one white sock while sporting the braided mane & tail variation of the mold. For awhile I had been waiting for a grey release on this mold, and now they have two different ones, so now I want more coats like this on him. The most interesting coat on the mold so far is the brindle coat of Josie from Breyerfest 2021. So the grey warmblood novelty has worn off for me on all their warmblood molds despite having a slight soft spot for grey warmbloods, I do want more warmbloods/sporthorses with uncommon coat colors to be represented, especially when this mold now has a mare variation instead of just gelding. Moving on to the next lot.

Lot #16:
Vanner Mare/Rhiannon
This beautiful gal is done in a gorgeous grey tobiano-sabino. So far this is the only grey coat I want to collect at the moment. It's so rare and also it all started with Beau on the Idocus mold which I am still on the hunt for, especially loose mane & tail variation. This mold is being used in the special run line up for the mare & foal set Fighter & Survivor. I do wish I could get this gal, but also considering this mod is paired with a foal, it does seem slightly unusual to get her alone instead of a pair. I still think she's cute and pretty, hopefully Breyer does more like her in the future.

Lot #17:
Cantering Welsh Cob/Llywelyn
This guy is the Sunday Raffle for this year, and his name is "You're So Vain". I believe he is named after the song of the same name by Carly Simon, I can't remember if I've heard this song before, may listen to it later. Anyways, he is done in a Red Dun Blanket Appaloosa. He is definitely the flashiest of the two raffle models this year, I may like him a bit more than You Oughta Know. I feel he slightly reminds me of an unreleased model on an unreleased mold from a poster I saw awhile ago, its a slightly older poster too, like late '90s-early 2000s, I'll have to try and find it if I can. I know of one Breyer dealer that has it as part of their stores decor. I think I will be hoping for him most out of the raffle this year, so wish me luck!!

Lot #19
Andalusian Mare & Foal
This lovely pair is done in a dapple rose grey for the mare & bay going grey for the foal. I do love a good rose grey, I think it's my favorite shade of grey next to mulberry grey which Breyer sadly doesn't do as often. If they did it more I would definitely get them in a heart beat. Also it's been awhile since these molds, especially the mare, has been seen in grey. The last was Fantasia Del C who was an all white grey, though I think the foal was never seen in grey not even fading to grey to it is nice to see as grey is a common and popular Andalusian coat color. Maybe one day I can welcome this lovely pair into my herd, but as always sadly today is not the day and this year is not the year. Though I think it is also officially safe to rule out the Andalusian mare for the surprise horse, I didn't think they would since she usually is paired with a foal, but they've done releases of her without a foal in the past like Celeste.

Lot #20:

This guy is in a stunning glossy blood bay overo. He is quite nice, but I think it would've suited a different mold or him in a solid bay. Also Blood bay is another shade Breyer doesn't do often and I wish they did, especially since they could do another book horse with it. In the black Stallion series, the black has a sulky colt, a standardbred, that is born blood bay and is named Bonfire. He would be perfect for a blood bay release. So nothing I wouldn't mind ever owning, it's rare but this is the second model in the lineup I've felt this way. Also maybe one Totilas, and even Salinero, can be the surprise horse for a year. This year is not the year where they'd fit anyways.

In the post it also mentions that there will be 2 releases that will not be revealed till the day of Breyerfest/opening day. I assume one is a complete set of a surprise model/special run set. Though I could be wrong, will definitely have to wait and see. That's it for now. May or may not post tomorrow with it being the 4th and I want to check out the local festivities and finally catch the parade. Until next time, bye!!

(pics and info come from Breyer)

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Breyerfest Auction Model Reveals Cont. (Part 3)

 A day late, but I at least I am more on top of it than before. Let's take a look at some more of the auction lots as a fourth post has been released by Breyer. So let's get started and take a look at more of this year's auction lineup.

Lot #10:


This big gal is done in lovely bay blanket appaloosa. From the picture, it looks like she has a very small star and snip and the tail bows are purple. She's a very nice appaloosa, nicest one I've seen in a while and I wish this was more of an official release as Wixom hasn't been used in a bit, last time was the start of the Birds of a Feather series as Puffin in 2021. Also there hasn't really been many appaloosas on this mold, only other OOAKs, she deserves a good full on appaloosa release after many pinto releases. Though this also takes another mold off my initial surprise horse guesses list, definitely need to make a new one soon.

Lot #11:
Connemara Mare
This girl is a glossy dapple dark bay. I like the shading, but the dapples do feel a little off. I've seen very light dapple son a dark bay, but not this light and it still flowed with the coloration of the horse. So she is the first I don't have to get too upset over if I never am able to somehow obtain in the future. Though there's another original surprise horse mold guess that bites the dust. So many mold are off that list now, though hopefully this means it can be narrowed down and take a guess.

Lot #12
Constantia/Standardbred Trotter Mare
This racy gal is in a beautiful chalky dapple grey. I absolutely love the shading on her, partly because this same type of coat was used for Anamar which he looked fantastic in. She's another I wish was a more obtainable release as Breyer has not done many grey Standardbreds, I know there aren't many in real life but the only grey Standardbreds I can think of them doing are limited editions or OOAKs sadly. She could be a nice contrast with Via Lattea from last year too. Also this mold was tentatively and at the very bottom of my Surprise Horse Guesses list so I don't mind her being taken off as she was used for last year's Breyerfest and she did just get a regular release this year too.

Lot #13
Rhenish German Draft/Georg
This handsome boy is "You Oughta Know" the Saturday Raffle model for Breyerfest this year. I will also use this as my overall opinion of him too. He is done in a very nice dapple bay sabino. I believe he is named after the song of the same name by Alanis Morrisette which I do like her music and other similar artists from that era and genre. I do plan on entering for him and hopefully winning him as I have barely come close to winning one. I don't recall entering for any in 2016 aside form the automatic early bird back when Breyer did that but because it was my first Breyerfest I didn't know what all entailed with that so I was either not chosen or was but you have to be present to win. So wish me luck in obtaining at least one of these.

Lot #14
Carrick/Walking Thoroughbred
This boy is done in a stunning chestnut sabino. I love this shade of copper chestnut on him, I think it's the same one they used for Justify's Breyer model. Also quick note, Breyer mostly does and seems to love doing OOAKs and other models in a sabino coat, probably because it's not too overly complicated to do like other pinto coat types. Anyways, he has a near bald face with speckling that goes up to it along with four tall stockings on all fours. His tail seems to have a slight flaxen tinge to it. He has a very cute pink nose, wish more sport horses were released on this mold. I'm still waiting for a grey to be released on this mold.

That's it for this post, will try to cover the rest tomorrow. Until next time!!

(all pics and info come from Breyer.)

Even More Breyerfest Releases!!

I'm back!! Sorry for the very long delay. I was hit with a mix of lack of motivation and having issues with my laptop which have been re...