Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Christmas Haul!

 Shared my Christmas haul to my socials but would also like to share here! Lately I've been more focussed on obtaining older and more limited releases as currently I can get most to all newer releases at any point in time. I really like the models I got this year as most were on my wishlist.

PS: I still don't know what to name the anniversary model for AQHA. Gonna keep her a mare, but don't know too many famous mares form years past and want to do something inspired by them. Also have yet to name the two foals and am having trouble finding inspiration for them.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Introduction/First Post

 Hello everyone. My name is Alicia, I am a horse lover and currently work on a thoroughbred farm in Kentucky and reside there as well.. I am originally from right outside the Twin Cities of Minnesota, a suburb of St. Paul. I attended the University of Kentucky from August of 2019 to May fo 2023, I graduated with a B.S. in Equine Science & Management with an emphasis in Business and a minor in Agricultural Economics. I have been seriously collecting breyer model horses/model horses since late 2015 but have always had model horses since I was a kid. My favorite mold is the Esprit mold and have a fair amount so far but would like to try to get every release, or at least every obtainable release on said mold. This is also why I chose it to be the banner for the header on my page. The name and word "abyss" comes from my dad when I wouldn't keep my room very tidy as a kid and it's now "the great abyss" but with models and have expanded into a few other rooms of my childhood home as I got my mom into collecting them as well.

Feel free to ask me any questions below if you'd like to get to know me better. I also have social media and outlets that I sell unwanted models that I will try to get linked here soon. I am hoping to be more active here around the start of the new year. I am taking the time now to get this page setup and figure out how it works and get it to the way I like it. Thanks for stopping by and hopefully you don't get lost in the abyss as time goes on!

Even More Breyerfest Releases!!

I'm back!! Sorry for the very long delay. I was hit with a mix of lack of motivation and having issues with my laptop which have been re...